Use a professional VPN


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
You can do a lot to protect yourself online, from using anonymous profiles, throw away email accounts, and using private browsing (incognito on chrome). To a VPN.

Most proxy and vpn services are pretty crap. They either log what you do, break the ssl connection, or simply gather your data and sell it to others. Inject ads, etc.

So paying for a professional one that values security and privacy and has been in the business and proven themselves ... is important.

Why use one?

Not everything online is worth browsing to, but you still do. You might get temped to try a torrent, or just wish to browse sites with links and images, but aren't sure what the next click might bring you. or visit sites that are high in traffic but have loads of ads on them. Maybe you wish to have hulu playing but you're from the EU and they block EU countries, etc. Be it legit or grey-area reasons. A VPN sorta hides who you are, encrypts the connection, and gives you the freedom to change your profile, fingerprint, and IP on the fly. Kinda helpful.

Do you use one yet? I do. it helped me get online on so many systems that are hiding behind a hardware firewall (think a school network, or bank, etc. just turn on vpn, use openDNS and boom you're online and no more restrictions).


OMG Member
Apr 7, 2017
Hell yes man! I set up my own on ovh for like, $3.50 a month. I followed this guide: and it worked like a charm. The only reason I went with this solution instead of a ready-made solution (like privateinternetaccess or NordVPN) was that I need a static IP address for a lot of the work stuff I do. That and a lot of the bigger ones (like the ones I mentioned) have blacklisted IPs in their pool - so one IP may work with netflix while the next doesn't - lots of hit and miss. I really suggest hosting your own. Especially if you have a bit of IT knowledge.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I gave proxpn some feedback in great detail. Talked to ceo who then gave me a comp account for three years. It s a great second or third vpn to use


OMG Member
Jan 18, 2011
I gave proxpn some feedback in great detail. Talked to ceo who then gave me a comp account for three years. It s a great second or third vpn to use
Can you talk with the ceo again for me? :D


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I'm tempted to get one, but don't know enough about them