Perks for playing, with mcMMO

  • Connect today Guest, Join our never resetting Minecraft 1.21.4 survival server, where we explore, mine, build, and survive together. We are a family-friendly community, and open to all over the age of 13. Bring friends and make new ones!
    Features include: mcMMO RPG, Rewards for Achievements, a /market, Multiple worlds, sit on a chair, events, Economy, and more. We can't wait to have you join us!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Disclaimer: The below information is build from publicly available wiki information, in-game shared help pages, tips, and years of experience playing the game. As Minecraft develops forward as a game, so do these plugins. It's therefore possible that some information is incorrect or outdated. Feel free to give us a poke to point out a mistake and we will try to find time to correct it.

Once in a while we will review perm-banned members and null their mcMMO levels, among other things. It's a perk for fair-play community members who put the time into the server.

mcMMO is a cool RPG add-on that can help you gain a few perks the more you play. We use this to help you have more fun the more you play.

tldr; /mcstats, /mctop, /mcrank, and every skill is a /skillnamecommand like /mining or /axes

Every skill in the game is tracked, and comes with a 'right click' super action. And the more you do that skill, the higher that skill level is. The higher the skill level, the better the perks.

For example, shoveling dirt and sand can drop extra items like glowstone dust and at a higher level, cakes and diamond. This is the excavation skill.

For mining, you could have a super breaker perk, and the higher your mining level, the longer the super breaker will last. It also comes with double drop chance perk. Meaning if you break a diamond it might not just drop once, maybe it double or triple drops.

To see all the skills that we track with mcMMO, type: /mcstats
These are also your personal statistics.

To see how you rank, and compared to other players: /mcrank and /mctop are the commands you might want to use.

You can also play together in a /party, so start or join a party with others or your friends. Unlock all the party levels to get the most benefits like sharing mcMMO exp levels, and more. Super handy, you can fish, while nearby your friend mines. And you both go up in fishing and mining exp levels.

Anyway, to get started type /mcstats and pick a skill, then just get the item or tool for that skill and play like usually.

As you level up it will display in the in-game chat what your achieved level is.

Every skill is also a command with way more details, and help. For example: The mining skill is done with a pick axe of course, and typing /mining will display the mcMMO details for you, about the mining skill, perks, and help.

Questions? Just ask anybody online in-game, or contact me :) Have fun getting the most power levels and being the #1 player! #rpg
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
is about brewing potions. It provides a speed increase in the potion brew time, as well as the addition of new regular unobtainable potions.

XP Gain
by brewing potions. The amount of XP you receive depends on what stage of potion you are brewing.
There are four stages of potions; base potion, regular potion, a potion with one amplifier and a potion with two amplifiers. There is also a special potion stage for when you switch amplifiers

Perk Abilities
> Catalysis speeds of the brewing process. This ability is unlocked at level 100 by default.

> Concoctions allows brewing of more potions with custom ingredients. Which special ingredients are unlocked is determined by your Rank. There are 8 ranks to unlock.

RankPotionUnlocked ingredientsPerk
2Potion of DullnessAwkward potion + Slimeballgives the player Mining Fatigue.
2Potion of HasteAwkward potion + Carrot
3Potion of AbsorptionAwkward potion + Quartzprotect against blunt weapons and electrical damage
3Potion of LeapingAwkward potion + Red MushroomIt increases your jumping height and also decreases falling damage
4Potion of Health BoostAwkward potion + Apple
4Potion of HungerAwkward potion + Rotten Flesh
5Potion of NauseaAwkward potion + Brown Mushroom
5Potion of BlindnessAwkward potion + Ink Sack
6Potion of SaturationAwkward potion + Fernreduces the need for eating.
7Potion of DecayAwkward potion + Poisonous PotatoCauses the player to be withered.
8Potion of ResistanceAwkward potion + Regular Golden Apple

And don't forget the vanilla recipes!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
iis a skill that allows negation of fall damage through passive and active skills, Roll and Graceful Roll, as well as combat damage negation with the passive skill "Dodge".

XP Gain
by taking fall damage, as well as successfully dodging. The player can fall a maximum of 23 blocks without feather falling boots or rolling. Feather falling boots multiply the experience gained from acrobatics by two, regardless of level of boots. Although damage taken from Ender Peals is considered fall damage, there is no experience gain from it. After teleportation, there is a five second cool-down period where the user cannot gain any experience in Acrobatics, from falling or dodging.

Perk Abilities
> Graceful Roll it is activated by sneaking while falling. It is only effective if the sneaking is started 20 blocks or fewer before impact.

> Roll allows the player to reduce fall damage. As rolling is a passive skill, it will be activated simply by taking fall damage.

> Dodge halves combat damage taken; this includes Creeper explosions, Skeleton arrows, etc.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
is a skill that is centered around using an axe on wood, giant mushroom stalks, and leaves.

