The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 3)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
You've done shed loads today... me on the other hand, I've done nothing but some washing up! Must do stuff and do lots tomorrow...need umpf
even doing one thing is doing something nix!

My amazon package arrived, ill send you a video and a pic :D

i am done for today, time to switch into my comfy clothes, after a little bike ride, then a shower, film, and bed.

No legal papers showed up today to sign, surprise surprise.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Slept okay, even nodded back off. But my body isn't liking it. haha. I feel better as the hours go.

Cleaned the entrance hallway, pff, so dusty, and it still needs extra attention. The two little closets need to get emptied and properly cleaned.

Put bread in the airfryer for breakfast and lunch later.

Tidied the computer table a bit. It needs to get properly dust-cleaned. I might just find motivation today if nothing comes up that is, to remove what i can, move it over to one side, clean everything properly, and them to the other side and put things back and clean the other side.

It's still nice weather, so airing out the apartment for a bit. It's thankfully not as cool as yesterday.

My hover is heating up too much, and doesn't have enough sucking power. I think i have to take it apart and clean what i can, put new filter and new bag in, and see if that all makes a difference. If not, then maybe it's time to look into a new one at some point.

I have to work on something for the wedding, i have the stuff for phase 1, i can make some tests and figure out the details. I have enough time and i can throw that together in 1 hour, so I just have to prepare and make life easier in june. And phase 2, i have to do that now, im running out of time on that one. so i will update my research and further investigate and reach out to people and see what's possible.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
*sites down tired*

kay, the balcony has been cleaned with a brush the best i can, thankfully i dont have to do the windows and wood. I've removed all the zipties that were broken and the black thing i bought and is now broken (pout). Guess ill order that again.

I've cleaned the entrance hallway again a bit after the apartment aired out.

and gathered up all the dishes. we will see what's next. shaky eyes for now, so when that has improved ill pick up todo list again.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Cleaned bathroom and toilet and kitchen sinks.
- Sorted out a thing for the wedding (starts with c).
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Doing laundry, will throw it in the dryer in 15 minutes when it's done.
- Waiting for groceries to show up (yes, evening delivery yay)
- Done the dishes for 80%

We are over 500 posts, and the renovation is done. I will go and create a new thread for this tomorrow.
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