Today a few more things showed up with the groceries, my stock cup board is pretty full now (well, I guess I could organize/stack it better).
This isn't stuff that lasts 500 years, I know. But if I can't afford groceries this fall/winter, I know I have some extras stuffed away that will get me through the days. If there's a sudden wave of covid, i can just stay home if needed. And coming Spring time I will start eating what's expiry date is for 2022/2023. I also got some extra types of flower, sugar, so I can probably bake enough variety stuff that will get me through some days, in case there's no gas, or electricity, or they're suddenly out of bread or something. I am not playing prepper here, or saying this is the way to go, this is what was either on sale, affordable, available, something i know i don't mind the taste of, and jars or cans that last more than a week without power in case we get cut off or whatever.
This is the third time in the last month or so that i add extras to my groceries, little cans of beans here, cans of peas and carrots, can with some fruit, mashed potato powder pouches, that just need water.. salt/sugar, etc.
Ideally I'd get a box with 3 months worth of food that is like military survival stuff that just needs water and/or some fire, and you can put in a closet and forget about for ten+ years. But they're like 300$ and up. haha. And I don't want to spend money on things i might never use. Over time i will use this up and end of spring i will find out what to re-stock or whatever.