XP Gain
is gained by using an axe to break wood or giant mushroom stalks.

Perk Abilities
> Tree-Feller It is activated by right clicking with an axe in hand, and breaking the bottom log of a tree. All the logs above the one destroyed will be destroyed as well. Tree-feller uses two axe durability for every block destroyed. If the user's axe breaks while using Tree-feller, the user will suffer damage and no additional blocks will be destroyed, besides the one the axe was broken on.

> Leafblower It allows the user to break leaves with an axe very quickly; When using leaf-blower, leaves destroyed have a 10% chance to drop saplings.

> Double Drop gives the chance for wood blocks to drop two, instead of one.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
skill looks to change that by providing damage boosts as your Archery level progresses, not to mention that you can eventually daze players, providing a very hampering PvP effect. In addition to this, higher levels of archery will let you retrieve arrows from corpses.

XP Gain
is gained by using a bow and arrow in combat.

Perk Abilities
> Skill Shot increase the amount of damage you can deal with bow and arrows. The damage will never exceed 9 though, preventing one-shot kills in PVP.

> Arrow Retrieval Who needs an infinity bow anyways ?- Chance to recover arrows from an enemy killed by the archer.

> Daze Forces your opponents to look straight up for a short duration, this becomes very annoying in PVP for the affected since it disrupts their attacks.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
is a combat skill, players can use an axe as a weapon. Abilities such as Skull Splitter and Critical Strikes ensure that your trusty axe can obliterate any foe.

XP Gain
is gained by using an Axe in combat.

Perk Abilities
> Skull Splitter Area attack ability. Deals half the damage to surrounding mobs.

> Critical Strikes Allows critical hits that causes double damage to mobs.

> Axe Mastery Adds extra damage.

> Armor Impact Gives a chance to increased damage to armored foes.

> Greater Impact Bonus damage and similar effect as knockback II.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
dig more blocks and find treasures buried beneath the earth. What you find is based on your skill level and the type of material you are excavating.

XP Gain
is gained by using a shovel to break dirt, grass, sand and clay.

Perk Abilities
> Giga Drill Breaker for a short period of time, it will allow you to instantly break any block that is most effective when broken with a shovel. The duration depends on level and server configuration.

> Treasure Hunt Each time you dig a block, there is a chance to obtain items you would not normally get from digging. See the table below for possible drop information. There might be more than one drop per one dug block. Occasionally, Treasure Hunt will bug. Chance Drops and Experience Table
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
is a skill that enhances fishing in Minecraft.

"When you fish you will have a chance to find treasure. Among this treasure you can find magic items. You will find better items as your skill progresses and the chance of finding magic items will also increase." - The Autor.

XP Gain
is gained by catching fish or treasures with a fishing rod, or by shaking items off of monsters and animals.

Perk Abilities
> Master Angler improves the chance of catching a fish, this means that it will take less time before you get a bite! The ability activates when you're fishing in a boat or while you're fishing in a ocean biome.

> Ice Fishing allows you to fish in icy biomes. Cast your fishing rod on an ice block and a water hole will appear.

> Treasure Hunter chance to find random items in addition to the fishes they reel in. Chance and quality of items increase as Fishing skill is leveled up! The strength/level of enchantment and odds of said item being enchanted depends on Fishing level and Treasure Hunter Tier.

> Magic Hunter is the probability of fishing an enchanted treasure with the probability of an enchanted item appearing. Sometimes the message "You feel a touch of magic in this cast." will appear to indicate the skill activating.

> Shake the player will be able to shake items loose from mobs by hooking them with the fishing pole. Can be used repeatedly for a large number of items depending on the remaining health of the mob.

> Salvage is a child skill. :uhh:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
is a skill that provides a passive ability to increase drops from ores and it has two active abilities.

XP Gain
is gained by breaking stones and ores using a pickaxe.

Perk Abilities
> Super Breaker while activated, will add Efficiency V on your pickaxe, for a period of time depending on your mining level. If your pickaxe already had an Efficiency enchantment, 5 levels will get added to the pickaxes previous enchantment. This ability also allows you to triple the chance of getting double drops.

> Blast Mining disabled. :thumbsup:

>Smelting is a child skill. :uhh:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
gives the player the ability to repair tools, weapon and armour using an iron block. Very skilled players can use a gold block to salvage.

Perk Abilities
> Repair Mastery Increases the amount of durability repaired.

> Super Repair Gives a chance to double the amount repaired.

> Salvage Breaks apart tools and armours using a gold block but can only be applied to fully repaired items. (see it for more details)

> Arcane Forging Gives a chance to keep the enchantments either fully or at a reduced level.

>Smelting is a child skill. :uhh:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
add abilities which allow you to add bleed effects to your attacks and counter the enemies hits.

