The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 3)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Wednesday, I don't remember what I did tuesday, besides probably laundry.

- Airing out the apartment soon for 15 minutes, and trying to do something again on the balcony.

- I thought about what I wanted for the bathroom, and start of cleaning of everything.

- Did manual dishes, since dishwasher still isn't reconnected (might not be, i dunno)

- Finished the dryer, folded everything.

- Trash is ready to be thrown out, and new bin liner is filled with what's lying around that i can throw out.

- I've continued to clean what i pick up to try and get rid of dust.

- Oh, i went to the atm machine yesterday to deposit money into the account so i can pay some bills, and order groceries.

- I just ordered groceries, they should be here on Thursday.

- I will go to the grocery store later to buy a few missing ingredients for tonights dinner.

- I might move one of the thingy-stands into the bathroom, to put stuff on , like towels, etc.

- I have to go look around for all the spots where i have vacuum bags, so i know how many i have, might need to buy more.

- I had a nice but short shower last night, and then wiped off all the walls and corners and ledges in the bathroom, making sure i get any dust and dirt. Bathroom is as clean as it will ever get now probably. No more renovation bits and stuff in corners and white dust lasnding ono everything

- Double checked the sink in the toilet room isn't leaking anymore, have'nt found evidence of it, should be fine now.

- Nap


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009

Washing up part 1 (before workmen)
Washing up part 2 (after workmen)
Shopping amendments
Arrange 6 monthly blood test
Arrange lift to school Monday
Workmen fix taps


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Best of luck today everybody.

Last night I couldn't get to sleep due to some half panic, half anxiety feeling that I couldn't shake.

I slept from 3 am to 7:30am when the renovation in another apartment started drilling cement floor and it woke me up. I feel so groggy.

I've tidied up the kitchen, cleaned the kitchen sink - after doing some dishes.

Then I had left over pizza on the balcony to try and do something nice, but the weird feeling in my body isn't going away.

Instead of swiffering the floor and dusting I simply took it easy and relaxed a bit until it was time for groceries to show up.

Groceries arrived, sheesh, expensive, even when trying to be smart and plan ahead and minimize portio.. whatever. I've put them away.

Threw the garbage out and put towels away, folded up some other laundry.

Calling it a day for now. I had a bunch of legal mails to read and reply to, which isn't helping to get rid of this weird feeling. Time to lay in bed for a bit and maybe nap for 1,5 hours to feel hopefully better.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Washing up part 1 (before workmen)
Washing up part 2 (after workmen)
Shopping amendments
Arrange 6 monthly blood test
Arrange lift to school Monday
Workmen fix taps



I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Washing up part 1 (before workmen)
Washing up part 2 (after workmen)
Shopping amendments
Arrange 6 monthly blood test
Arrange lift to school Monday
Workmen fix taps

Wow, nice progress!

Motivated me to get out of bed and finish some dishes again, have a nice shower, clean the bathroom and organize what i want to do next with it.

I've decided on light fixtures and things like that and invested a bit (too much) money into them. I've just ordered them, they should arrive tonight. Hopefully, I have someone next week or so to help put them up. I am in no rush.

I have gone through some services, such as mobile phone accounts, internet accounts, and streaming services, but also energy companies and water/heating companies. And tried to figure out what I have, what I pay, if I can pay less, and what maintenance is needed. Just to have a mental picture when moving forward. It feels so great that I have the mental free space now to focus on things that are benefitting me, instead of just stress over things caused by others. Hopefully, it's a forward-moving trend. sigh.

Moved a few more things in the living room into their original spot to get the feeling back that renovation is over and can get my apartment back. It pushed me towards thinking ahead about what goes where once I have time to make space for stuff like that.

Aired out the apartment a bit, and double-checked that the thermostat is indeed turned down as far as it gets. Next is to find time today to go around and check the radiators and make sure they're set to the amount it needs.

And I just went through my notes app and tidied up the listing of the electricity fuse box.

One thing I keep realizing in the last year is how little I really know about what I have in services, and how when someone asks something about it I feel so dumb for not even knowing. I might make a document that has a service on each page. Maybe not with passwords, but at least with the login or account name, and what it is, what they do, if it's monthly or yearly pay, and all that stuff. So I can drop a copy at my sister in case something happens and have it here in case a computer breaks and I don't have access to that data anymore. Like, as who is my doctor, dentist, streaming services, internet provider, mobile provider, how gives me water, warm water, electricity, gas, etc.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, food prep is done, someone made a mess of the kitchen. haha. I will do dishes once I've calmed down. this time it all went a bit hectic due to new ingredients and it only being a few days. stuff was done quicker than expected. anyway, time to sit, snack on the left overs, and let 3 boxes cool a bit before putting it in the fridge.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I've done not a lot today... chilled most of the day zoning out from life.
Back to life tomorrow.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I made progress where it mattered, but then Emily told me she will be here for lunch. SoooOooo, now i have to get the livingroom kinda ready for lunch tomorrow ^_^ it will be fine, but meh, more things to do :D
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Last night I've tidied up the apartment a bit. This morning I had a nice shower right after waking up. Which I almost never do. haha. Swiffered the floor, refreshed trash bin liner, and had a tiny breakfast. Airing out the apartment, just because it's nice fresh air and the weather is lovely. The sun coming up looks amazing. Emily will be here in a few hours, which is perfect, I can relax now and enjoy my saturday morning.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
update: cleaned toiletroom and cleaned the floor a bit more.
went to the grocery store to buy coffee since i have visitors and the free coffee didn't get delivered yesterday (grr)
i also called a few companies about something-something (can't say, in case emily reads this before her wedding haha), and i got that sorted.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Gathered up all the dishes.

