I am very very displeased with the XenForo community!

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OMG Member
Dec 17, 2010
I am very displeased with the community, I rather post this here as probably over there it will end up getting locked like which every single suggestion and opinion ends up getting locked. I am sorry but I already see xenforo heading in the direction of vBulletin.. it is just so hard to share a honest suggestion.

If my forum was not doing so well right now, with its members, posts, activity, I would sure as hell go to vbulletin and start over even though I like xenforo's software much better... but xenforo's community is filled with rude people, its so hard to give a suggestion there, check out my suggestion before xenforo beta 6 http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-is-lacking-ways-to-fight-spam.10240/

I much rather have a friendlier community than a better software as the friendliness takes over and makes things better even if the software itself is crap. You can never ever share a honest suggestion over at xenforo. I am very very displeased and I just hate some of the people over at the forums. I am very dissatisfied with them.

Its not like this software is free like MyBB and phpBB that they are working their ass of to give it to people for free... thats why I got much more respect for the people over at MyBB and phpBB.. I paid for my $140 license, and I dont have a job as im just 16, and It just makes me real upset that they put down their customers. I paid for my goddamn license so it would be nice if I wouldnt get blasted at for sharing my suggestions and opinions, its not as if they are giving us this software for free as we are buying it from them.

Please dont post any rude comments here this is my personal opinion about the xenforo community, you may have a different experience so than thats good for you.


Trusted Member
Dec 1, 2010
He is talking about some of the people, which I support you in. Some of them are rude, but not all. Also, i quickly oberlooked that thread and didn't find a rude post.

Also, locking topics Is a good thing because the devs just know that there will be a major discussion with many dirty words if they wouldn't.


OMG Member
Dec 17, 2010
When you say community you mean everyone? Or a select few? I read through that thread and don't see anywhere when anyone was rude to you? Who was rude?
So you dont see Peggy's or carlos's post as rude, its fine because they are your friends so I got no problem for you to be taking their side even when they are at fault. Carlos likes to troll my threads so I decided to post this here to avoid any trolls or controversy. That thread was just a example, there are many many more threads. And as in community I stated " xenforo's community is filled with rude people" I didnt say everyone was rude, but from my experience there sharing an honest suggestion or opinion you will get blasted at for it.

Im getting tired of people calling me rude when it is the exact opposite, in that spam thread... that day was going pretty bad for me so I had to let it out and let the xenforo team know they need to do work on ways to prevent the spam, I had 15 spam bots register on my forum and post and PM members hardcore gay porn, I banned their IPS, and emails, but they still kept pouring in and in and they just wouldnt stop until I closed my forum, I had so many reported things in posts and PMs, members were PMing about the Pms they recieved and other things so I was over strssed out.

So since no one had to go through that they wouldnt know how FRUSTRATING that is. I never said anything bad in the thread, and then peggy starts taking shots at me, then carlos decides to join. Then Kier had to close it. Even if I did say something bad I would expect peggy to keep her cool as she is like a mom like figure... but still I didnt say anything bad at all.

I am sure im not the only one that feels this way, if more members like this keep popping up xenforo has some bad luck coming, I sure wont recommend people to xenforo anymore, I already reffered 4 people who purchased licenses, I can give proof if you like. So from now on I will let people know on the forums im active on how things are really run here on xenforo, and blog about it also. Then slowly slowly xenforo will too then develop a bad rep like vbulletin who im sure will come out of it at some time.

Theres gotta be changes.


OMG Member
Mar 4, 2010
I'm new to this, so impartial as can be. Looks to me as if you were the ass. They were trying to help you, and you let your bad mood get in the way of being appreciative of that help.

Also, taking bad sentiments from one place and spreading them to another is probably not a good idea. Accept that you screwed up and make amends.

Please don't take offence. I'm just trying to give you some honest constructive feedback.


Trusted Member
Dec 1, 2010
After reading the second page, I also have something to say.

I know that a human still have pre-historic things in him so he likes to fight and argue :)
But in that thread, I feel sorry that it wasn't locked by Kier earlier.

If something like that starts, just ignore the thread and move on with your life.


