XenForo, the first stable release

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
XenForo version 1.0.0 Stable Released

XenForo Limited released their first stable version, together with introducing new services and license updates. The stable release means you will get official support, an admin demo, the option to use private support tickets, and that it's now not a problem to run XenForo on your live production web site.

"Over a year and a half has passed since work began on a brand new web software platform and a first class forum application built with it. Countless hours of work and extreme dedication to the task, together with extremely valuable input and feedback from a receptive and constructive community have resulted in a product of which we are extremely proud.
We extend our greatest thanks to all those who have dedicated their time, effort and money to helping XenForo reach this day. That means all those who have purchased licenses, answered questions on the forums, written add-ons, designed styles, painted graphics, modified templates or written tutorials and guides. Thank you all.
A special thanks must go to our moderators, who have worked tirelessly to give us developers as much development time as possible while maintaining order and civility on the forums.", XenForo Limited.
Full release thread: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-1-0-0.13280/

Of course we strongly recommend you first back up all your databases and files, and other data, then do a full test, and optionally consider contacting the XenFans team if you need help converting from another product to XenForo.

XenForo.com's customer-area offers a full download .zip as well as an optimized upgrade package.

This stable release is accompanied by a manual, bulk discount scheme and a special offer to thank those who have supported XenForo over the past few months. More about that in our second post below.

Newly introduced to the stable release are, among other improvements and bug fixes:
  • Bug Fixes and Polished Features
  • Additional Smilies Set
  • Advertisement Location Templates
  • Speed Improvements for Touch Browsers
  • Search and Quick Search now JSON
  • and a lot more, such as license changes, discounts, documentation, etc. (see post below)
XenFans.com has updated their convert service to support the stable release, including a final price increase, and our internal development area to support ongoing product development. The public web site is scheduled to be upgraded near the weekend.

We are looking for article writers and xenforo developers, if you want to earn a bit of money writing for us please contact us and we can discuss what we can mean for each others. With the stable release out we're looking forward to expanding our site content and products.

And we are looking for your feedback about XenForo, our web site, and your own community. Please let us know what your thoughts and experiences are. If you have any questions about the stable release, we can write documentation, step by step guides, or create a visual walkthrough video (at no cost) - just let us know.

Have fun installing, upgrading or converting your community to the first stable version. XenForo support is free, and available on http://xenfans.com/ - or as official support via xenforo.com

The XenFans Team


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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
XenForo Services and Support Released

Due to the nature of the stable release the company is now capable of providing professional support, a full admin demo, end-user documentation and more. Here's a quick overview:

Source: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/special-discounts-bulk-pricing-services-and-more.13278/
  • Temporary Discount on Additional Licenses (until March 15th, 2011)
  • Bulk Pricing Options (from March 15th, 2011 onwards)
  • License Extensions Options, including bulk
  • Installation Service
  • Upgrade Service
  • VAT charges for EU residents (from April 4th, 2011 onwards)
  • Manual (End-user documentation)
  • Help (Customer Support via Forums and Support Ticket System)
With the introduction of the end-user documentation XenFans.com is going to update it's own documentation to include links to the official XenForo documentation to provide additional information. Additional to XenForo's documentation here on XenFans.com you will be able to instantly ask questions, provide feedback, write content to be included, and we embed visual images, video and tricks and tips where appropriate - on top of covering information for end-users, moderators, administrators and developers.

With the introduction of the official Installation and Upgrade service we're going to discontinue ours. Sort of. We're going to refer users who inquire via XenFans.com to use the official service as a way to support XenForo Limited and to guarantee a successful installation. However, if we do a convert service we now offer the option to do a first time installation or an upgrade. The price will be 50% of the XenForo.com service, on top of the convert service and includes a backup of existing files/database.

With the introduction of the official support and ticket system option for XenForo, XenFans.com will continue to provide basic public support. And free in-depth support to Premium Account holders in private.

With the introduction of the official admin demo at XenForo.com, XenFans.com is to discontinue this free service. Upon request we can still provide a demo if the XenForo.com one is outdated. But we will not actively offer one.

We at XenFans.com are very excited with the first stable release, and the first introduction of documentation and services by XenForo Limited. And as always, we're not competing with the company, nor trying to be in its way. We're all here in the same community universe and want to help out for free as much as possible, share our help and resources. And sit on top of XenForo.com to help everybody achieve their goals with running a great community.
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