The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 1)

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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Ok, food is cooking, then it's time to get on and sort the bedroom out.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Wednesday update, I did stuff in the morning in my apartment, but took the time to rest. I prepped my bike, gathered all the stuff I needed to bring with me. Ordered food for lunch to surprise my sister and went to the farm for the next 4+ hours.

It was emotional, and a bit tough, and my body on top of that wasn't happy with being outside in the covid world haha ~ well, the pain in the joints and muscles were the worst, but I pulled through.

We made "some" progress, a third of the book thing is done. I got to pick some stuff I wanted to keep. We found some relics and personal msgs, and we found some books my parents and their parents helped write, wrote themselves, or translated. Pretty nifty.

I have to go back tomorrow probably (though I guess I could go today?.. MAYBE). To do more.

Right now I am emptying the dishwasher here again, started laundry, I have some admin work to do. And I am content with how the kitchen and living room area looks (I said content, not happy..)

We will see how much I can do today, my body needs to recover from the extra work I do again and still from the fall from the other week. I hate how everything hurts. lol

- Mini update

I've emptied the dishwasher, filled it back up again. It's not full enough to run.
I've emptied dryer again and filled up the washing machine so I have clean clothes tomorrow.

Went to the store just now, and cashed in some scratch ticket from november haha. Got 7 euro. yay. That goes into my savings box in the living room (dont come steal it, IS MINE! lol)

Got a voucher for some stupid spring plants that are tiny and not really worth much, but they are free! I think friday, two weeks from now, i can go pick them up.

Oh yeah, and I emptied the kitchen sink area, and threw a bit of trash out. The second bit of trash has to wait until I can carry that. It was too much to put on my bike.

Anyway, I have a whole day ahead of me, I can ignore Minecraft, I can watch tv or a movie, I can nap. And in between I can try to be productive. While resting my body knowing tomorrow I will have to put physical and mental energy into it all again with another visit to the farm.

Okay, let's think outloud: I have no idea when the movers are coming, but I assume near end of month, or early June. However, I am going to assume they come next week - we depend on THEM having a free date. That means the living room has to be ready and empty enough for them to (plan-b) dump all the stuff there. So I have to at least finish up the living room, the kitchen, and the toilet. Ideally, they can dump it all in the last little empty room (plan-a), but that means between now and them suddenly showing up I have to empty that, sort it, organize it, have more trash to throw out, and clean it all properly (that room is currently the most dirty of the apartment).

Of course I aim for plan-a, but plan-b is 50% of it. So i thankfully dont have to stress. What's next for me now is to use today to make a start with a lot of little things, so I can finish at least one thing 100% this weekend. And have plan-b in the bag. Tomorrow I go to the farm. I will use both sat/sun to finish plan-b, and then monday maybe take a day off, or find motivation to go back to the farm for a final time to sort books and the tools from the shed, and stuff like that. Maybe take tuesday off, or if i can pull it, use tuesday to start throwing things away from the little room and make room to properly clean.

Hopefully by then I know who is coming when to my apartment, so I can better schedule things and know when I can take 24 hours off.

Oh yeah, another topic. I ordered a little cute basket with plants for my mom to arrive tomorrow, so she can enjoy that this weekend (for mothersday), to help my sister and niece out, I put our names on it (and they chip in on the money - but they dont know that yet haha). I also bought a plant puzzel that shows up tomorrow, wishing mom a nice spring time.

Ugh oh yeah, I had a card for public transportation and it expired, it had 60 bucks on it. I had to file a form with them to request a refund. So annoying. I hope I get it back. I also need to order a new card soon.

BUT FOR NOW I can stay home all day, no deliveries either!
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
You are steaming through this week!

Me so far... not much!
To do...

Finish washing up
Rubbish out
Food waste out
Clear table
Sweep floor
Tidy Living room
Put sofas back together!
Might even hoover! LOL

Gut downstairs make sure all tidy
Abbs room (wish me luck)
Call Drs re bloods results
Clean loo
Definitely hoover downstairs
DO dinner at noon for 7pm...slow cooker meal.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
You are steaming through this week!
I am already paying for it. Halfway through the day I got a headache and been in bed until 10 minutes ago. haha, ARGH

A big list for you today as well. I hope you got through it.

I did food prepping this morning as well. So hopefully that makes it easier the coming days to do other todo items and just quickly reheat some nomnom and it also means less takeaway dinner.

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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Woooaahhh lots of food

I'm having food now (well it's cooking) then finishing off the bedroom.

Might try to get some of the washing up done this evening too, or at least put the load I did this morning away.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Woooaahhh lots of food

I'm having food now (well it's cooking) then finishing off the bedroom.

Might try to get some of the washing up done this evening too, or at least put the load I did this morning away.

Yeah, I am awake and tonight I will watch a movie and use one of the prepped foods, and tomorrow, and day after and sunday.. lol.
Then monday i have to find time to figure out what to eat that week, i have more rice stored that needs to get used. maybe it's a rice week haha


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Bedroom is nearly done, more laundry to do and to finish the hoovering on the other side of the bed.

Washing up is still a work in progress!


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
To do...

Finish washing up
Rubbish out
Food waste out

Clear table
Sweep floor
Tidy Living room
Put sofas back together!
Might even hoover! LOL
Gut downstairs make sure all tidy
Call Drs re bloods results
Clean loo
Definitely hoover downstairs
DO dinner at noon for 7pm...slow cooker meal.

Yer I didnt do much in the end yesterday. So tired today... could be a fun day!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Bedroom is nearly done, more laundry to do and to finish the hoovering on the other side of the bed.

Washing up is still a work in progress!


To do...