OMG Member
Dec 17, 2010
I'm new to this, so impartial as can be. Looks to me as if you were the ass. They were trying to help you, and you let your bad mood get in the way of being appreciative of that help.

Also, taking bad sentiments from one place and spreading them to another is probably not a good idea. Accept that you screwed up and make amends.

Please don't take offence. I'm just trying to give you some honest constructive feedback.
Alright I dont want to start anything here but you are going to call me an ass and expect me to take that disrespect as constuctive feedback? Btw as I said couple of times already that thread was just an example there are many more with me and other people.


OMG Member
Dec 29, 2010
I am going to take a chance here and offer up some advice. First off Im 52 years old and have seen this sort of thing in so many different ways that if I really stopped to think about it I would go crazy. I ran my own trucking company for 35 years. Now......

Kaiser, I have seen your posts over there often enough to hazard a guess that you are a strong minded, strong willed individual. What that means in this instance is that you feel strongly about something including your thoughts and you dont mind sharing them. Same goes with suggestions, criticisms etc that you voice. I, for one, do not have a problem with that. Perhaps my patience and understanding comes from age. We will never, as we go through life, have everyone agree with us on everything. That is life. What I have learnt is that if an opportunity comes up that I can voice my opinion on then I will. I do so with the understanding that not all, if any, will agree or support it. The thing is is that in a forum environment everyone is hidden behind a screen. We dont know these people in real life so that does give people the freedom to say what they like regardless of the ramifications that is causes.

On those occasions that people disagree with me I accept that as their right but as long as my personal view is there and stated calmly and politely I can stand up to a bit of criticism or entertain the other persons right to voice their opinion. Remember, a forum is an open arena that people will say what they want whether it is to your liking or not. When a thread is going against your desires then politely voice your arguements but if presented with silly flaming or even perceived antagonism towards you personally then walk away. You win because you refused to be drawn into a fight where none is really needed.

You will possibly attract someone who trolls you. Ignore. In the simpliest of explanations, most of the time a troll can be considered the equivalent of an online cyber bully. Nothing bothers a bully more than to be ignored and after being ignored they will go away because they can no longer get a reaction out of you.

To the issue in this thread. I like Xenforo software. I dont have any problems with the people over there and for that matter the people here. I dont expect everyone on either site to like one another and really it does not matter. The software is fine, it is obviously moving in a better direction than vBulletin. The Staff and developers of XenF are busy and with the numbers of members that cant always be there to put out fires. They also are busy trying to deal with bugs and more importantly advancing the software to the ultimate Gold Release. This is a really exciting time for everyone using this software for the simple reason that it is moving ahead, the Devs are listening and communicating as much as they can. Progress is tangible and evident. It really does not make any sense for you to bad mouth the software, threaten to go back to vB and telling all your friends simply because you have had some personal problems with the people in the forums. I suspect you are made of better stuff than that. There is an old saying that I will share here because I feel that it is still an important concept. "Dont cut off your nose to spite your face."

Stay on the road my young friend. The software is really not letting you down so concentrate on that instead of your interpretations of people that you will never meet in real life. Do what is right for you but do so in a manner that reflects well on yourself.


Trusted Member
Dec 1, 2010
I am going to take a chance here and offer up some advice. First off Im 52 years old and have seen this sort of thing in so many different ways that if I really stopped to think about it I would go crazy. I ran my own trucking company for 35 years. Now......

Kaiser, I have seen your posts over there often enough to hazard a guess that you are a strong minded, strong willed individual. What that means in this instance is that you feel strongly about something including your thoughts and you dont mind sharing them. Same goes with suggestions, criticisms etc that you voice. I, for one, do not have a problem with that. Perhaps my patience and understanding comes from age. We will never, as we go through life, have everyone agree with us on everything. That is life. What I have learnt is that if an opportunity comes up that I can voice my opinion on then I will. I do so with the understanding that not all, if any, will agree or support it. The thing is is that in a forum environment everyone is hidden behind a screen. We dont know these people in real life so that does give people the freedom to say what they like regardless of the ramifications that is causes.

On those occasions that people disagree with me I accept that as their right but as long as my personal view is there and stated calmly and politely I can stand up to a bit of criticism or entertain the other persons right to voice their opinion. Remember, a forum is an open arena that people will say what they want whether it is to your liking or not. When a thread is going against your desires then politely voice your arguements but if presented with silly flaming or even perceived antagonism towards you personally then walk away. You win because you refused to be drawn into a fight where none is really needed.

