XenForo 1.1 Beta Releases

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
XenForo's 1.1 Beta Releases

We recently announced that version 1.1 of XenForo has been introduced and released to the public. Quite some features were introduced with the first release, but that didn't stop the company there.

With the beta releases 2 and 3 out now, more reported bugs and issues are fixed, more customer feedback is processed, and more features are completed.

Since the initial release the following has been updated, improved, or added to the 1.1 product.
  • Additional Administrator Permissions
  • Changes to the Warning System
  • Global RSS Feed
  • Date Criteria
  • Criteria based on Custom User Fields
  • Maximum Message Criteria
  • Templates as Files (for better caching)
  • Membercard supports new features such as warning and ignoring
  • Admin Panel reorganized a bit, mainly navigation
  • Profiles of banned members are made hidden
  • Rebuilding Search Index can be done per type
  • and much much more.
Oh, and
XenFans currently runs version 1.1.0 beta 3 live, and we're pleased with it's performance; It feels fast, and certainly not slower. It feels stable, and the new features and their options/settings make it not just nicer for the visitor to use our site, but it helps the team members do a better job.

As the beta releases imply, they're beta. This means we should perhaps not run it on our live site. And we recommend you don't follow us in our footsteps unless you are familiar with backing up your data, restoring it, and don't mind risking potential data loss.

We suggest you mirror (or sandbox) your site and do a test upgrade, and wait for the release candidate before trying it on your live site. Installation, upgrade, convert and mirror instructions are as always. Of course, you're free to contact us to see if someone on our team has the time to help for a fee.

I am also quite pleased to announce that after a quick review it appears that all the 1.0 products we've build and released work just fine with 1.1. And to clarify for which version our products are made here's an overview: (http://xenfans.com/forums/services/)
  • XenFans 1.0 products => Work on XenForo 1.0 (recommended) and do work on 1.1
  • XenFans 1.1 products => Work on XenForo 1.1 (recommended) and might work on 1.0
  • And so, XenFans 1.2 products is made for XenForo 1.2, etc. Keeping it as simple as possible.
With the beta period of XenForo undergoing the release candidate stage is not too far away. And I suggest those on 1.0 to upgrade to 1.1 when it goes stable. We at XenFans.com believe it's certainly worth it.

Our public discussion about XenForo 1.1 being around the corner : http://xenfans.com/threads/1207/
And our initial announcement of version 1.1 being released : http://xenfans.com/threads/1515/

XenForo Limited introduces version 1.1.0 beta 1 : http://xenfo.r:wave:20745
Followed up by version 1.1.0 beta 2 : http://xenfo.r:wave:20998
and recently version 1.1.0 beta 3 : http://xenfo.r:wave:21678


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
XenForo Limited announced version 1.1.0 beta 4 to the public.
Source: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-1-1-0-beta-4-released.22207/

Improvements beyond maintenance, bug fixes, and processing user-feedback include:
  • Improvements to the Thread Prefix system
  • Caching / Session Improvements
  • IP Logging to additional features such as conversations and profiles
  • Conversation Filtering Options
  • Extended JavaScript (un)compression Controls
  • Server Errors can now be deleted via a quick button
  • More Development tweaks for add-ons
  • and a few more improvements
Have fun with 1.1!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
And they proudly announce beta 5, and we hope the next release is stable enough to be a release candidate.
Source: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-1-1-0-beta-5-released.22910/

Changes include:
  • Sessions from the Cache
  • Tool to display customized style components
  • More accurate HTML to BBCode
  • Extended moderator logging
  • Additional security for super-administrators
  • Moving a thread now lets you select a prefix for all threads
Remember, this is beta software. Mirror your site, try things out. Play around and report bugs back to XenForo, and share your experience with XenFans.
I suspect XenFans to upgrade in the next few days.
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