Last movie you saw?


Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009

I'm trying to think of something to say about this movie, but I simply don't know where to start. This movie is... is... err... is... uuuhh... eh, screw it. I'll just use this instead:

Sums up the movie quite nicely. Looking forward to the sequel, though. Hopefully it'll tie all the loose ends and properly connect all the prequels to the original Alien movies, since this one failed to do so.
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OMG Member
Dec 31, 2011
I saw a part of the movie The Dirty Dozen for the first time.

I only watched the first 45 minutes of it.  I didn't care for it because I didn't like any of the crazy characters that the movie was about.


Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009
Dr. No

The oldest and one of the best James Bond movies ever. Sean Connery as James Bond = win.

I've tried to watch the newest James Bond movies with Daniel Craig as James Bond, but I quickly lost interest each time, and thus haven't watched any of them all the way to the end. These old movies, however, can easily get and keep my attention from the beginning to the end, no matter how many times I've seen them.


Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009
The Dark Knight
Well, I finally got to see this one. And, as Rose Tyler tried to get Queen Victoria to say - I am not amused. Seriously, is Christopher Nolan trying to completely destroy the Batman franchise? Hasn't Joel Schumacher did enough damage to it with Batman Forever and Batman & Robin?

The Joker in this movie is a joke (hee hee, pun :p ). And not in a good way. For example, who is he and where did he come from? The original Joker (played by Jack Nicholson) had a whole backstory which started with him being Jack Napier, a young petty criminal on the streets of Gotham City, killing Bruce Wayne's parents and rising through the ranks of the criminal underground until he fell into the pool of acid during the fight with Batman and became the Joker.

In this movie, he just came out of nowhere and started terrorizing Gotham City for his own amusement. Even the police couldn't figure out who he is when they captured him. Mmmkay... And why saving him at the end? Wouldn't it be simpler and easier to let him fall to his death, thus getting rid of him permanently? They could've even blame him for Harvey Dent's crimes to spare Batman the trouble of taking the blame for something he didn't do.

The whole movie lacks depth and feels rushed. For example, Harvey Dent's transformation from Gotham City's poster boy for justice and anti-corruption hero into Two-Face should have taken longer and make more sense, instead of simply having half of his face burned, Joker coming to him in the hospital (which he later blew up) and giving him a short speech, showing him the world from his twisted point of view, which made Dent go after his (former) friends and co-workers, instead of simply pulling the trigger and killing Joker on the spot with the gun he placed into his hand, since it was the Joker who killed his girlfriend and tried to kill him, resulting in half of his face being burned. Instead, Dent opted to blame everyone else for his loss except the one who started the whole chain of events which, in the end, resulted in Dent's demise. Damn. If he didn't become a criminal, Joker would've made a fine career as a motivational speaker.

The Dark Knight Rises

Por favor, Senor Nolan, please, for the love of god, do me a favor and stop butchering the Batman with these shallow half-assed wannabe-movies. Please, oh please give the director's stick back to Tim Burton, before it's too late. Or just stop making the Batman movies all together. Either would be fine. Really.

As expected, this movie picks up where the previous one left off, only 8 years later. After taking the blame for Harvey Dent's death, Batman has disappeared. And so has Bruce Wayne who apparently spent those 8 years hiding in his (restored) mansion. He still managed to hurt himself badly enough to need a cane to walk around, though. Interesting. I wonder how he managed that, considering he had Alfred to do all the work for him.

Anyway, a new villain named Bane came to Gotham City with an intention to do what Ra's al Ghul tried to do in the Batman Begins - destroy Gotham City. As it turned out, Bane is a former member of the League of Shadows, the same group Bruce Wayne joined before he became Batman, and which taught him some useful tricks, before he turned against them.

Okay, so we got another wacko with no real backstory other than he being a former member of the League of Shadows who rescued him from a prison. Who is he? Why was he imprisoned in the first place? Lots of questions, but zero answers. In the end, it turned out he wasn't even the main villain, but only a hired muscle for the real villain, a daughter of Ra's al Ghul who's been hiding in plain sight the whole time, and who intended to finish her father's work. Sheesh. Why are so many people so keen on destroying the Gotham City? And if you really want to destroy it, why not just detonating that damn nuclear bomb you got your hands on instead of setting it on a 5 months timer while at the same time holding the detonator you could press at any time to manually set it off? What's the point?

Joker was a joke in the previous movie. Bruce Wayne / Batman is a joke in this one. After 8 years of "retirement", he got out of shape so badly that Bane managed to do what no other villain ever has - kicked his ass so badly he could've easily killed him, if he wanted. Instead, he left him alive and dumped him in the same prison the League of Shadows sprung him from.

So, while the bomb slowly ticked the 5 months away, Bruce struggled to get back into shape, escape the prison and return to Gotham City. With the help of the Gotham police, he mounted an assault on Bane & his personal army and kicked Bane's butt, only to be (literally) stabbed in the back by Miranda Tate, a member of the Wayne Enterprises executive board who kept her real identity of Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul's daughter, a secret the whole time, and who also had the detonator for the bomb. Oh, the humanity! :rolleyes: Of course, Batman wouldn't be Batman if he didn't save everyone in the end.

