The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 3)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Went to bed after a bit, woke up thinking it was 6 am, it was 6 pm .. blargh.
guess ill go back to anti dusting


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

- Airing out apartment again for 5 minutes

- Gathered up the bags i have lying around and put them all in 1 big bag for storage.

- Swiped the floor real quick

- Finished cleaning the items and the little table in the living room

- Cleaned toilet room (sink and bowl again)

- Put dirty laundry in the washing machine so things look nicer lol. not sure i have enough for a run

- Emptying dishwasher again and putting new dishes in so kitchen looks cleaner

- Watered some plants that needed some extra hugs

- Tidied the big table in the living room


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Finished all the tasks I wanted to work on today. Phew.

Time to relax and put my energy into my depression and legal chat - yes, the inheritance bullshit is still ongoing and slowly pushing me towards the edge of my balcony, but hey, let's pretend we're optimistic right?

I will probably start cleaning something in the bathroom, contact the renovation people who asked me to call them, but then didn't call me or email me back after I contacted them, rolleyes. And I will try to move the items off of the kitchen thing and scrub that whole thing the best i can so it has left dust buildup everywhere.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update for thursday, with pictures! haha

- Took all the stuff off of the surface layer,

- Cleaned the clocks,

- Cleaned the things that i took off,

- Wiped it off, then scrubbed with cleaning crap, rinsed off, and wiped dry.

- Took items from the wall hanging thing..

- Repeated process, but threw out a few things that i will never use or over date.

- Rinsed it all, dryed it all.

- Put items back on both spots.

- And now I have to think what to do with the devices that I no longer want on that table, not sure if i have space to put them somewhere. haha

- This stuff takes me a lot of time, (stupid eyes), and my eyes are so shaky now, i have to take a break. Maybe later today i will do a lower part of that kitchen thing, otherwise this weekend.

- Next is to gather up the trash and throw it out.

- Dishwasher is done, next is to take it out of the dishwasher.

- Laundry is done. Next is to put it in the dryer now.

edit: the order of the pix are a bit mixed up, sorry, working with forum software and shaky eyes.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Oh sheesh .. i just got a call, the ppl from renovation can come today! haha, glad i worked on the apartment this week. and that things are 'good enough' for their inspection, talk, review, blah blah. Hopefully we can figure out when in April they can replace bathroom and toilet, and then hopefully this summer i can get help with some ppl doing a list of 5 things i need to get fixed and addressed, and then next year hopefully kitchen renovation.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, last update, because I'm dead inside now. haha.

Showered, moved things around, tidied more stuff. And I went through the side-room where they need access to and moved the boxes into the bedroom. This way I don't have to move the other stuff out of the bedroom or move the bed. saves cleaning today haha. i can say 'i just moved boxes into here to make room there'.

I will explain this is all stuff from my father from the farm, so they don't assume I'm a hoarder haha. (kinda wish i could just throw 50% away ..)

back to relaxing, airing out the apartment so it doesn't smell like cleaning spray stuff.

Let's pretend i dont have to clean the windows ^_^
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, I now know the renovation stuff that is happening, just dunno when.. i still have questions, but i will call after the weekend; i dont wanna stress about it. I am glad that my apartment is 'acceptable', if this would have happened in 2016 or something i would have moved, not gonna lie.

Anyway.. I am excited to end up in May at some point with a better bathroom and toilet. Sheesh. Hopefully the kitchen next year.

BUt, this does change my cleaning plans for spring. yikes.

I was told they will remove everything that i didn't remove .. and trash it.
So If i leave my washing machine in the bathroom, they will trash it. This is great, lol.

just in case they need to put stuff down, this way they don't damage anything
Hallway 1; I need to empty it, not much there, i can move it to the living room or downstairs.
Hallway 2; issue: whatever is there i don't have space for, so i guess it goes to the bedroom; even more so .. the farm that i have that my dad made doesn't fit anywhere. i NEED help moving it, to the living room i guess. YIKES
Kitchen; I can leave it alone, just need to keep it clean.
Bedroom; I can't empty it, whatever i need to move out of the way goes to the bedroom/living room, since the other places are full already. fml.
Livingroom; move things out of the way in the path they take, so if they have something long and heavy they don't accidentally break a guitar or something. This isn't an issue, i can figure it out. It's not much.
Little stock room, welp, i finally had everything organized in here, of course, that means i have to remove it all. haha. So I guess that stuff goes to the bedroom the best i can do that. or downstairs.

Now that i have it confirmed this is happening, and i have already worked on the apartment, what is left is keeping up with everything, keeping it all clean, prepping for "there will be dust", and use the time between now and when they show up in April at some point .. to make space. I can do a thing each day.