Finish washing up
Rubbish out
Food waste out

Clear table
Sweep floor
Tidy Living room
Put sofas back together!
Might even hoover! LOL
Gut downstairs make sure all tidy
Call Drs re bloods results
Clean loo
Definitely hoover downstairs
DO dinner at noon for 7pm...slow cooker meal.

Yer I didnt do much in the end yesterday. So tired today... could be a fun day!

No more excuses! It's the end of the week, do 1 more thing before you give up - i did, and i felt great making progress.

Anyway :D today is about the farm again, it will be a long day. I done 2 things this morning, finished washing a bedroom duvet thing, and glad i made food yesterday. Tonight i eat with the fam at the farm, so i will be there long than i can handle. Tonight i schedule: nothing. just clothes in the washer, shower, and maybe an advil and sleep haha.

My arm is sour this morning, my body is hinting that i need a break. But, gotta keep moving forward without pushing too hard


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Back home now, food is cooking, washing machine is loaded ready for tomorrow. Might clear the sofa tonight and hoover the living room then both bedroom and living room will have been hoovered


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
back home, survived the day at the farm.
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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Lots to do today, but I'm also out for quite a bit of it!

Already made a start though, still need to finish hoovering the desk side of the living room. Finish the kitchen and bathroom. Bedroom is good though, bathroom is just waiting for me to take a shower first!

Washing up is mostly done, then its worktops and giving the oven a quick wipe over, yeah it's not getting a full clean! Emptying the recycling and rubbish, sweep and mop floor.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Good luck @Joan

I have lots to do but taking it in small chunks today as ankle hurts. Off to walk in centre at hospital tomorrow to see whats wrong, hopefully I'll get an answer.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Almost done, got one load of washing up to do from my roast, then it's just the drains to do. Plus rubbish and recycling out


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Lots to do today, but I'm also out for quite a bit of it!

Already made a start though, still need to finish hoovering the desk side of the living room. Finish the kitchen and bathroom. Bedroom is good though, bathroom is just waiting for me to take a shower first!

Washing up is mostly done, then its worktops and giving the oven a quick wipe over, yeah it's not getting a full clean! Emptying the recycling and rubbish, sweep and mop floor.

Good luck @Joan

I have lots to do but taking it in small chunks today as ankle hurts. Off to walk in centre at hospital tomorrow to see whats wrong, hopefully I'll get an answer.

Both of you best of luck today! I am doing nothing today. Just some minecraft stuff and tv watching. I will pick real life up again tomorrow. I don't want to get infections in my hurt muscles.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
If I get time this morning I'll put clothes away and clean the side table, but I'm not going to worry about it. Do still need to do the bath drain though.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Taking a few days rest really helped me, I slept better, I feel better in bed with my broken body. And mentally I am less stressed etc.

But now I have a date for the movers: 19th.

So since it's the 10th today I will give myself a week and a day off in between. Time to grab my todo list, update it, and reschedule things. Plan A- screw it, why stress .. since it wont be late may or early june, and go with Plan-B, so it's managable. The living room to store it all .. Then I have all the time in the world after to move things between rooms in the apartment.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Well I don't think they looked too much today, everything was as I left it thankfully and I've not heard anything.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Done nothing with the house today after 4 hours at the walk in centre! So I'll pick it up tomorrow.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Today went different than expected, laundry is running now, kitchen is a mess lol.
I know now what I have to do, made a start on that todo list. What a poorly day. I hope tomorrow goes more productive.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Guess who has a ton of washing up to do again! Yeah kitchen is already a mess.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Today's jobs list;

Washing up
Tidy kitchen
Call housing
Call Docs
Gas & Elec readings and report
Parcels made up for returns

Contact gardener
Clothes washing x2 loads [one load done]
Check Brothers presents situation for present day coming up

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, today's update.

Dryer emptied,
Dishwasher emptied,
Washing machine filled up,
Dishwasher filled up,
Cleaned the sink (not the area around it yet)
Moved a closet that was in the way into a storage room.
Moved some smaller things to put in and on that closet to make space in the living room.
Hoovered the floor
Moved guitars into a corner.
Considering to move a cable to another side to make sure movers don't accidentally pull the chord and ruin my imac haha.
Emptied the trash in the kitchen into bin liners, they're ready to be taken out.
Moved boxes together, they're ready to be thrown out.
Fixed up something with my bike (i wish i had money to buy a new electric bike .. i am getting tired of this one)
Tidied up the computer table again, I just need to scrub it and remove dust.
Getting more ready to empty the living room table.
Made a start to make space towards the balcony so movers can go there for a table and some chairs.
I tried to get some dust off here and there, but those movements really hurt my shoulder.
Poorly cleaned the toilet area, I need to do that tomorrow and then day before they show up.
And it wouldn't hurt if I poorly do the shower area and then on the day before I make a bigger effort.
Charged all my devices. And updated the OS and apps.
Realised what an amount of crap I got from the farm, and still know how little it actually is, I said no to a lot that I probably should have said yes to.

Ordered sandwiches so I have food this evening, at 4am and for breakfast at 11 am. lol. I forgot groceries and didn't want soup. !! sue me.

We also had some bad news within the family on my dads' family side, so my sad feelz are fighting my motivation to really make a big effort.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Another day another dust pile.

I've made progress during the evening and night, the living room is a lot emptier and I am more happy and less stressed/anxious about the 19th. I have enough time now to clean bathroom/toilet and throw trash out etc. I can also stay current.

Sleep is still horrible, so today is going to be hell physically. But oh well. That's why we have ibuprofen and coffee.

All the things from the last few days that I mentioned "but still have to.." will hopefully get addressed today.

Tidied up living room floor, made room to mop the floor, and did an initial run and then a wet run. And then went over it with a big towel. Phase 1 completed. My heart rate is 5000. Day before they come I can do this again i guess haha.
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