XP Gain
is gained by using a sword in combat.

Perk Abilities
> Serrated Strikes Deals +25% damage and apply Bleed+ to enemies within a small radius of your target. Number of enemies you can apply Bleed+ to will depend on the Sword material.

> Bleed Causes enemies to take damage every two seconds. If you apply bleed to a mob, it will bleed until the effect wears off or death, whichever comes first. The duration of the bleed is increased by your sword skill. Normally lasts for two seconds, however if your Swords skill is above 750 it will last for one tick longer than normal. Can have their duration increased if another Bleed is applied.

> Counter Attack takes the damage done to you, and returns half to the attacking person or mob. It will not work if you have half a heart remaining. The chance to perform a counter attack depends on your Swords level. Counter attack will not work on projectiles (Ranged Weaponary, Arrows, Ghast's Fireballs etc.).
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
allows you to summon, examine and use pets as effective support in combat.

XP Gain
is gained whenever one of your wolves damages an enemy.

Perk Abilities
> Call of the Wild Summons an animal to your side. To use it hold 10 bones for Wolf or 10 fish for Ocelot and hold shift while left clicking. Animals summoned with "Call of the Wild" will have a custom name.

> Beast Lore Shows the pets owner name and it's health.

> Gore Whenever tamed wolves attack a target, there is a chance that they will inflict a critical strike that applies bleed.

> Fast Food Service Gives the wolf a chance to heal on attack.

> Environmentally Aware Gives the pet phobia to lava and cactus and makes it immune to fall damage.

> Thick Fur Reduces damage to the pet and gives fire resistance.

> Holy Hound Wolves regain health when damaged by magic or poison.

> Shock Proof Reduces explosive damage to the pet.

> Sharpened Claws Adds damage bonus to the pets attack.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
is a combat skill; it uses the player's empty hand as a weapon. It includes many perks, such as disarming, deflecting arrows, higher base unarmed attack, and more.

XP Gain
is gained by using your bare hands in combat.

Perk Abilities
> Berserk is an active ability that, for a short time, increases unarmed combat damage. It is activated by right clicking a block with an empty hand, then punching a mob or block. Not only does it increase damage, but it can also very quickly break weak blocks, such as Dirt, Sand, and Clay; it can also turn Stone Bricks into Cracked Stone Bricks. While Berserk is activated, blocks can't be picked up.

> Iron Arm Style is a passive ability that increases the base unarmed combat damage.

> Arrow Deflect is a chance for arrows shot at the player to do no damage. It only works with arrows shot by players, and does not work with arrows shot by mobs.

> Disarm When the player hits an opponent while unarmed, there is a chance for the player to disarm the opponent, causing the weapon to be dropped.

> Iron Grip gives a chance for a successful Disarm to be counteracted.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
The level is determined by taking the average from the two parent skills, repair and fishing. Salvage allows you to use an gold block to salvage armor and tools, place down the block and right-click to salvage the item you're currently holding. This will break apart the item, and give back materials used to craft the item. Also you can use /Salvage toggle ON/OFF to avoid accidents.

XP Gain
Your Salvage skill level is based on your Fishing and Repair skill levels.

Perk Abilities
> Arcane Salvage This ability allows you to get enchanted books when salvaging enchanted items. Depending on your level the chance of successfully extracting a full or partial enchantment varies. When an enchantment is partially extracted, the enchantment book will have a lower level enchantment compared to what it was on the item.

> Advanced Salvage this ability allows you to salvage damaged items. The yield percentage increases as you level up. A higher yield means that you can get more materials back. With advanced salvage you will always get 1 material back, unless the item is too damaged. So you don't have to worry about destroying items without getting anything in return.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
is a child skill. The level is determined by taking the average from the two parent skills, mining and repair.

Perk Abilities
> Fuel Efficiency This ability increases the time fuel will burn in a furnace. The time will increase the higher your smelting skill is.

> Second Smelt there is a chance of the resources smelted doubling. The chance of this ability being activated will increase with leveling.

> Vanilla XP Boost The amount that comes from smelting in a furnace is increased with this ability.

> Flux Mining disabled. :thumbsup:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021


It allows multiple players to team up and play the game together. Party members have several features they can use to improve cooperative gameplay.
A mcMMO party can have the following features:
  • Party chat - allows party members to chat with each other.
  • Party teleport - allows party members to teleport to other party members.
  • Alliances - allows two parties to team up. Allies will have shared party chat and PVP is disabled between them.
  • Item Sharing - Picked up items are distributed between the nearby party members.
  • Xp Sharing - Earned experience is shared with nearby party members.
A party can earn experience and level up, just like a player. Leveling up your party is really easy, every time a party member earns XP for him-/herself - the party earns XP as well. Depending on the server configuration, this only happens when other party members are nearby. The amount of XP needed to reach the next level is calculated with the exact same formula as the one used for a player, only it is multiplied by the amount of party members, plus 3.


