Which pets do you (or did you ever) own?

Which pets do you currently own

  • Cat(s)

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Dog(s)

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Guinea Pig(s), rabbit(s), hamster(s) or rat(s)

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Fish(es)

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Bird(s)

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Reptiles

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Sheep, goat, cow(s)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 30.8%

  • Total voters


Found it!
Sep 11, 2012
I have a Yorkshire Terrier. His name is Homer. Isn't he adorable? On the photo that I've attached - it's one of my favourites - he is trying to bite my camera. He tries to bite everything almost all of the time because he's quite aggressive but in a cute way since he is too small to cause any damage :mstickle: . He loves sleeping and eating - especially eating carrots :)




OMG Member
Sep 13, 2012
I am a proud owner of one cat and a Dwarf African Frog.

My cat is a grey tabby. She is about 12 years old. We found her outside in a blizzard in 2000. She was cold and hungry and very tiny for her age. I will never forget the night she was brought home. My husband found her and wrapped her in his coat to keep her warm until he got home. He opened his coat and said that he got something for me. I was very shocked to see a little tiny kitten all curled up in his coat. I took her immediately and wrappped her up in a blanket to help her get warm again. She stayed in my arms the whole night while I gave her her first taste of a good meal. As I was holding her, she kept mewing at me and I would respond and tell her it was ok. I kept the house quiet for her so that she wouldn't be spooked too much. And ever since, we have loved her very much.

My Dwarf African Frog was given to me this past Christmas as a gift. There were two in the small tank, but the male frog passed away about four days after I got him. The female frog is still alive and she makes me laugh! She does these poses that are so comical and she darts up to the top of the tank for air and then sometimes lets herself fall slowly to the bottom. At one point I thought she was dead because she was on her rock on her back! I couldn't belive it! I saw her and I tapped the glass of the tank and she moved. I was so thankful that she was ok I started laughing and calling her names for scaring me!

Anyway, those are my two recent pets. I have had dogs, cats, and rabbits as pets in the past. Too many to talk about each one.


OMG Member
Dec 31, 2011
My bird used to like to copy my mother calling for me. She'd go "Mike?" And my bird would say the same.

The owner is supposed to call the pet. The pet is not supposed to call the human by name!


OMG Member
Sep 17, 2012
I have 3 cats and one dog. They are all inside pets and it can get very crowded in our small house...not to mention there is fur everywhere (let's just say we have a lint brush in every room and car).

First and oldest, at 10 years old, is Casper. I found him at a shelter as a kitten. How anyone could give up such a cutie is beyond me?

♫ He's sexy and he knows it...♪♪

Next is Charlie. I got him to keep Casper company. Bad idea...Casper doesn't think much of him.


Here is Lily, my fat cat. She was left in a box on my doorstep as a young kitten that was too young to be taken from her mama. But she is the most loveable thing, especially at two in the morning when she wants to lay on top of your stomach and knead her paws into your neck so it feels like your choking in your sleep. Such a treat!


When she's not choking you, she will get into any position on your body to knead on any part of you she can reach.


This is my poodle, Gigi. Presently, she is the color pink. I was going for brown, but the red food color took precedence over the yellow and blue.



More fun than a barrel of STDs
Jan 4, 2010
Currently there's five dogs where I live. All of them belong to my various roommates, and they're all mutts in various sizes.

I used to have a rhodesian ridgeback from the time I was about 4 to the time I was maybe 15 when she passed away. She was adorable, never barked once in her life which is bizarre, but she was extremely protective.

I also used to own a lab/pitt bull/chow mix, another great dog. Unfortunately when we moved to an apartment we had to give her away to someone we thought we could trust. She died under mysterious circumstances a matter of months afterwards. Heartbreaking, I still feel guilty about that. Never got the chance to say goodbye to her.


OMG Member
Oct 7, 2012
I don't have a personal pet any more because I travel too much and it is not cool for them. However in my city home there are about 5 dogs and countless cats which we all take care of. In my place in the jungle we have about four or five dogs.

Back in the states I had a Siberian Husky but she passed on about 6 years ago or she'd definitely be with me.




OMG Member
Oct 23, 2012
We have two dogs at my house. For as long as I can remember my family had dogs. My father loved them, he never liked cats said they seem too sneaky. I on the other hand kind of like cats so does my sister, we have stray cats that come into our yard on occasion and there is one in particular that we've become quite attach to. At one time for about maybe five years we also had hamsters. But when we discovered how short the life span of a hamster was we decided that this just wasn't the type of pet we should continue to have, because you get attached they you have to say goodbye, it was getting to be heartbreaking with them.


OMG Member
Oct 22, 2012
I used to own two lovebirds when I was a child although they died because I kept on playing with them. I also owned a pair of hamsters but some neighborhood cat hid them in its belly. I now own an adorable dog that always goes into hyper mode whenever it sees me arrive home from school


OMG Member
Nov 2, 2012
Only ever had cats, last one was about 3 years ago now. Not planning on getting any more at the moment.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I have a cat called Doh Doh ... lol I did not choose the name, he came to me with it.


I used to have a Toy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Ginge...again I did not chose the name lol.


Azhria Lilu

OMG Member
Nov 16, 2003
I have a Maine Coon/BSH cross cat called Archie (we rehomed him at 16 weeks so he'd already been named), or more commonly "ouch, that hurt, you little shit" and a female rottweiler called Myka (stolen from Warehouse 13).

archie.png myka.png
You'd think the rottweiler would be the most dangerous animal in the house, but she's got to be the crappest dog on the planet. Loud noises terrify her, someone knocks at the door and she'll bark and hide and she doesn't like to go outside in the dark in case there's a big bad hedgehog or something hiding out there.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've got a cat now.

But I had a dog, multiple cats, I had some horses. A few bunnies..
Yeah, I lived on a farm :p