August 21st, 2022:
Catching up with the changelog, this one is more technical.
- All season 01 episodes of "/cave gameplay" are on my Youtube channel.
- Removed 'danish' from the chat filter.
- We've reviewed the /warp shops and made some plans.
- Gave more region protections to players who keep playing and made some nice bases.
- Time will automatically unfreeze in /general and /wild at 6am and 6pm (Dutch time)
- Merged Github-Pull-Requests after reviewing.
- Updated some documents on my Github repos to be more current.
- World Editing plugins have been updated.
Note: {
fix: upstream missing `Region#getBoundingBox()` (#1908)
build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.3.5 (#1906)
build: Update dependency org.mockito:mockito-core to v4.7.0 (#1904)
Update Upstream
chore: Update assets to 1.19.2 (#1900)
Update upstream
build: Update paperweight (#1901)
build: Back to snapshot for development
[ci skip] build: Update dependency com.github.TownyAdvanced:Towny to v0.98.3.4 (#1897)
build: Release 2.4.3
Update bug_report.yml
build: Update dependency gradle to v7.5.1 (#1899)
Add 1.19.2 (#1898)
Improve ``MainUtil#copyFile`` (#1888)
chore: Use 1.19.1 asset URL (#1889)
Update bug_report.yml
build: Back to snapshot for development
Catch InvalidPathException in safeFile handler
Back to SNAPSHOT for continued development
Bump FG & Loom to 1.19.2
Add support for Y-offsets with back direction
[Bukkit] 1.19.2 DV.
- NPC related plugin have been updated.
Note: {
Placeholders for speech bubbles, /npc command errormsg
Sets.difference is not working in 1.8.8
Fixes to hologramtrait
Clamp yaw properly for smoothrotationtrait
Bump to 1.19.2
Move EntitiesLoadEvent to a separate file
Use new netty method
Use EntitiesLoadEvent instead of ChunkLoadEvent, other minor fixes
Fix zombievillager error in 1.8
Use placeholders in /npc shop
Fix spaces in server names
Cleanup and use new method
Implement new methods
Simplify navigator interface
Add /npc allay
Citizens 1.19.1 update
- Players should get bothered less by ownership and no-payment messages when they interact with furnaces (and a few other containers) when Hoppers are involved.
- Friendly reminder: In-game 'friendly competition' for rankings of any type is fine, we don't mind, but please remain respectful to other players.
- Updated the apps on the network-devices.
Note: {
Updated modem firmware
Reviewed modem log files and made appropriate firewall changes
Organized the router a bit so it has more space to work harder
Updated the apps on the systems and restarted with OS security patches
- the "/trash" feature has been updated. Certain custom items that do something when you right click them will no longer be trashable. You can still throw them in lava of course. And certain items with custom model data can't be trashed. This is to prevent accidental deletion.
- The "/perk" command is all up to date to 1.19.2. We welcome you to enjoy your perks again!
- The Paper server-engine has been updated.
Note: {
[a76998d] Fix plugin loggers on shutdown (#5592)
[2da891f] Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit)
[4ba43fe] Grant temporary immunity to hopper minecarts while actively pulling (fixes #8281) (#8282)
[4516aed] More ThrownPotion API
[5bf2591] Add NamespacedKey biome methods
[db17048] [ci skip] Show @org.bukkit.UndefinedNullability in javadocs (#8291)
[9592da1] Add method to get highest anger level of warden
[0ddd20c] Updated Upstream (CraftBukkit/Spigot)
[3f0415b] Use thread safe Random inside of ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl
[7e11afa] Fix mad cursor addition via API (#8276)
[2a74071] Simple patch changes for chunk system
[2cab696] Don't manually send ClientboundPlayerPositionPacket for refreshPlayer
[954b3fb] Send signature headers when chat event viewers are modified Fixes #8275
[22ad9ee] Fix command pool submitting on shutdown (#8272)
[e6f8284] Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit) (#8270)
[c7e118b] Update modern forwarding to v3 (#8219)
[78b19f8] Separate Command Sending to Separate Thread Pool (#8170)
[a47301e] Fix Player#chat kicking all clients (#8262)
[3624637] Improve documentation of Inventory#removeItem (#8263)
[0118c0b] Improve MojangAPI docs and replace @Deprecated with @ApiStatus.Experimental on draft APIs (#8261)
[a15152e] Allow old behavior for CommandRegisteredEvent (#8249)
- I've updated the plugin and their dependencies and libraries to their latest version, the one that we use to manage most of the player stuff with and that handles most of the server features.
