Stocking up


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
With all that's happening with shortages, I'm thinking of stocking up on things, plus I'll finally stop working 6 days a week soon, and want to get ahead before I get lower pay.

I'm not going to stock up on cans of beans, and other random items I don't like, but things like toilet paper, maybe some cans of coke before there's too big a CO2 shortage for that! I don't know, I know I don't have a lot of space, but I want to get ahead, any ideas?


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Depends on what's running low.... we have petrol stations running out down here!!! So maybe a full tank and a jerry can?
The usual pasta and dry goods.... Toilet roll is a must!! A spare shampoo and soap and a washing up liquid/detergents...


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Did a toilet paper order last night, 48 rolls on their way to me!
Checked the bathroom drawers, plenty of shampoo and deodorant, might need to get another conditioner though.
Will do a food cupboard check this week, but think there's plenty of rice, pasta and oats at least.

Petrol isn't something I had thought of, mainly as I rarely use my car these days!


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Petrol isn't something I had thought of, mainly as I rarely use my car these days!
Yer it's an issue here, so much so that people are posting on facebook when the stations have had a delivery!


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I might get a pack of Coke to put away for Christmas, the co2 shortage will slow down fizzy production, so I can see those being harder to get.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
In the Netherlands here I haven't heard anything about shortages at all to be honest. But I love a good headsup.

Talking about toilet paper.. For $25 there's a 500 piece toilet-paper-tablets. They are big and strong compressed towels that need a tiny bit of water (like drops..) and you can unwrap them. They're super easy to store. I am going to buy a pack of that. Because as a "backup" having a tiny box the side of 5 books with 500 tp. It saves space, it's affordable, and if the zombies are coming I can just have a few in my backpack knowing I am safe.

Anyway, canned foods, there is a lot of stuff besides beans and soup that we can have, like tuna and salmon and all sorts of stuff. Having some properly stored rice, flour, and honey will also help you make a variety of food from bread to home made bread when there's a few weeks of no stores open or out of stock. And every time you do groceries you can get a few things.

Just make sure you keep an eye on the shelf life so you won't waste it going back over the year(s).

One thing I recommend buying is a small wrapped up warmth blanket, those shiny ones. You can put them in between blankets if the power goes out, or in front of your windows in the bedroom during storms if the power goes down. It helps keep the cold out, and reflects the warmth on the inside. They're cheap, small, and easy to bring in a go-back in the car as well.

Another thing I will get is a water purifier - a small one that does 3 layers, so when water goes and I don't know if I can trust it what I find, that I have a backup. They're also affordable and you can just forget about it until you need to take care of your family or at least yourself.

I am not a prepper, haha, and I should do a lot more! But, .. some basics that help you make it through two weeks when there's a panic suddenly: why not.

During black friday sales on amazon I have purchased quite a bunch of stuff that I still have today, and haven't even fully gone through. From tablets to do dishes with to soap for washing machine. It's way more affordable, and it's easier to buy a box with 12 to 24 packs/pieces of something.

Toilet paper I just buy once a year. I buy a 96 or 48 pack, depending on how much I have. They're comfy layered ones and affordable, and during black friday deals so cheap. But like i said, ill get another pack this year and i will get the tablets as well (because you can leave 10 in the car, 10 in a bag, and they're the size of a thick coin individually.

Amazon sells a pack of 24 or 48 cans of coca cola, and I think i might buy that during black friday if I can. or when i see a sale. Just like what nix said: just put it in storage.. it will be warm enough there to not freeze and explode. But I have some plastic containers that have air holes. I can put them in there just in case. I dont' want leakage.

Oats and pasta, i think i will go to an asian shop here, they have massive bags here very cheap. I might buy one of those seal container bags and a container to put that in. And move it in there. So that will be good for decades. Might do the same for oats and stuff. WHO KNOWS.

Shit, am i turning into a prepper now? haha

Petrol? I can't. . i dont have a need for it, but.. those eh .. bottles that you can use with gas, i can't think of the name. campers use them. i might buy 3 of those just in case we stop getting gas and i can that way still in a safe way make fire to cook water and food.

Anyway, i understand that logistics change in the world. but everybody panicking and buying things afraid of a shortage is a self fulfilling prophecy of course; that will create a shortage. Hopefully we are just wasting our money and everything will be okay.

I dont want a room filled with things i will then never use, but i do want some items that let me survive in my flat for a few weeks without gas, water, and electricity. And i want some of those items to be easy to take with me in a go bag in case we have to leave (like in a flood when a dyke breaks or fire).

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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I'm not that worried about there being no electricity, however if we do lose it then I could be locked out of my building as the doors are fob operated via electric!

I don't have storage space for much, so it's essentials only I'm going to get.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I'm not that worried about there being no electricity, however if we do lose it then I could be locked out of my building as the doors are fob operated via electric!

I don't have storage space for much, so it's essentials only I'm going to get.
Yeah, storage is slim here as well. But I have a corner in a small room where the water comes into the apartment, and I keep things in the boxes they arrive and just tetris stack them. I used a marker on the box so it's easy to read what's in them.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Tea, must get more tea! Got hot water bottles, might get a few more candles and another box or two of matches. Going to get a flask I think for hot water, trying to plan how to use the least amount of electric as possible. Time to dig out the wool, actually it's time to put the washing machine on!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Tea, must get more tea! Got hot water bottles, might get a few more candles and another box or two of matches. Going to get a flask I think for hot water, trying to plan how to use the least amount of electric as possible. Time to dig out the wool, actually it's time to put the washing machine on!
Ah yes, i forgot about the tea. I have a box with teas in them, "ill be fine"


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Toilet paper has arrived, I bought some base layer tops too, food shop should arrive on Sunday.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
SO people are going mad down here filling up with petrol!!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
As long as we keep our cool and don't overstock, just take a few precautions over time, and we will be fine.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
As long as we keep our cool and don't overstock, just take a few precautions over time, and we will be fine.
I think I'm more trying to get everything done before November when I have less money, so I don't run out on a lower income.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I think I'm more trying to get everything done before November when I have less money, so I don't run out on a lower income.
yeah, that's why I slowly throughout the year try to get little things sorted.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Yep, does seem to be the SE where it's most crazy!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I seen some news of what is happening in some countries, the uk is winning. i see ppl throwing out water to put petrol in the bottle (plastic bottle, the idiot..) and i see ppl stab eachother etc. crazy.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I might get a couple of water bottles, as we did have a day recently without water.

I've got quite a few candles, mostly tealights, but I should be fine if there's a power cut. However the handle broke on my wind up torch, so might get another one.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Normally I only prep for a power cut with a britta with water. And that's about it, it usually doesn't last more than hours.

But since Covid I made sure that my britta is always full, that the water boiler for coffee/tea is full, and that i have enough drinks in the house.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Found where I put the other windup torch, so all set for that. Knew I did have another but thought it might be in a box at my dad's.

Filled up the car, so that's done now.

I am worried about the fuel crisis, not just the costs in this country but if others, like China are having blackouts its going to affect manufacturing worldwide.
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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Right now I'm trying to build up enough stock that I can get by without shopping for a month. With planning I could probably do it now, but I have to factor the cat in too, so he's not quite got enough for a month. Might be around 3 weeks worth currently.

I've got plenty of candles, the power bar thing is charged, but I might look into getting another as I gave my dad my spare.