The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 4)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- 2 am dishes again. lol.


- 12:15 pm, cleaned some pots and wiped off some easy to clean surface areas

- deep cleaned a coffee thing
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009

Gut my room by 3pm and make it respectable for a neighbour to come round and help me put wardrobe doors on!
Clothes washing
Washing up

Mop bathroom
Print out some pictures for Abbs Homework
Rent and bills sort out
Get the wardrobe doors on


Clothes washing
Shopping delivery
Call Spain
Abbs Homework printing
Washing up

Hoover downstairs
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Nice progress!

- I read that and got up and just really quick did the cutlery dishes. so, .. dishes are 100% done now.
- gathered up laundry, but not yet enough to do a run. skipping that today, but at least it's collected.
- tidied livingroom table for 50%
- all deliveries have now arrived, new orders made, and reached out to some companies with questions for next weeks' orders.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- done the dishes again. nothing else

edit: I lied, I just threw the trash out.

- and while watching tv on iPad, I've done the little bit of dishes I've created today, and wrote down a plan of things I want to work on
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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Must clean today, I knew I wouldn't yesterday as went to mums, but today it has to get done.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
You can do it joan!

Today the plan is to get one box or thing in the bedroom figured out, make a change to earn another square meter back.

I have reached out to the mattress company with a question, they havent' replied yet.. so waiting to throw something in the washing machine until then.

I've ordered a cover that JUST arrived (actually woke me up, but at least i got it). So i will figure that out today.

It's high time the bedroom gets some attention, and i don't mean it in that way
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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I've cleared and cleaned one table!
Done a load of washing

And that's about it!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- not enough dishes to justify wasting water doing dishes

- cleaned the airfryer

- watered the plants


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- sheet cover for the mattress arrived, I've installed it. super happy with it. bit expensive, but it's a perfect fit, and room enough to add. layer if I want to.
- the mattress company mailed me back with the info I needed, so going to try that tomorrow.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- woke up at 2 am, and just now I threw out a chair that was broken. Finally got rid of it! That helped me tidy my bedroom a little bit more.

- used the swiffer thing to dry sweep the bedroom floor.

- more and more convinced to invest this black Friday into a robot vacuum cleaner and air purifier. Finding the right air humidifier seems to be a bit more tricky .


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- made more dishes, but did them right away.

- Now that the mattress company replied to my email, I took the cover off the top thingy, and threw that in a program. trying carefully at 40c on high RPM - and I can't throw it in the dryer after. So, we will see how this goes :/ hopefully I don't ruin anything :/


- cleaned all my glasses
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- made a list on discord for myself for things to do in the apartment. now I have a better overview and a place to dump the info I need.

- bed top thing is dry, washing went well. only did 40c 1400 rpm, for 25 minutes, it didn't ruin it thankfully. will try 60 next time so we kill the right stuff as well. drying within a day even in the fall seems to be possible, but I have to do it right after waking up.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Did a little this morning, took rubbish out and did loo.

Just trying to do something each morning and hopefully it'll help get caught up.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Done: Soapy water and sponge, cleaned the wood on the front entrance area, around the windows, below near the ground, around door posts, etc. I did not clean the windows themselves.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Done the dishes at 4 am

- Threw trash out at 5 am

- Ordered another xmas related thingy (so that's 3 ppl covered now)

- went for a nap, and just woke up .. Threw out the bottom of a broken chair, so that's done too.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- organized the things i need to buy, their orders, discussed things with my sister. made some plans on what I want to achieve in certain rooms in 2022 still, and what gets pushed to 2023.

- few orders already got delivered, I can take it easy now. going to bed for a nap, DHL says they will be here after 5pm, will gamble it.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- dishes are done

- deliveries are sorted for Saturday, now I just have to wait for them to show up. the first huge deals for black Friday are in, some 50% off things, phew! pre-BF-sales already start on some sites to advertise , ill gladly take it if the items were on my list of things to get


- Set of fake plants showed up, one more delivery of those and I'm done with those for now.

- drill should arrive soon
- groceries should arrive soon

- tidied up the kitchen, had lunch.

- went into town to put a few cards in the mail.

