Gathered up trash, it's ready to be thrown out.
Made a salmon salad, turned out pretty good.
Ordered groceries to be delivered on friday.
Cleaned some stains on the table tops.
Moved things around in the livingroom to provide access to the radiator there when the guy comes on 24th.
Tried to tidy up ever so slightly.
Started dishes.
Finished some bigger pans as well manually.
While dishes were going i scrubbed the sink and made room on the kitchen top.
Gathered up laundry, ready to go.
Emptied dryer.
Thought about what to do with the other rooms, no idea.. Especially the bedroom, but not going to worry today.
Kitchen corner, i can't move one side, i can move the other, made a bit of space and will clean livingroom to put the stuff there. so there's access to the radiator.
Worked on the minecraft upgrade, and the event.