Nolan managed to stuff Catwoman as well into this movie. Why? I'm not really sure. Just like the Joker and Bane, she has no backstory whatsoever, unlike in Tim Burton's original where we got to know Selina Kyle a little before she became the Catwoman. Her role in the movie seems completely unnecessary to me, it's like she's in the movie just for the sake of being there. Might as well stuck the Penguin in there as well, while he was at it. Hell, why stop there? Where's the Riddler? Mr. Freeze? Poison Ivy? I mean, if you're going to fill the movie with the unnecessary characters, why not go all the way, right? :rolleyes:  Doctor Crane, aka the Scarecrow from the Batman Begins made a pointless appearance too.

All in all, an average movie at best. Worth watching it on TV. Not worth coughing up for a cinema ticket and / or a DVD, though. It's also a bit too long for my taste, although I could blame that on frequent commercial breaks. 
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Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009

I only have one question: Where can I get one for myself? Why? Oh, no reason. 

;)   :D



OMG Member
Dec 31, 2011
I want to see Dumb And Dummer To.

The movie is so dumb that they don't even spell "Two" correctly.

Sounds like a fun movie to watch.


Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Me likes. Oh yes, me definitely likes. First in the series of Lord of the Rings prequels. 'Must see' for all LotR fans. Not much else to say about it, really. Looking forward to watching the next part.

Now, give us the precious, you filthy little Hobbit! 
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Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009
Blue Thunder
​ ​

Wow, I haven't seen this movie in years. It's always been one of my favorites. Not really sure what to say about this movie and how to describe it, so I'll just quote IMDB and add my own comments.

Blue Thunder is a specially modified helicopter. It is for police work, but is armed and designed to counter street insurgencies. Its makers want to show what it will do, but have to train Los Angeles Police pilot Frank Murphy to fly and use it in order to allow it to operate in the city. Murphy and the project pilot have differences going back to Vietnam. The conflict between them continues to heat up as Murphy begins to suspect that Blue Thunder is more than has been disclosed.
Featuring a built-in chain gun, ability to fly without barely making any noise, equipped with an infrared scanners & cameras, powerful microphones and being heavily armored, the Blue Thunder seems more like a military grade helicopter, but is actually designed to help people in power control & eliminate their political opponents. Pilot Frank Murphy discovers the truth, delivers the evidence to one of the local news channels in his city, has an air duel with the Blue Thunder's original test pilot and finally destroys the helicopter by landing it on a railway to be crushed by an incoming freight train.

A sequel would be nice. I'm curious to know what happened to Frank Murphy after the destruction of the Blue Thunder. It the last scene, he is seen walking away, with the train ramming & crushing the helicopter behind him, so it would be interesting to learn of his fate, whether he was arrested, trialled & imprisoned, since he technically stole the Blue Thunder to keep it from being used by its creators. 
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OMG Member
Dec 31, 2011
Over the last two weeks, I've watched the movie Office Space twice.

It's hard for me to believe that this movie is fifteen years old.


Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009

Hey look; It's James Bond in outer space! I take it the world is not enough for you, if you catch my drift, Mr. Bond, eh?  ;)

Say, can I play the villain in one of the next James Bond movies? I could be the villain who wants to conquer the world with bad puns and double entendres from my secret lair. As a back story, I could be a former Q's apprentice who got tired of being a goody two shoes and turned to the Dark Side of making bad puns & double entendres.

Muahaha!  ;) :p
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OMG Member
Sep 24, 2010
Paddington - Took the kids to see it in cinema on Sunday. I actually really enjoyed it.  :wacko:


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
I watched Chappie in the cinema yesterday. It was surprisingly good. Very south african accents though lol.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
It's good but I came away feeling very confused by south africans.


Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009
Operation Delta Force 3: Clear Target

American G.I. Joes wannabe vs non-American "bad guys".


At least there's a lot of gunfire and explosions to distract the audience from the cliché storyline. Heh.
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OMG Member
Dec 31, 2011
That "Life Stinks" movie I saw a ways back has a lot of dark humor, as the movie is a comedy, but shows how homeless people live (or at least to a point).


Resident Maid
Apr 22, 2009
The Expendables 2

Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis & Arnold Schwarzenegger (and a few more actors no one ever heard about, except maybe Charisma Carpenter, aka Cordelia Chase from Buffy The Vampire Slayer show and its spin-off show, Angel) - all bunched together into a single movie. And they all have guns. And aren't afraid to use them. Excessively. 
Uh-huh.  :p  

Aside from competing with each other who can fire more bullets in a shorter period of time (Ain't that what they're basically doing in this movie? :p ), they also found time to make jokes & references to & about some of their other roles in other movies for teh lulz.

Hee hee. :p

Oh yeah, Chuck Norris made a 'Chuck Norris' joke:


I won't even mention non-humorous references, like the one to Indiana Jones' famous "it belongs in a museum" line. Oh, wait. I just did. Oops. :p

Good movie to spend an evening watching, if for no other reason, then just to see all those famous actors together in the same movie. :)


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009

Deep Water Horizon 8/10 - awesome true life movie