At some point i get a 2-week notice "we start on date x" - giving me almost two weeks to finalize that, so i know i have time. NO surprise visit in 3 days "we start today", which helps with my anxiety.

Do I have anxiety? YES Why? .. i will defn. get it, knowing there will be SO MUCH dust, and that end of April it's holidays, and they don't work on holidays and weekends, so if they delay, then they won't be back until like halfway through may.. sigh. i have no help in may because everybody i know that can help me is going on vacation in may (not me.. of course, NOT ME WHY NOT ME). so fingers crossed things go smooth and they finish before the end April. Anyway, taking a piss while there are ppl here working, but i can't use the toilet - for three weeks. So i have to use some outdoors downstairs thing.. AH MAN.. And even worse, taking a shit.. I'm not interested really at 4pm or 4 am to go outside middle of spring and take a shit while ppl come and leave the apartment building downstairs. LOL. AND, that same thing is also for a shower. HOW? it looks tiny.. And normally I'd go to the farm - but the farm is sold, the next thing is my sister in another town. trust me, if i have to go, i ain't taking a 45 minute bike ride LOL.. so yeah, this gives me anxiety.. not sure how others solve this, or how to solve this for myself.

Anyway, excited in a month+ that this is behind me and i have an improved apartment, it convinced me to not move this year.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Showered for the haircut
- had haircut

- Tidied up the thing in the kitchen.
- Tidied up most of the kitchen.

- Threw boxes out
- Moved clothes to bedroom and folded them

- Wiped the floor, and again once haircut was done.

I have quite some stress from lawyer emails, so i am not going to do any cleaning today or sort out things like an adult. After the weekend again.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Done some washing up, more to do.
Had coffee with Sam, waiting for Sal (after work).
Gardener came round and cleared rubbish and done the garden.
Had lunch really as was really hungry lol.
Ordered Abbs shoes AGAIN... hoping these fit this time!
Still got bathroom to do.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Nice job Nix!

Last night I have spent an hour moving items from the small storage/stock room to the living room table.

Then another hour to try and get an 80cm wide wooden-storage thing (see pic) out of that 81cm wide storage room. Literally sweat dripping off of me. It was terrible to figure that one out. Dont' ask me how I managed. Since the door was 73cm wide I am pretty sure magic was involved.

Anyway, it was closing in on 11pm and I made enough noise for a day. Went for a shower and tidying up a bit, tv and sleep.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Sunday morning, 7 am I woke up, and had some water, then started to dust off that storage shelf closet thing (what do you call that?).

And everything on the table I dusted off if I wanted to keep it and gave it a spot on the shelves, and what I didn't want to keep I put in a big shopping bag to throw out.

It's now 10 am. So that took me almost two hours. I am glad I don't have to do this stuff 'last minute', and that it doesn't cause anxiety. It's just not great for my back and eyes, but what else is new.

Found my iron though. I can use that to make my clothes prettier for the wedding, just in time! haha.

I also now know what plant pots I have for inside and outside. So when it's time this Spring to make the balcony pretty again I have an idea of what items I have that I want to use.

A bigger obstacle is the 'farm' that my dad made by hand. They said it HAS to get removed from the hallway. But it doesn't fit through the door. And the table is 80cm wide, the door opening is like 79.5 .. I'd have to remove the door, etc. I have to just be smart and put the farm on its side so it 'just fits through', and then get the table in the door as much as I can. Then lift it up on the table in the living room.. Move that out of the way, and then sideways the hallway table and move it through the door into the living room. Then move the farm from the table onto the lower table and put it in its temporary spot until June or whenever I have time to move it back to the hallway. I am totally looking forward to doing this .. plus, i most likely need help, or a lot of brainpower and muscle, and patience. And I am not known for that.

Anyway, next few days is about moving things out of the way in the path that they move through the apartment. I asked them if they need access from the bedroom, twice, and they said twice 'no', so i told them that I will then move things into the bedroom. So thankfully this means i dont have another room to empty.

I have to tidy up the downstairs storage on ground floor and move to it some of the bigger things i can't use but can't throw out.

And the things from the area they need to walk back and forth, i can put that in the bedroom and perhaps the living room.

Enough to keep me busy for days if not a few weeks.

To be honest, I had this period scheduled to go through boxes from my inheritance and organize those so they dont take up space as much. But whatever. I am glad I am getting an update to the bathroom and bedroom.

the little storage/stock room, it's as wide as a door. I use it to store "stock" for things like toilet paper boxes, shampoo, light bulbs, pots, washing things.. Clearly, i managed to get the wooden shelf thing out. And clearly, it needs to get properly cleaned. Now that I can reach everything.

The wooden ikea shelves closet thing .. whatever that is called .. made it to the living room and everything is on and below the table.

