Last update for today!
Tonight I will bring downstairs some more boxes that I have now collected. I have some stuff like empty bottles etc that I need to get rid off as well. I've 'quickly cleaned' the bathroom one more time, but nothing more I can do until I get today's cleaning stuff, and I will use that after dinner tonight.
Tomorrow I have to seriously continue with the bathroom. And I have to do the final touches to the bedroom.
The hallway is like 90% done now and my living room area is slowly collecting things that I need to temporary move out of the way so I have to tidy that up tonight as well.
Dishes are done, laundry is done. Just have to put new dishes in the washing machine and manually do some pots and pans from last night.
My back is not happy again, that's clear haha. But not really dizzy thankfully.
I've learned a bit about the responsibilities of maintenance in my apartment, and what my renter is responsible for. Hopefully a todo list for 2021 will start to take shape and I can continue this extra stuff early 2021 and make a first step towards getting my apartment back into shape. I am an adult, I can do this!
Groceries will soon be delivered thankfully, but there's no need to come back today with another update.
Hopefully tomorrow I can finalize some items from this week's todo list and feel like I am finally making progress.
Other todo items like some Minecraft event preparations have been completed, and I've moved over the last bit of data and terminated the old host. So that's less weight on my shoulder. Digital cleaning up
All those 9 products I ordered have been delivered and I've visited my mom last night to give them to her. The bill is on its way to the accountant. And that's another thing off of my todo list.
Tomorrow I think someone might show up to replace a cable. I will let them review the setup and possibly make changes. And that area is tidy and clean now (it was, but i dusted and hoovered, and tidied)
The next appointment is 24th, I have until then to finish these rooms that they need access to (a lot of stuff is in front of the heaters and my rooms are ugly)
So that gives me 11 days, and I have 12 things left on my todo list. However, 3 of them are like 50 to 75% done. So I should be able to catch up tomorrow.
Alright, my rambling ranting brain is empty, sorry for bothering you