The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 2)

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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Blimy @Floris you been on a mission this week.

I been busy. Went to garden centre yesterday so gardening was done (will post pics later).

Today I've done most of my admin.
Abbs room (OMG send help!)
Clothes washing
Garden rubbish out
washing up


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Blimy @Floris you been on a mission this week.

I been busy. Went to garden centre yesterday so gardening was done (will post pics later).

Today I've done most of my admin.
Abbs room (OMG send help!)
Clothes washing
Garden rubbish out
washing up
Thank you, yes, and most of it is planning. But .. also has to get done.

Today I will do a bit less, so I don't feel worn out tomorrow. But I will not stop!

Good luck with Abbie's room, I've heard stories of doom. haha. jk

See you on ft later today. :)


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I've got the washing machine on, will do some washing up before work, but that'll be about it for today


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've got the washing machine on, will do some washing up before work, but that'll be about it for today
It's something done, and that means it's not 0% - worth it! Best of luck at work today, don't forget to take micro breaks and enjoy life :)

Talking about laundry.. brb.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Morning update.

Today I have been sleeping horrible, but I stayed in bed and took every hour I could get.

- Laundry collected, but not enough to start something. Maybe later tonight.

- Dryer is empty.

- Dishwasher is empty.

- I've moved 50% of the stuff in that little room into the 2nd half of it.

- Vacuumed the floor in that empty 50% and nitpicked the corners.

- Sprayed some floor crap on spots, and let that soak for few minutes.

- Swiffer (mob? mop?) the floor with water, cleaning everything in that empty 50%

- Moved things I found that's trash into the trash. Collected trash at the frontdoor.

- Todo: move trash and a chair downstairs.

- Todo: Let the room dry, and review the state, maybe do it again.

- Removed the electrical wires and threw stuff out.

- Todo: there's a plank screwed to the wall at foot height, I have to figure out a way to unscrew that and remove it. Yikes.

- Todo: measure empty space so I know what's what and check what's in the living room that I want there. so I know ahead of time what fits and doesn't.

Time for a break, it's warm air and my temp is up, my head is sweating, my heart rate is 10 higher than usual.

Will pick this up after breakfast, because yes, I got up and got busy online and offline, then finally took this break. I skip breakfast, because I like the idea of morning vasting.

Side note: back still hurts like hell. I hate it.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Washing on
Coffee had
Admin done

Washing up
Tidy kitchen
Tidy Living room
Pit clothes washing upstairs
Rubbish out


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
June 4th, here we go.

As expected, my eyes and body just can't do things for days in a row, and here we are. I had a terrible night, shaky eyes, headaches, and waking up dizzy. It doesn't matter if it's work, homework, vacation, or cleaning an apartment. I always pay for it. I am glad I got 3 days in so far and made progress. I guess I will take it chill today so I can still do things this weekend.

I have enough dishes to do, I think today I will just slowly fill up the dishwasher and not worry about pots and pans. Go the lazy route.

And I have very little laundry now, but I will just do it, so I do not fall behind.

The plan was to do stuff on the balcony, but I will let that go.

What is left for the little room is to check what I started June 1st and what is little work to get it from 10% to 50% or from 50% to 100%

If you don't hear from me today anymore then my eyes got worser as the bright daylight increased my headaches etc.

Have a lovely friday everybody


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Got my cuppa, will put the washing machine on in a mo, and put the washing up away that I did yesterday, then I'll try and get another bit done before work but I need to pop to the bank this morning before work so might not have time


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Got my cuppa, will put the washing machine on in a mo, and put the washing up away that I did yesterday, then I'll try and get another bit done before work but I need to pop to the bank this morning before work so might not have time
Nice, some progress!

I've gone ahead and got the duster and did the walls, ceiling and ledges in the little room. It's a good thing we have masks now, haha.