This was last night, before sleepy time.

Everything dusted off, cleaned, sorted out, and what I kept is in the the closet. And some things made it to a box in the bedroom.

What a mess, and it will only get worse as more things get moved to the living room here.

Time to get up again, i had a nice rest writing this.. But I have to at least throw out some trash - the weather is warming up I want to get rid of trash within a day to avoid fruit flies etc.

Aired out the apartment.

Filled up the dishwasher and started it.

Had an egg for breakfast and some fruit vitamin drink.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

From the hallway and living room entrance area. I have moved everything to the back of the living room so it's out of the way. They cannot accidentally kick something over or break anything.

i've also moved everything out of the bathroom and toilet room that i currently wont use a lot and wont use daily.

My back kinda hurts, and my eyes can use the extra rest. So to avoid stress and bad sleep, I will just not do much today besides some manual dishes, air out apartment, work on my plants, and clean up a few tiny boxes knowing i can throw out 50% of it.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Meh day. Time to further empty the dishwasher and fill it up again. I dont have enough to run it yet, maybe tomorrow. But i dont feel like manual washing dishes.
Gathered up some laundry to run later, but it's hardly half . so nothing to do there either.
Moved chairs around .. and now im going to do nothing again

oh, i've ordered groceries, no idea how to afford it, fingers crossed i can pay rent today lol
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Well done Floris :thumbsup:

SO far;

I've had coffee with Sal
Cleaned bathroom sink, loo, shower and mopped the floor
Cleaned downstairs loo, sink, mopped floor
Cleared kitchen table
Put next washing load into soak


Tidy living room
Hoover living room and hallway
Tidy landing
Put all clothes away in my room (looks like a Chinese launderette!!)
Water plants inside and out
Washing up


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've had coffee with Sal
This isn't a task that helps you clean/tidy ! :D

jk, enjoy life. and nicely done so far, best of luck with the rest. i expect another update later !
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
My body was complaining last night, yay health issues.. Thank you again Nix for being there.

Anyway, eh .. going to take it easy today. Not doing anything besides waiting for groceries to show up.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, I literally spend a day in bed. Back to doing things again bit by bit.

I've started laundry, and in one of the rooms, I've decided on a few things I can throw out to make space for stuff I want and need to keep.

Taking a little break to relax my body and to not hurt my back. Then going for a slow walk downstairs to throw out two bags of stuff and trash.

I am 100% going back to bed later for an extra nap.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update on Wednesday, I've had a bit of a rest, made a 19-day schedule with open gaps in it to make sure I can be sick, etc, or busy on those days with other stuff. And one of the todo items is a weekly "update the agenda"

Threw out some old christmas things, i have some mixed feelings about it, but it had to be done.

Made some space in the small room, I at least have room to move some of the items from the hallway into that empty space. So that's progress.

Took the hard drives out of a super old computer that won't boot anymore, and threw the computer out. I checked the parts, they're worth like a buck each. The data on the drive I will not put in the trash, of course, nobody should ever do that.

Seeing how the last 24 hours went, I think this is enough again for now. Instead of doing nothing, I've done a little bit in the morning, and a little bit in the afternoon. I can't promise I will do something tonight.

Oh, laundry was done, threw it in the dryer, that's done now. And going to hang that up. Then probably crawl into bed to relax my body again and give it more time to recover.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, another update. I had a bit of a rest. Took everything out of the dryer, and went downstairs to throw two more bags of trash with plastics and wrappings, out. The walk went well, which is a good sign (health-wise, and sorry for being vague).

I didn't do much else, but I did walk around to get an impression of what i can do that takes no effort and might require ordering online. And unfortn. the price went up for a product i need, and i need four of them! But they are in stock and can be delivered on Friday, which is fine by me. Ordered it. Pout, wish it was cheaper, but i need it.

Sitting down behind the computer to make sure i've followed up on all msgs from all apps and my emails.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
My gosh, I did it!

This was a mental and physical object to overcome, and I did it without help. haha. YAY. lol (sorry)

Okay, made more space in the little rooms that are FULL. And was able to Tetris some things smartly together to make more space for the things that were in the door openings. So now the doors can close! Well, I still have to move 2 chairs, but I have space for 1, and 1 can be (worst case scenario) in the living room.

I stopped in time when I noticed my body started to complain. So I am relaxing now, things are fine.

It's amazing how every little 30 seconds to 3 minutes of just doing 1 single thing can still add up to progress we can notice.

I am far from done though, but for right now I am not going to push myself to do more.

On another note, i had 1 sandwich yesterday, two today. So that's good as well.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Made an appointment to get help on Friday to move the heavy farm.