Note: {
Deprecated some of the placeholders not starting with cmi. This only means that we no longer officially support them but those will continue working if you used them before. Added additional placeholders to replace those, for example previous %server_time_[timeFormat]_[timeZone]% got replaced with %cmi_server_time_[timeFormat]_[timeZone]% and similar.
Updated hologram hanling where some parts of the code got brought back to sync mode to have better, well, synchronization which should resolve issues relating to multiple holograms with multiple lines updating at same time causing them to brake and show incorrect information on wrong holograms
New command as /cmi down [playerName] (-s) which allows you to teleport down to the first available free space.
Added option to prevent disposal of items with custom model data or with attached commands in dispose UI
Fix for maxplayer command failing to work on new 1.19.2 server
Fix for issue with player tagging in chat on 1.19 servers
Fix for issue with placeholders for solving equations and using ^ power sign
Small fix relating to recipe UI which was shuffling recipe order
Fix relating to shop sign interaction with shift+let click option
Added option to auto recalculate current user rank, this is limited to be no more often than once every minute. Disabled by default.
Fix for findbiome command not working on latest server versions
Added extra extra message for info command while hover over [AFK] which will indicate in how much time player will enter afk mode. This will not showup if player is offline or vanished
Fix for info command including [V] symbol for vanished players when player cant see that player in vanish mode. This will behave in same way if player was offline or in vanish mode.
Fix for issue with alias commands while having $1- type variables and not actually providing those which resulted in final commands ending with a space where server started to complain about this. This is mainly an issue with 1.19 servers due to how commands are being handled.
Fix relating to armor stand editor bug.
Fixing issue with alias command processing. This mainly relates to commands containing placeholders which need to be translated in order and not at once before performing starting to perform commands.
Fix for error relating to afk tile messages introduces in latest update
Added new placeholder as %cmi_p_[playerName]_display_name% which can display target player display name. This will allow you to use target players actual display name in outputs for custom alias commands instead of displaying their real plain name.
Improvements on chat preview for 1.19.1 servers which should more properly colorize and translate message preview to what it should look at the end. This includes link translations, player tagging, colors, hex colors, gradients, item in hand and so on.
Small fix for gradient colors in general chat and gradient color usage
Small change for options command. Now feedback messages will go to target player instead of command sender. This means that you can have console performing commands while informing target player about result. You can always hide those messages with -s variable
Optimized baltop calculation done when player balance changes. This will limit its update rate to no more than once every 15 seconds even if player receives thousands of balance changes durring that time, we will only update it once.
Fix for afk->CheckInterval not working as intended
Now afk title should appear at the moment you enter afk mode without any additional tiny delay as it was previously
Improvement for Afk title messages. Now it will fade in and fade out to create more seamless experience
Added missing %cmi_user_toggle_tagsound% and %cmi_user_togglename_tagsound% placeholders
Fix for issue relating to amount of warp in UI being over and excess needing to be carried over which on itself caused it to show only one warp point
Small fix for issue with new chat event listener introduced in 1.19.1 which isn't present in 1.19 while still being attempted to be registered
Updated plugin to support 1.19.1 servers
Changed look for playtime visualization which now is more customizable and allot more shorter by default. New locale lines got added and you can define some extra behavior in that same locale file in case you want to show more or less of the time output
Fix for kits UI pagination still failing in some situations
Added option to define custom icons for /options UI
Added option to send public messages while you are in staffmsg channel by using ! at the start of message
Another run for IC handling when it comes to Citizens NPC. This should be final update to resolve this issue once and for all (fingers crossed)
Added option to define custom nether roof height, in case you need different one when you preventing players from bugging on top of it but you have some custom height defined by another plugin
Fix for sculk sensor blocks detecting vanished players
Fix for incorrect locale for tppos command when incorrectly defining target location
Some update for commands (kick, mute, ban, tempban) while using global placeholders while providing reason. This will allow you to be more flexible and have more dynamic messages while performing those commands
Fix for kit UI pagination not going over 2 pages if you have kit count between 56 and 84 kits
Fix for %cmi_jail_reason_[jailName]_[cellId]% %cmi_jail_time_[jailName]_[cellId]% and %cmi_jail_username_[jailName]_[cellId]% not returning consistent results when you have more than one player jailed at same cell. Now it should properly show latest jailed player information
Added option to perform specific commands when jailing or unjailing players. This will support global variables, placeholders and specialized type commands for full control over those
General rework on visuals and handling for /jailedit command
Going from this messy look to new one, which should be cleaner and more consistent
Same thing applies to jail cell editing
Now adding new jail will prompt you with jails name instead of adding command suggestion. This will be more consistent with general handling of things like that.