Gathered up all the trash.

Gathered up all the laundry.

Gathered up all my emotions. haha

The doors are open and the apartment is being aired out.

I had a chat with Emily yesterday about my plans for the balcony, she might have a better impression of what I have and what we can do with it. I have to make an appointment to see if she wants to work on it one of these days.

And I am about to have a chat with someone who can help with washing the windows. So I can continue fighting the dust.

Laundry has started.

Some dishes are rinsed off.

Trash has been thrown out, but I still have one new bag, it's just not full enough - maybe after some tiding up later today.

It's kind of crazy how it's already halfway through May.

Inheritance stuff, I think all parties are on the same page and we can start finalizing the documentation soon and then resolve the whole matter. What a waste of three years of my life.

The weather is beautiful, I can have a really nice relaxing day. Hopefully, I can spend it on the balcony a bit, and when the Sun is too much I will go try and clean a room in the apartment a bit better.

Have a lovely Sunday everybody.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Had a relaxing day so far after being ill last night!
Started washing up
Brought all the washing up down from Abbs room
Can't dry washing outside today as its raining so I'll try again tomorrow
Prep all returns
Finish washing up
Prep dinner
DO dinner


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Had a relaxing day so far after being ill last night!
Started washing up
Brought all the washing up down from Abbs room
Can't dry washing outside today as its raining so I'll try again tomorrow
Prep all returns
Finish washing up
Prep dinner
DO dinner
no, not allowed to be ill


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Monday, headache day, i did some dishes, and that's it.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Been to dentist
Got clothes washing on

Washing up
Hang clothes outside and bring in when dry
Prep shop returns
Abbs room rubbish out


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Paperwork sorted out,
laundry done,
dreyer done,
airing apartment next, now that i am home.

rest of the day, me in the shadow on the balcony, trying to cool down. lol
nice weather!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Done some tidying up last night.

Just did the dishes.

I really do not want to do anything else.

I've worked on some of my projects a bit, and sorted out more legal paperwork (it never ends!)

I might just crawl back into bed for a power nap, and then have lunch in town or something.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hired a cleaning lady that my sister is familiar with for the inside/outside of the apartment windows. She will also try to clean the wood. It will be a few hours, and probably wont' be cheap. But it saves me a week of stress and gets me ready for the full inside of the apartment.
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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Lots to do, but main aim of today is to get rubbish and recycling out. The recycling has been building up so will need several trips to get rid of it all.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Thursday: prepped the apartment for friday, which wore me out.

Friday: Electricity sorted out, lamps installed (with help)
And someone came to help to wash windows and the wood around it, on the outside and inside.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
The last few days I have really gone out of my comfort zone. But I feel okay about it. It's now done, and the apartment is the better for it. If it was worth this money I do not know. But I am not going to linger on it. It's hard to keep track of the things I've done to clean and tidy, but it's pretty hectic as it's little things here and there constantly as I move around.

Last night I've cleaned the floors in the apartment and gathered up all the laundry, I will soon start that. I just had a shower, and afterwards I've cleaned the toilet and the bathroom.

The rest of the day I have to sort some things out and I want to rest my eyes today as well.

Have a nice weekend everybody.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I did nothing much today, little things here and there. Monday, it's go time again. Probably.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Monday morning;

- Airing out the apartment.
- Moving things on the balcony around.
- Did a portion of the dishes (the lower back wasn't too happy)
- Organized/gathered trash.
- Put dirty laundry in the machine, but it wasn't full enough to justify a run.
- Planned out the anti-dusting for CV-room and central hallway. I have to use that fluffy thing to do the ceiling, walls, edges, doors, and windows. Then let that rest and Swiffer and vacuum/hover the floors there. Then another day I can use something wet to repeat that to get it really clean for a while.
- I am hoping for some legal mail with a signature, but you know. why have hope at this point, seeing how it has gone so far.
- Watered the plants, and put them back in their spot.
- Since it's still early and my brain is still asleep. I am going to catch up on some Minecraft stuff while sitting down. And at 7am I will go do something again.

edit 1:
- weather is nice enough to leave the doors open
- CV-room / used the fluffy thing to do the corners, edges, ceiling, walls, and doors, glass top. Letting the dust settle and then vacuuming the floor
- Threw the trash out.
- I had some old dirty window-thingies that i just dont want to put back up, clean, or keep. So I threw them out.

My body is complaining still that it's awake. I am just going to take another break, why not. I am in no rush.

- Checked amazon, there should be a delivery today, probably end of the day.

edit 2:
- CV room hovered.
- reminder: i have to replace the filter in the hover machine thing
- put a bit of stuff back in that room
- did more dishes, just some plates and frying pans left, will do later
- folded the stuff from the dryer, i forgot i turned that on when i went to bed
- tidied up the living room table a bit
- did minecraft maintenance

My brain is complaining as much as my body now, so taking another break.

edit 3:
- finished all the dishes, minus a frying pan (shrug)
- had breakfast
- caught up on all online emails, dm, pm, msgs, etc.

edit 4:
- checked mail
- threw out a few boxes
- threw out some old childhood things that were broken and i dont want to keep
- cleaned ceiling, walls, and floor, doors and windows of the central hallway in the apartment
- had lunch
- did the dishes i had left and the frying pan
Last edited:
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
You've done shed loads today... me on the other hand, I've done nothing but some washing up! Must do stuff and do lots tomorrow...need umpf
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