Threw out trash (still have some left upstairs, boxes, one heavy one with books yikes)

Moved some things around in the storage downstairs so there's space for a few more things like more chairs or whatever.

Organized the chairs like tetris in the other room, so there's space now for a few more things if needed.

Today the schedule is to do these things, so tomorrow i have less to do and we have the space we need:
- make room in storage downstairs (done)
- throw away a heavy thing from storage downstairs (done)
- wrap the farm, so moving it sideways causes less damage
- move saddles below the white table to the other room (done)
- if i am staying home, move bike to balcony, so i can move stairs to the side
- make space for the white table tomorrow (so move stairs aside)
- empty dishwasher, fill up dishwasher, run it and then empty it again
- move clothes from bathroom to bedroom (done)
- clean toilet kinda properly, so tomorrow i only have to quickly clean it

still a bit to do, but i slept 2x 3,5 hours last night, and i have been lazy (enough) yesterday due to health crap (btw, i had a nice extra sandwich tonight, so i can eat more than yesterday again, today).

Then once today is done, i have to re-do the agenda/schedule i made, so i can nitpick the upcoming april 1st, to april 19th days. i already did quite a bit.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Another update, i did a few things, moved saddles around, and figured out how to get something heavy downstairs (put in shopping bag, bag on bike, walk bike downstairs, no strain on body)

edit: ok, moved the heavy box into bag and bag emptied downstairs. phew! done.
edit #2: there was a very heavy thing i NEED to get rid off today in the downstairs storage, and i've just thrown that out, done! double phew.

Time for food ,for real this time..

edit #3
Food was fine, youtube was fine, watched a survival episode as well.

Emptied the dishwasher, updated the lists and the post above this one.
And I've tidied a few things. Cleaned the toilet room good enough, but will do it again tomorrow to make sure it smells nice too.

the white light outside is really not albinism friendly. i kinda am in a dip now. going to lay in bed in the dark with ipad and listen to some podcasts. Probably will do a bit more tonight and tomorrow morning. And then we will see what's next.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
6pm, i am back from youtube and snoring for an hour and thirty minutes. Time to do some final touches to the apartment so it's ready for tomorrows visit, and then whatever is done is done, the rest is just shrug-whatever. I made some good progress this week, didn't fall behind at least. Sucks that i have health issues that are in the way, but out of my control.

7pm, time to call it quits for today.
I've emptied the living room table, i've moved things into crates, moved those to the side.
Updated a renovation.txt file i have with all the days and expected days. so I have a better overview.
I've put dishes in the dishwasher, lowerback wasn't happy about manual labour anymore, it isn't much anyway
i should move my bike out of the way, but the weather took a turn, so i will put it on the balcony in the morning.
rinsed out the toilet and sink, it is okay, will give it a quick scrub tomorrow since that pink gel doesn't go away on its own haha
moved my guitars from the living room that i almost never use out of the way by moving them into the little room where i had space
moved an office chair there, so it doesn't have to be in the bedroom. im thinking some of the half broken chairs that are in the bedroom now which are in the way, i might (in the next week or so) move to storage downstairs if we decide to not move the dryer etc there.
Threw another box with things away, so i dont have trash left except current bin liner and some materials.
clothes from bathroom are moved to other spots, not folded yet, will do later before going back to bed
friday night the amazon stuff should show up, the doors i need to use them on can close now, so i can 'finalize' those rooms then
made appointment with brother in law, he can come friday to help move the farm (fingers crossed we dont have to cancel)
i needed to make space in the living room to move the white table to, on which the farm should rest tomorrow as well. so now that i know he will help tomorrow, i made the space, moved chairs to the side, etc. we have room to eh .. work in, i guess, we will see how it goes.
I think they wont come on the may vacation, and i am out of luck, they come 20th, and may vacation is in the middle of their 15 days. i might just go on a mini vacation for at least a few days, so i have a proper shower, toilet, washing machine, etc. We will see.
i didn't get around to clean the hallway floors and the storage room floor, but that doesn't need to get cleaned until 20th, so i am not behind. i didn't want to stress this week due to the health issues.
I've slightly updated my agenda, and this weekend i will work on moving the paper agenda to the renovation .txt file, which i will move to apple Notes app, so when the computer is off, i still have access to it on the phone. but no rush here, i have until 20th. it just helps me organize better
ok, saving this post, then updating the earlier post with the list for today, and then i am going to think 'fuck today' and move on to resting, sleeping, tv watching, and just unstressing.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009

Shopping delivery
Clean loo
Washing up
Clothes washing done
Hoover downstairs
Water plants

Tomorrow I have my bro and fam down for the day.... so excited, not seen them in ages... will be a good day so got to tidy up a bit in morning.
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