The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 2)

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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I guess they at least had enough blood then. yikes
Yes she certainly got that, didn't know if the cotton wool ball stuck down would be enough... hurts now :(


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Had my bloods done... the B@@@h made me bleed!
Wasn't that kinda the point! :P

Managed some washing up, need to sort out the rubbish too. At least get everything into the rubbish bin if not out.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Well.... my list for the next 3 days just got HUGE!!! I'm meeting up with my Cousin from South Africa on Monday....we have never met before so first impressions count as she is coming to my house!!! Crap..... o_o :D


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Today I can't even clean the kitchen. I have to deal with the legal crap again.
And I have a massive headache that I always get right before a thunderstorm.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Painted edge on top of wall, removed tape.

Painted top of plank, removed tape.

Painted bottom of plank, removed tape.

Cleaned up after me, and no idea how I am doing the bottom of the wall with these eyes without lying down on the floor. But after this break I will go and figure it out.

After this, a break! And then i can use the roller to do the top half of the wall and then another break and bottom of the wall.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

The floor part is so tough to do, I got 50% there. cry. just letting heart rate go down so i can try again to finish it.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
The room is empty ! (for 90%)
The floor is clean ! (for 90%)
The spider webs etc are sorted (for 100%)
Dust and crap is removed (for 90% ??)
The green tape etc placed, edges painted ,and removed .. (100%)
The top and bottom of the wall rolled - all painted (100%)

I can finally pick things up again from my todo list and maybe complete the list I started for this month.

Also, I am dead inside. I'd love to pick a nice color, have 2 layers of paint, do ceiling and walls, etc. But, i just can't.. i have no help, no money. This is just what i have to accept the situation is.

I couldn't find the coughk gun or however you type that, so couldn't fix the holes, and I am seriously out of paint as well. So, another day.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Sunday, and I just woke up 2 minutes ago. I am going to do a bit of work in kitchen to keep up with things. Otherwise I will sit down and boom it's monday.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Monday, UGH :D

Okay, I have cleaned the kitchen, tiny bit in bathroom, put dirty clothes in washing machine. I've cleaned out the tiny room, and I've put clean clothes on the bed in the bedroom and closed the door (out of sight out of mind) and I've cleaned the toilet and the sinks.

The stove is dirty, but no time to scrub, so closed it. :D

Gathered the trash, i have 2 bags full, I guess I can go throw that out now. But wait, should I shower first, and I need to ch.. yeah Ill go shower, change clothes, start laundry and then throw trash out.

Then I can rest, the paint in the room has dried! I think it looks good. not gonna do a second layer.

After 3pm my niece is dropping off chairs. And then DHL tonight with coffee!

Okay, shower first, bye


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Lots to do, zero motivation to do it. Maybe I'll get something done before work, who knows


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Lots to do, zero motivation to do it. Maybe I'll get something done before work, who knows
I just go up, did some offline organizing, and now I am ready to start the day.

Today's unfortn. all about online stuff as a digital deadline is nearby.

What I have been doing the last few days is: Don't put it down: put it away
This helped me to do things like: Don't put the mug and spoon down, instead, wash it, dry it, and put it away.

My kitchen is better, the bathroom looks better, etc. My upkeep is a little less.

Hopefully you find the motivation to do 5 little things so you can look back and go "I did more than I thought I would"


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Clothes washing wash and dry
Washing up
Shopping Amends
Housing out to look at stair rail
Paediatric appointment
BP check at Docs at 5.30
Forms to fill in
Rubbish out


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Wow, lots of stuff nix!