You will possibly attract someone who trolls you. Ignore. In the simpliest of explanations, most of the time a troll can be considered the equivalent of an online cyber bully. Nothing bothers a bully more than to be ignored and after being ignored they will go away because they can no longer get a reaction out of you.

To the issue in this thread. I like Xenforo software. I dont have any problems with the people over there and for that matter the people here. I dont expect everyone on either site to like one another and really it does not matter. The software is fine, it is obviously moving in a better direction than vBulletin. The Staff and developers of XenF are busy and with the numbers of members that cant always be there to put out fires. They also are busy trying to deal with bugs and more importantly advancing the software to the ultimate Gold Release. This is a really exciting time for everyone using this software for the simple reason that it is moving ahead, the Devs are listening and communicating as much as they can. Progress is tangible and evident. It really does not make any sense for you to bad mouth the software, threaten to go back to vB and telling all your friends simply because you have had some personal problems with the people in the forums. I suspect you are made of better stuff than that. There is an old saying that I will share here because I feel that it is still an important concept. "Dont cut off your nose to spite your face."

Stay on the road my young friend. The software is really not letting you down so concentrate on that instead of your interpretations of people that you will never meet in real life. Do what is right for you but do so in a manner that reflects well on yourself.

How do you do that? You read my mind, put it in nice words and write it down? :O


OMG Member
Mar 4, 2010
Alright I dont want to start anything here but you are going to call me an ass and expect me to take that disrespect as constuctive feedback?
I didn't say you are an ass, I said you were the ass, as in you acted like a petulant, spoiled child and got up in the grill of people who - without having any obligation to do so - were trying to help you.

BTW, respect is earned, not given automatically.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
I paid for my $140 license, and I dont have a job as im just 16, and It just makes me real upset that they put down their customers. I paid for my goddamn license so it would be nice if I wouldnt get blasted at for sharing my suggestions and opinions, its not as if they are giving us this software for free as we are buying it from them.

I see what you are saying, if you suggest something with even a hint of negativity, you get stomped on with the "Do it yourself" attitude by members and mods alike. I'm not saying the same is for the whole community, and the developers are always trying to be helpful in their replies. If you post a suggestion with for example, "I love xenforo please add this and i'll love you forever you're my gods I worship you", you'll do fine.

Note, this is simply what I've experienced in the last few months.


OMG Member
Dec 17, 2010
I see what you are saying, if you suggest something with even a hint of negativity, you get stomped on with the "Do it yourself" attitude by members and mods alike. I'm not saying the same is for the whole community, and the developers are always trying to be helpful in their replies. If you post a suggestion with for example, "I love xenforo please add this and i'll love you forever you're my gods I worship you", you'll do fine.

Note, this is simply what I've experienced in the last few months.
Exactly, Mikey thats my point.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
BTW, respect is earned, not given automatically. ;)
Although I posted what seems a pretty negative viewpoint above, I can also see this part of the argument. Although I may think I'm pretty well known (note, I don't think this, it's just an example) within the xenforo circles, the xenforo.com community is growing every day, this makes friendships which were forged in the long months posting on xenforo.com for the sake of posting, rather than for help with the script, become strained and forgotten as new people with new viewpoints enter the circle.

People who rather than are just interested in chatting (remember, most of xenforo.com pre release was the off topic forums), simply demand help for thier boards, so I can understand if I post something with a hint of negativity that the moderators or other members come along and point it out, "you can do it this way", but it's up to me how I interpret this, whether I take it as a "do it yourself" general attitude, or whether I take it as a "well, hopefully we get this into the next release, but for now you can do x, y and z". Depends what mood I, you, or anyone is in at the time.

btw, sorry if this post didn't make much sense.


OMG Member
Dec 17, 2010
Anyways guys I would like to say I hope my posts here dont get in the way of how great the software is, this thread is my feedback on the community and not the software. XenForo is no doubt the best software in my book. You guys can close this now.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I think your thread here was a general comment about how you personally experience the site - or notice a change in behavior by people. Some will understand that, some might not. Some people agree with you - others might have their own opinion about it.