Added option to visualize jail boundaries (S) in jailedit command for convenience sake. This will ether use CMI built in visualization or trigger SelectionVisualizer plugin to show jails current bounds.
Some locale updates for /jailedit command to fit new look and new handling
Small change for jailing when you have multiple jails but not all of them has set cells, so jailing process was failing due to invalid jail being picked as closest one. Now we will prioritize jails which are properly setup
Now cell list in /jailedit can be clicked to get list of jailed players which can be unjailed by clicking their name
Small fix for bungee private messages which could not show up for sender in some specific situations
Small improvement when it comes to player based placeholders in custom alias which gets triggered from console. This means that generally speaking we dont have actual player reference to take and use for placeholder translations. Now we will try to get one from provided variables in this command. Its not 100% bullet proof, but it will allow for you to utilize some placeholder from console which require defined player as a source for those. As an example 'asConsole! lp user $1 permission set cmi.command.sethome.%cmi_equationint_{cmi_user_maxperm_cmi.command.sethome_1}+1%'
/cmi checkcommand will allow you to alt+click on a command to paste it into chat for simpler usage of it
Fix for issue with kit gui and kits you have access to preview but you cant get those, while clicking one would have glitched out kits icon
Fix for playtime not stopping as it should when you are vanished and you enabled specific feature relating to this
Fix for /cmi saveditems save command not picking correct item name when its not the first provided variable
Improved /saveditems GUI which now will be faster with less clutter in a console
Fixed issue with /saveditems GUI showing same category for all items when you use -c:all variable, now it will properly show items category
Better item worth detection when it comes to custom heads with custom textures applied to those. This works with mob and player heads. Save file for worth will include somewhat funky looking lines, but we can't really avoid that. Update CMILib for this to take full effect.
Fixing compatibility issue with stacker type plugins and ride on players command
Added support for default ban message to translate basic global variables like [playerDisplayName], [senderDisplayName] and similar
Fix for a bug where cmi.command.recipe.admin permission check was ignored
Fix for attached commands not recognizing click:[action]! variable properly and always defaulting to right click
- I've removed a few not so family friendly signs and structures, and warned the players. Reminder: We're a family friendly server, please respect that.
- The plugins that we use to handle Minecraft <-> Discord integration have all been updated.
- The plugins that we use to handle item soul binding has been fixed, we were having issues with the commands.
Note: {
New: Remote bind command with console support:
Consistency fix: bindInvItems now works with group bind registration strings
Command permission checks delegated to built-in spigot permission system
NEW: Group Binding. Works via commands or register string. See config file and command help info for usage.
Updated to 1.18, Java 17
misc. patches
Improved keepOnDeath compatibility with Essentials keepInv and other similar plugins.
Upgrade to 1.17 and Java 16. Older versions no longer supported.
Improved compatibility with inventory GUIs of other plugins.
- Kicked inactive Discord accounts (people who joined, never spoked, haven't spoken in the last 30+ days, and who have no role).
Note: If this was you, you're free to rejoin, just .. be active?
- 1MB 3.2.3 has been updated with a bunch of changes that help us run the server smoother.
- We noticed that the TOPG vote site switched to 'account required', something we obviously do not support.
Note: {
We have contacted TOPG, they have no interest in not gathering player data, so we waved them goodbye.
We've replaced TOPG with BUZZ, you can vote there now.
The forum link to TOPG has been replaced with BUZZ as well.
Updated the page
Updated our voting plugins to forget about TOPG
Told other server owners to stop using TOPG unless they don't value their players' privacy.
The /vote list shows the correct data
- The plugins we use for the /builders world have been updated.