I have done a lot of the online stuff I need to do, now i have 2 hours to waste. So taking a break, emptied the almost empty little room. And mopped the floor one more time with special stuff for laminate floors. It is drying now. After that when I have time I can unpack the plastic wrap from the closet i got for storing plates, cups etc, and it will have to go to that room, i have no space for it anywhere else. And I guess if I am smart I wipe off the closet once, in case of animals or dust or whatever. Not sure what else to do with it - then I can finally start using it. This also clears up some space in the livingroom thankfully.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Clothes washing wash and dry
Washing up
Shopping Amends
Housing out to look at stair rail
Paediatric appointment
BP check at Docs at 5.30
Forms to fill in
Rubbish ou
Clothes washing wash and dry
Washing up
Shopping Amends
Housing out to look at stair rail
Paediatric appointment

BP check at Docs at 5.30
Forms to fill in
Rubbish out


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Floor is dry, I had lucn... wait, it was my first food: BREAKFASTss

I see the process is almost ready on the big online task, so I have to check on that, and then i can start moving that one closet into the little room


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Thursday already.

Here I am, pretending life is fine. it's fine. we're fine, you're fine. im fine... it's fine.

Let's clean some stuff as a distraction so Friday is here sooner.

The closet from the farm is in the little room, it fits with half an inch left. Crazy. Phew, so lucky.

If I run into things that can go in there I will clean it and put it in there.

I checked the plank and the storage boxes I got could fit five on them, so I ordered two more yesterday that could arrive today or tomorrow. I am ready now that the plank is reviewed, cleaned, and the wall behind it is painted and clean. I mean, I am ready to put the boxes there. So I can get a "old" box and review the items, clean it, trash some of it and store it in that box on the plank. And start to make room in the livingroom again.

There are some metal drawers for storing papers and stuff, small things. I think I have 2, maybe even 3 or 4 of them. I can these in that room as well. So if I run into pictures or paintings i dont want to hang i could consider and check if they fit in there.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
And it's Friday,

Washing machine on, need to get online stuff done before work and try and get some of the washing up done too.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Friday it is. And I just woke up to bad news, so I have -500 motivation and not sure how to get through the day, so to avoid me trying to fix and clean things and getting angry and redecorating the place by throwing everything I can lift, .. I will not do anything today probably.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

I've gathered up trash in the kitchen and put it in the bag, I have enough that when I go check mail later I can take the trash with me downstairs. Then at least something is done.

You mentioned laundry, I will go check if I can start laundry.

DHL shows up tonight, I will have to get dressed around 5pm so i make a fool of myself.

There was a guy at the door offering to do my windows Once a month for 12,50, i said yes for once in my life, they come every first sunday of the month. So let them.. i dotn have to be home for it, and saves me having to upkeep the front. i asked: i can cancel at any time. When they are here early july i will ask them to do the back windows once, and then i dont have to do those until next year lol.

maybe it motivates me to do the inside of the windows the coming week.. sigh, who knows.

I have decided today since i dont do apartment stuff, that i will do minecraft stuff. i compressed 7 days of work into 1 workable 'but i gotta do it now' day, and converting the 1mb server to 1.17, we will skip 2nd phase of beta testing and dont do internal testing tomorrow, and just do public testing over the weekend. Then we will see monday if we stay on 1.17 or not. But that frees up time for me to do other things this weekend and next week.

I am trying to not let my brother dictate my life with this court case, and just let it go, i got the email from lawyer, fine, whatever, back to my own life..

So i have a distraction but i dont get offline distractions from cleaning that can go wrong and put the pressure on. i can stay calm this way.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Today is a small ish list..

Piano lessons = Costa time
Washing up
Clothes washing
Admin to do
Tidy Abbs room of rubbish and plates!
Start my room


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Piano lessons = Costa time
Washing up
Clothes washing
Admin to do

Tidy Abbs room of rubbish and plates!
Start my room

Thread the washing line with new wire
Put up the outside fairy lights
Have coffee


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
What a busy weekend with the Minecraft upgrade, and it's not over.

But offline I've .. well, yeah: let's start again!

Some offline stress is behind me, I can let it go. So I can focus on me again.

TIme to try and find moments that work to make progress again before I fall back into depression and weeks of doing nothing.

There are things being delivered today, not sure which ones, but if it's the balcony thing then that's another step. Mini room, is the focus.

1 pm, oh boy..


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Three deliveries today, for once, smooth.. That helps with progress. Tomorrow groceries, and then I can focus on food, cleaning, blah blah.. for now, nap time.
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