What's the first forum software you've ever used?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
For me, it was eeeeeh... some freeware thingy, then I tried something else, and then vBulletin was released and I was like - hey, that's pretty good. Stuck with them until IB screwed it up, and thankfully XenForo came around. That's what we're using now. But I can't even remember what we used. MyBB, phpBB? something along those lines ---- waaaay back in 2001.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
I used proboards.com :)

Then use IPB, then found vBulletin, then we "discovered" XenForo.

Then I worked for IPB! >_>

Then I wrote my own, Then I wrote my own, Then I wrote my own, Then I wrote my own...

Now we use XenForo here and I help co-develop another forum software over at a gaming news site (filesnation).

also .. writing my own again at foravel.xyz

Azhria Lilu

OMG Member
Nov 16, 2003
First thing I used was ezboard (now known as Yuku).. from there we moved to IPB (when it was still free) for about a week, then i discovered vBulletin and stuck with them for years, now I use XF.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
First thing I used was ezboard (now known as Yuku).. from there we moved to IPB (when it was still free) for about a week, then i discovered vBulletin and stuck with them for years, now I use XF.
What would it take to get you off the XF train?

ehh.. asking for a friend ;)

Azhria Lilu

OMG Member
Nov 16, 2003
What would it take to get you off the XF train?
I'm not really on the train, so much as just hanging around the station these days :D

I love the IPB guys and you probably remember I used IPB for ages on Admin Extra but I just never got along with it. On paper it's the perfect software, in reality it drives me crazy LOL I always had a licence though to keep up with any changes, but ended up "selling" it a year or so ago to a friend . . .I put selling in quotes because I never got paid for it, which irritated me a little. . .okay, a lot but life's too short to dwell.

So.. what would it take to make me jump off XF? Like anything else, if it catches my eye and works for me for whatever project I had in mind at that time. I'm pretty open to trying different softwares out, but they have to suit me.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
I love the IPB guys and you probably remember I used IPB for ages on Admin Extra but I just never got along with it. On paper it's the perfect software, in reality it drives me crazy LOL I always had a licence though to keep up with any changes, but ended up "selling" it a year or so ago to a friend . . .I put selling in quotes because I never got paid for it, which irritated me a little. . .okay, a lot but life's too short to dwell.
I think IPB 4.x is doing well but I havent used it in a while.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I am still a vBulletin guy at heart, because of what it has done for my life, my friendships and how I got through some rough years talking about whatever - when it was 2.x and 3.6. It just really sucks it went downhill since then and took away as to why I was running a forum. I just can't like IPB, I am an active member on a few sites that have been on IPB for ages, and I just get frustrated or feel irritated by the end of two hours of posting there. I eventually just stopped. But the same with phpBB and Vanilla, etc.

At least IPB 4 is way more complete, and works a lot more like what vBulletin used to do, while trying to be modern. It's just not my thing.

XenForo solves both problems, but I am quite disappointed how they started because of that ridiculous lawsuit -. And version 1.5 feeling like a 1.2 release, and 2.0 like 1.9 .. It feels outdated and incomplete already, but the competition isn't any better.

This is simple to install, manage, work with and I am now familiar enough with it to make it do what I want.

But my level of caring for a forum package has disappeared. The guys from IB and the community of trolls that go out of their way to ruin the mood of others, and the lack of serious progress with modern self-hosted software is just eating away the level of fucks I could give about a company, their owners, or the sites using them. And I wish it was different. I miss the 2.2.4 vBulletin days, a lot.


OMG Member
Apr 7, 2017
I started with UBB (ultimate bulletin board). No database involved - all flat files modified on the fly with (shitty) perl scripts. Worst BBS ever - but it was all we had at the time :p