And that it wasn't so much about that one particular thread, or one particular user there.

It doesn't take away how great the product is, how well they are helping during a non-support period, and how good suggestions are looked into (even if we don't notice/know because it happens behind closed doors).

Just because something goes ok for 90%, does not mean someone can't express themselves about the 10% that they wish was not there, so it was 100% total.

Just like on vBulletin, many web sites, including xenforo.com have moments where I get dragged into the negative mood and I post things I later re-read and wish I would have expressed differently.

It's a shame that certain actions by others can be read into while perhaps not intended as such. It's all how we all individually experience a post, a thread, a user, a forum, a board, the staff, the product, etc.

I think it's great we can at least be adult about it and discuss it openly there or here. Well, to an extend :)

I think it's great that users here aren't personally attacking each other or taking somewhat negative feedback (though constructive!) as personal or read it with too much weight.

Things are new to everybody, here on xenfans and there on xenforo, and we all need to find out how it fits in with what we do with our sites, and it can't be perfect for everybody all the time. But new things get discussed, and there should be room to discuss the somewhat negative aspects of it all as well.


OMG Member
Jul 10, 2008
I signed up to the forums when I first heard about the software in August but I never started posting until September. Mostly due to being off from work for over month after an operation, I spent a lot of time on the forums chatting away, my post count there is 755 which is more than any forum I'm on, Including my own and TAZ where I've just become staff.

When XenForo was released, I played around with converting my forums and didn't visit the community for a fair few days and then it was decided that XF wasn't right for us so I spent a lot more time becoming familiar with IPB.

I think I've probably only posted about a dozen times since it was released, I have visited the forums a few times since but the atmosphere felt very different and not in a good way really.

As soon as I can find a home for my license which is currently collecting e-dust, I'll probably start posting there again, I just hope that I'm wrong and things haven't changed much.


OMG Member
Dec 29, 2010
There has been a change for sure, to deny it would be silly. It is like anything. The product is becoming more popular so more people are talking about it either as buyers or potential. I think the biggest issues are that it has grown so fast that it has outgrown any structure that was there originally. The two devs dont have the time to police the forums properly so many threads get out of control. People start to snap at one another and others have taken on a mantle of authority without really having any.
It may get sorted out. The software is top notch but their forums are a bit disorganized. Scattered is the word that I would say best describes the place now. Still lots of good help is readily available. I suggest using the SEARCH function as it will cut down on the amount of time required to find what you need.

One thing that I do notice is that the poor devils that are making and releasing Add-Ons like Xen-Porta get tremendous demands for their time. Many people use them, many people dont understand them or how to get them working and many more wont take the time to find the answers that have already covered their questions. Thus you end up with 32 page threads. I know that Brogan tries to do a good job over there and he does it well but he is only one man.

Thick skin and patience is a virtual over there most of the time.


OMG Member
Nov 5, 2009
Just remember that it's the internet, not real life ;) If things bother you about the community, don't hang out there...that's what I do. It didn't take the place long to become very "cliquish" so to speak and I don't do cliques very well...I'm too old for it.

Just hang out here...this where all the cool assholes hang out :D


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hey John, welcome to the site. Yeah, it is great advice to just stay away or try not to get sucked in. But sometimes it just gets to you or you're sucked in before you know it.

It's a shame that we can put focus on a few things that are bad, but it's harder to say how wonderful everything else is.

I think people should realize that despite some negative feedback, there is at least 90% positive feedback about whatever we're happy with.

I am for one still as excited about XenForo today, as I was from day 1.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
One thing that I do notice is that the poor devils that are making and releasing Add-Ons like Xen-Porta get tremendous demands for their time. Many people use them, many people dont understand them or how to get them working and many more wont take the time to find the answers that have already covered their questions. Thus you end up with 32 page threads.
It was and is still the same over at vBulletin.org. If you release a modification for any software, you have to be prepared for huge demands from (mostly) ungrateful users who don't care if you have a life or other commitments, you're a coder, you obviously have time to support it 24/7 and answer every single PM (I'm generalising). But just to say, that's not solely a XenForo.com issue.
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