- talked to sister about reaching out to someone to get 3 hours help before end of the year to help catch up with cleaning the apartment. so I can focus on other things. Then in January we're going to talk to manicupality/city to see what options we have for an hour a week or every other week of someone helping out so I can stay current without it being a whole struggle for me.

edit 2:

- groceries have arrived, I got rid of the empty bags and the empty bottles, and put groceries away. i like this picnic service, just a shame that you buy 1 item and it's like 5000 euro .. i hate that groceries have become so expensive. recession here we come
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- had a little bit of dishes, done those.


- i finally had time to hang up the door between the livingroom and the center hallway.

- unpacked the old but still not expired smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. They're out of sight but easy to reach, in the bedroom. The flashing led shouldn't be a problem. and I know how to get the batteries out easily.

- cleaned the balcony surface areas, the wood around the windows, and the doors. Wiped them off, then used a wet sponge, and now letting it air dry. Didn't clean the windows themselves (yet?)

- made sure all the devices are being charged, because I find out they're all low battery haha
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Put clothes washing on
Done some washing up
Bought new shower curtains
Bought new drainers etc for washing up
Had coffee

Left to do;

Mop/clean bathroom
Finish washing up
Hang out clothes
Put heating on for 2 hours to test it before it actually gets cold in my home
Call Spain
Get Abbs sorted hopefully for school tomorrow


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Last one for today

- made a mess in the kitchen again, trash trash trash .. will clean up in the morning

- quick laundry, higher temp this time as it's mostly towels and stuff

- 55m dryer program, folded it.

- almost no dishes, not gonna bother.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- gathered up the trash, and i want a quick walk around the block to move my back muscles, so I will throw it out now.

- aired out the apartment, and maybe ill water the plants when I get back.

- new fake plants are here, 3 of them in total, I've given them a spot. so the livingroom and the hallway look a bit friendlier.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- put the new manual vacuum together and charged it

- quickly vacuumed where I walk daily so I get to know the device

- quickly used auto feature to try and see how it responds to hard flat floor versus my one rug (and ergo: cleaned the rug real quick)

- cleaned quickly below the kitchen thingy to see if I can easily get below it now (and a light turns on automatically haha)

- organized my todo list from last week, prepped for this week, and organized this week's todo list

- still haven't done dishes, not a lot there to be honest.

- aired out the apartment again, it was a nice warm afternoon, this time it was the other door.

- hung up all the towels I folded so they're in their spot.

- tidied a few things while on the phone with sister

- reviewed all the purchases, deliveries, and fr-mon is all done, next is tomorrow - with the drill and humidifier

- contacted the heims* people about the broken doorbell, and about the wood-top above-window poor-isolation stuff, and asked a few questions.

- decided against watering plants, the soil was wet enough.

- discussed the things on the balcony and how to further winter prep

- I have a better overview now of what I want to achieve this year, next year, in regards to my apartment. and my own life. first few steps are showing results, so doubled down on that this November. (this will be costly)

- discussed black Friday with fa/em/roos, and that helped.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Organized my day a bit

- Caught up on dishes

- Made sure the vacuum thing is fully charged so I can deep clean the rug on highest setting twice.

- Found one radiator remains cold, but can't see it with these stupid eyes, so I have to sort that out, maybe remove air from the tubes, but it's hard to reach in the top corner. MEH. maybe prepare today, finalize tomorrow.


- bought loads of stuff I need for improving the apartment on amazon, they just happen to be the cheapest, in stock, pre-blfr deals, and I had a [x] 15% voucher offer by amazon that for once actually worked. Quite a bit to pay at once, but individual purchases and sometimes with shipping, was nearly 124 euro more. so I feel okay about not having to spend that. Another step towards moving forward, this whole year prepping the apartment, keeping up with cleaning, undergoing renovation and all that.. it's finally to the point where I can take the next step and start dressing things up a bit, paint walls, hang up planks, put things in their spot, instead of just putting stuff in boxes and stacking boxes into other rooms.

edit 2

- made a 100% better effort to deep clean the rug at the computer the best I can

- also vacuumed the apartment a lot better, so that's 50% done. an improvement over the quick test I did last night.

- cleaned the floor of the toilet and bathroom without a scrubbing, but at least it's better than it was before.

- gathered up a bit more trash I found that I could throw out,

- moved 5% of stuff in the bedroom around, realised I was making no difference

- gathered up some dirty laundry, but it's not enough to run a load.
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