Time for a break, breakfast, and tea, and figuring out what's next. Taking it slow today. Meh. Wish I had help haha.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
This is just for me, I want to get an overview of progress, I've just done a few more things and I need a break. So for overview-reasons:

- Grab things to throw out and collect them to throw out.
70% done

- Throw out collected things.
45% done

- Remove everything from that little room to make space for proper cleaning.
60% done

- While picking it up, clean the item right away.
50% done

- While picking up an item, decide if we keep it, sell it, trash it.
50% done

- Throw out what we've decided to trash.
70% done

- Put up items to sell and store them in the little hallway.
10% done

- The items to keep go to the living room with the rest.
80% done

- A quick vacuum cleaning of the floor to get the worst (we will get back to this later).
70% done

- A quick wipe of any surface (planks, table, whatever) (we will get back to this later).
60% done

- Air out the room (close bedroom and other doors, open frontdoor and small-room-balcony door).
50% done (done a few days, will have to do again each time I make progress)

- Get rid of any spider webs in corners and corners etc.
50% done

- Spray HG bottle stuff in the tough corners (read instructions).
0% done

- Rinse and wipe off where sprayed.
0% done

- Air out the room again.
0% done

- Wipe off the walls, ceiling, and surfaces so it's done better.
40% done

- Decide if the room needs to get painted, now that it's empty (will have to adjust todo list if so)
i really should, but .. everything? Uhm, i won't get another chance, maybe I should.
1% decided. haha

- If I am not going to paint, I will continue as is.

- Scrub, rinse and wipe off any surface area (planks, table, radiator, window and door corners, etc)
20% done

- Clean the door (I noticed it has kinda dirty spots on the inside from the cat always rubbing up against it)
50% done (dusted, wiped, didn't use spray/rinse/clean yet)

- Clean the windows inside and out properly.
0% done (can't access inside yet, maybe later today i will do first spray on outside just to make the task easier)

- Remove any electronics we no longer need (I mean extended electrical stuff I installed with my dad once)
85% done (can't reach last 15% yet)

- Fix any drill-holes etc in the walls (since I still have that stuff and might as well do it)
0% done (really needs done, i have access to it now, might as well do it)

- Properly vacuum the floor and all the corners, including ceiling, walls and behind radiator, door entrances inside/outside, etc. (told you I'd get back to this)
50% done

- Properly scrub, rinse, and swiffer/wipe the floor.
40% done

- I have this HG laminate floor treatment stuff, since the whole floor is empty I might as well test it here. If it ruins it, it's at least in this one tiny room.
0% done

- Clean and Move the "boerenb-kast" into the room and put it in the right spot.
0% done

- If I by now know what I might need for storage in that room, boxes, closets, etc. I need to order these.
0% done

- Put the stuff back into the room that I've put in the living room, maybe wipe it off one more time to get rid of dust (in case it's been there for weeks now).
0% done

To be honest, for just a few days, I've made more progress than I thought I would, I think this means I will have time to paint maybe.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I vote paint it!
I am leaning towards it, but, eh..

before I give up for today, I've moved the last few things to the clean half now, so I have access to the 2nd half and now I can repeat the first few days but on that side.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Just watched this:
Okay I can do a bit of the cleaning tonight now. Put some laundry in at least, and do the rubbish and recycling


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Just watched this:
Okay I can do a bit of the cleaning tonight now. Put some laundry in at least, and do the rubbish and recycling
Well, not gonna lie. It could have been that bad, but .. it isn't. And wasn't. So there's hope for me yet haha


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
One thing about that video, I do not move like that anymore. I am 6 4, (194cm) and overweight, I have bad knees and back and bad eye sight and shaky eyes. A great combo, I have to get close to see it, and i can't sit on my knees like that, etc. It's a bit of a struggle every time. Just fantastic. I wish I could stay this motivated and without getting out of breath just cleaning. Oof, those ladies do a great job. haha


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Slept terrible again, I feel like a brick that's about to break. Why is life like this? I honestly am trying here Universe, fuck off ..

Anyway, *sips coffee* let's pretend we're happy and ready to be motivated and do at least something this weekend.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Cuppa tea, then it's on to the washing up, hoping to get that all done before work. Might get a load in the washing machine too if I get time.


