XenForo Alpha Community

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
There was a big milestone to complete for Mike and Kier, getting the first usable build together and demonstrate it on what might now be known as ‘Demo Day‘. But they did it. And surprised a few lucky people with an exclusive first glance invite on:


And within hours the news virally spread to friends and colleagues and eventually ended up on Twitter, Facebook, and the usual web sites such as vbfans.com and IPB/vB’s company sites, avforums.com, etc.

And in a day it’t grown to 500+ members with over 5,000+ posts, and is still gaining momentum.
The biggest feedback (first impression wise) in the first 24 hours appears to be: Excellent, Kier and Mike have done an amazing job, and I can’t believe this first alpha already feels so stable and complete.

Here’s how it currently looks like:


We at XenFans are very excited about this new player in the market, and looking forward to sharing more news with you soon. Bookmark us and come back soon, after having a play with XenForo (link above).

To answer a few questions that I have received on XenFans here so far about XenForo product:

- When can I download it?
It’s currently a first public build, alpha 1, which can not be downloaded.

- How much will it cost?
It’s currently a first public build, and the web site does not mention any licensing or pricing schemes yet. What is known that it will be competitively priced to other products in the BBS market.

Our next post ‘feature demo’ will include a few videos showing you some tricks that XenForo has. Stay tuned!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
The above post was originally posted on our blog, and received the following comments:

nina stepford says:
although i am very excited by xenforo, i fear that people arent viewing it with a critical eye.

yazmeen says:
I commend these guys for creating xenforo. I especially liked the way how they give importance to posters. How they recognize them and keep in touch with them. its like even if they are big now, they still have time to give to the posters. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!


OMG Member
Nov 5, 2009
Remember how exciting "Demo Day" was Floris? It was surreal seeing it in action for the first time. Sure has come a long way in such a short time...but we all know, of course, it's 'impossible' to code something like they have in such a short period of time :p


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
impossible if you don't know what you're doing ;)
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