1. Current level of the party
2. Experience percentage and progress towards the next level

In order to access the party features, the party must earn enough XP to reach the required unlock level of each feature. Below are the unlock levels of each party features with the default settings.

Party featureUnlock level
Party Chat1
Party Teleport2
Item Share8
XP Share10

To get started with mcMMO parties, you need to either create a new party or join an existing one. If you want to create a new party, you need to use /party create <party-name> [password]. Setting a password is optional. This new party will be locked by default, this means that other players will not be able to use /party join <player-name>.

To join an existing party, you use /party join <player-name>. Note that you can only use this command if the party is not locked. If you know what the party's password is, you can join locked parties by using /party join <player-name> [password].

Now that you've joined a party, you can check the party's status with: /party. Here you can see which party members are online, who is nearby and what party features are unlocked or enabled.

If you want to leave a party, use: /party leave or /party quit or /party q. If you were the party leader, leadership will be automatically transferred to another online party member.

>Party Chat feature allows party members to chat with each other. There are a few was to use this feature. You can toggle party chat on by using /party chat or /pc. All messages send in chat will be send to the party members while it's toggled on.
The party leaders name will be displayed in gold, to make it easy to distinguish.
If you want to send just one quick message to your party, but don't feel like toggling party chat on and off again, you can use /party chat <message> or /pc <message>. This will not toggle party chat on, it will only send that one message to your party. After it is send, chat is handled normally again.

>Party Teleport is a great way to allow teleports to your party members. You can use /ptp <name> OR /party teleport <name> to request a teleport to the target player. The target player will have to type /ptp accept OR /party teleport accept in order to accept this request.

NOTE: /ptp is the same command as /party teleport, only shorter and faster to use.

If you don't mind that your party members can teleport to you, you can disable the teleport request by using /ptp acceptany. When the teleport requests are disabled, the teleport process will commence immediately, because requests get accepted automatically. It is also possible that the server is configured in a way that player will not have to request and confirm teleports.
When you want to stop other players from teleporting to you, or sending you requests to do so; you can disable party teleporting to you by using /ptp toggle. This will disable party teleportation for you.
Players will not be able to teleport when they have been hurt recently, or if they have just respawned.

###Alliance Allows two parties to team up. Allies will have shared party chat and PVP is disabled between them. Form an alliance by typing /party alliance invite <leader-name>, the party leader will receive a request to form an alliance with you. He will then have to confirm this by using /party alliance accept
Use /party alliance to check your alliance status.
In case you want to disband your alliance, use /party alliance disband

###Item Sharing
Party item sharing has two different modes that the party leader can choose between. Random and Equal.

#####Random With the random item share mode, all the near party members will have the same random chance of receiving the item, regardless of the values of the item.
Use /party itemshare random to activate.

#####Equal With the Equal item share mode, the chance of receiving an item is determined by it's value and how many valuable items a player has received. If Player A receives the first diamond, Player B will have more chance to receive the second diamond. Resulting in equally shared items by rarity.
Use /party itemshare equal to activate.

###XP Sharing Use /party xpshare equal to enable equal XP sharing. Now whenever a party member earns XP, all the other party members who are near will also receive XP!


While XP sharing is enabled, a share bonus will get added to the shared XP.

Near Party membersXP Share bonus

Greedy? Disable XP / Item sharing:
/party xpshare none Will disable party XP sharing.
/party itemshare none Will disable party item sharing.

> Manage your party Commands described here are limited to the party leader.
As the party leader, you have a couple of tools at your disposal to manage your party. First off, to control who can join your party you can lock or unlock your party. /party lock and /party unlock. By locking your party, other players can only join the party if their are either invited by the party leader or if they know the party password.
If you don't want to be bothered inviting your friends to your locked party, set a party password with /party password <password>. Now other players can join any of the party's members by typing /party join <player-name> <password>.
As the party leader, you can enable/disable item and XP sharing. How these two features work is described here and here respectively.
Another party command which only the party leader can use is /party rename <new-party-name>, use this command to rename your party.
There may be a time when you don't want to be the party's leader anymore. If this is the case, you can transfer the ownership of the party to another party member. Set a new party leader with /party owner <player-name>.
In case you're sick of your party and you want to get rid of it, use /party disband to instantly kick all members and delete the party.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2021
Other commands.

Command: /mctop
Overview of top 10 players, to go to page two: /mctop 2, and to view top 10 for a skillname, like fishing, type /mctop fishing

Command: /mcstats
Shows you a list of your current stats in levels per skill name. Does not include child skills like smelting, salvage and repair.

Command: /mcrank
Shows you a list of your ranks per skill name. A great simple overview.