I need to change the bedding
Check through the freezer, what's in there, what I need to use up etc
Same with the fridge and throw out anything that's out of date
Put clothes away

Probably a bunch of other stuff too, but that's the main of it.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Best of luck with the fridge/freezer :)

I've just removed the curtains from the little room,
vacuumed the corners, and the floor,
sprayed crap to clean the floor and wet mopped the floor.

My heart rate wasn't happy. haha

Next will be a break and then the duster. And figuring out how to clean these curtains o_o for now, I've put them in a bin liner and put them aside.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I've got one more load of washing up to do, the oven dish is just having a soak, and then I'll put the previous stuff away. Then some avocado on toast for breakfast


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Got the washing up done, got a load of laundry done and now off to work.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've got one more load of washing up to do, the oven dish is just having a soak, and then I'll put the previous stuff away. Then some avocado on toast for breakfast
Same here, laundry is done now, dishwasher is done as well.

Have a nice time at work.

I've felt under the weather and went to bed for a few hours :/

I've finished the floor in the little room just now.

My eyes are too bad to do the dusting I was talking about. I was hoping it would have improved.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I think I figured out what I can and cannot do with my curtains. I have found some alternatives and I know what work I have to do. I think I am slowly building up the confidence. Gulp. to get started with this project as well.

Since I am probably going to build up the courage to paint the little room before using it, I have to take down the two curtains there - and I can use them as practice I guess. If things go wrong, then well.. maybe I learn.

I've removed them successfully yesterday or whenever it was, and was going to leave it for the future, but I took them out of the bin liners and checked some youtube videos. I think I can wash these on wool program as almost cold. Hopefully this helps. It has pins in them to hang them up and I could remove them, but they are smaller than I remember and they seem to be very stuck on them. I've closed my eyes and threw one in the washing machine and am gambling I don't break it.

That one is done now and hanging it on a door for a while dry, and I've put the second one in.

Since I have to do the same to the kitchen (2x) and the living room (4x) that's 6 more washes .. And the other small room I can ignore for now. The bedroom has 4 (or maybe 6?) so that's another 4.

I don't have the courage to put two in at the same time.

All this extra cleaning and extra cleaning and again, extra cleaning.. And catching up on bedding and clothes etc. I don't want to know what my water bill is going to be next year. But an extra 100 to 150 is still cheaper than buying a dozen new curtains and the things to hang them up etc.

Okay, maintenance wise. Hanging them back up with my bad eyes, we will see how it goes. Otherwise maybe I can ask a friend to help? :/

The little room the rail is still good, no need to fix. The living room rails thankfully are still good.

The kitchen is okay on one side, but not on the end. The opening of the window there ruined that. I don't know yet how to fix that. If i can't figure it out maybe I can ask my brother in law or something. But I would want to a- clean that area, b- clean those curtains first, and c- have the kitchen be nice enough so when there's people it doesn't look dirty (or when I have no curtains that neighbours don't having a judge-fest haha)

The bed room is also in need of maintenance. The middle is just hanging on a thin pin at this point lol, my lord. The sides still connected so it's not falling down, but I assume one time in the (near) future it all comes down at once :/ so that needs fixing too. With all the farm stuff in the bedroom stored at this moment I am not comfortable removing the curtains there. Plus, I dont' want my neighbours to see me sleep. So, adding this to the end of the list for now.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Cuppa tea, then breakfast. Then I'll make a start.

Think I'll start with putting the washing machine on,
Strip the bed and put fresh bedding on
Washing up
Rubbish out
Recycling out
Fridge/Freezer check
Clear sofa

We'll see how much I get done, want to go for a walk too today


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Cuppa tea, then breakfast. Then I'll make a start.

Think I'll start with putting the washing machine on,
Strip the bed and put fresh bedding on

Washing up
Rubbish out
Recycling out
Fridge/Freezer check
Clear sofa

We'll see how much I get done, want to go for a walk too today
Time for another cuppa, then back to it. There's not much washing up to do at the moment, but I do want to make some hummus, so might get the bit done, and then I'll only have that to do later.
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