Note: {
fix: replace usages of snow tag (#3758)
Items no longer despawn on road when natural\_mob\_spawning = true and kill-road-items = false (#3764)
fix: use correct uuid type in `/grant` (#3759)
Don't allow wall corals to dry (#3746)
fix: Add user friendly message for creationdate placeholder (#3745)
perf: avoid quadratic overhead for UUID collection (#3749)
fix: improve handling of missing message files (#3718)
change message of `/p remove <player>` if player does not need to be removed (#3734)
Deprecate the static Permissions "util" class that is almost entirely superseded by methods in PermissionHolder instances themselves (#3695)
Revert "Adjust schematic height logic when pasting and actually set air as well #3681"(#3722)
This fix has been reverted in order to address a regression that prevents the creation of multi layer road schematics. Updating is advised
fix: Don't fail post processing compilation on non-ascii charmap(#3719)
Ignore cancelled projectile launch events(#3709)
Show old flag value in remove command (#3711)
Use single PlotListener instance (#3704)
Better handling of offline projectile shooters (#3705)
Adjust schematic height logic when pasting and actually set air as well (#3681)
Reset wall filling on clear (#3680)
Fix maximum plot number check in `/plot continue` counting the current plot twice (#3674)
Implement build height limits into more events (#3691)
Minor cleanup of the plot analyze code (#3708)
chore: Replace AnnotationHelper class (#3706)
refactor: replace usages of switch over keyed enums (#3673)
fix: Don't publish root directory to maven repository (#3676)
If you depend on that in your build files, you depend on the wrong artifact. Revisit the wiki to see which artifact to use.
- The Discord "!ip" command has been updated
- The Discord "!changelog" command has been updated
- updated 1.19.2 No-Grief Survival Server
- updated simulation-distance=6 (from 4 to 6)
- /motd updated to reflect latest 1MB 3.2.3 version
- 1mb-tip updated to say 3.2.3
- F3 branding changed to 1MB 3.2.3
- Server fully on 1.19.2, not rolling back to 1.19.1
- The plugins related to MMO have been updated.
Note: {
Updated plugins to latest version (#4817)
Dev mode
Mangrove trees are now properly marked natural from growth
Tree Feller now partially destroys trees if the whole tree is too big
Update changelog and version
Updated dependencies to fix hovering over subskills for 1.19.2 (#4814)
Update config.yml (#4809)
Revert "Players who used unarmed combat are still considered using unarmed while not holding weapons for a brief time period"
Allow mining benefits while using Hoe
- Java JVM bumped to 18.0.2's latest build for macOS, x86
- omgboards top notice for playing minecraft has been bumped to 1.19.2
- Reminder: We noticed players with region permissions to still break through walls when they can't enter a closed area. If it's not your build, don't break it, we do consider this grief. We've given warnings to the players involved. It's better to ask permission to access closed areas, rather than just breaking through walls.
- Updated the /spawn spawnpoint, especially the signs, they're showing the correct 1MB version and the correct Minecraft version.
- Updated the plugins related to holograms.
Note: {
Improve API Javadocs
Fix v2 VisibilityManager
Fix default settings using old custom placeholders
- The BentoBox gametypes plugins and addons have all been updated.
Note: {
BBOX itself, biomes, witchery, oneblock, cobblestone generator, challenges, limits, extramobs, dance to grow saplings, warps, likes, parkour, skyblock, acid, level, greenhouses, border, cave, skygrid, their individual changelogs are too much to post here.
- Plugins related to the placeholders that we use, papi, cmilib, cmi, etc, have all been updated.
Note: {
Updated Adventure
Update canned responses.
Bump to 2.11.3-dev
remove remaining colour shit and changed version so cube can release and we can be all happy and dandy
Remove wiki folder
Update Image link
Removed excess capitalisation
Fix PlaceholderExpansion may not unregistered
Improve expansion sorting in /papi dump
`Locale.ROOT` param
Change appended message for null jar array
Use stream to get size padding
Log missing required plugin for expansion
Make plugin check before register to avoid possible exceptions
Delete wiki action (Not needed)
Update bug_report.yml
Update old links
remove regex replacer & associated tests
- The Jobs plugin has been updated.
Note: {
Add config option for preventing enchantments on shop items (Gamer153)
Added option to translate potion effects, this includes effects on tipped arrows. Check translatableWords file for new entries.
Fixing issue relating to bossbar handling and rare error message being shown in console
Fix for quest progression detailed window not showing up to date information after plugin gets reloaded
Fix for issue relating to API when JobsJoinEvent was firing after player joined job, so canceling it had little effect
Fix for jobs.maxquest permission node not picking highest value but prioritizing jobs.maxquest.all permission node. Now we will pick highest value.
Fix for issue when creating MySQL database tables
Added option to require (enabled by default) for boosted items to be in more correct slots. This means that you cant have diamond sword in your head slot and get boosted item bonus, or have boots in your main hand and get one. Arm slots are limited to none armor items except shield, armor slots are limited to armor items which should match actual slot, so boots goes to boot slot, leggings to leg slot and so on. There is small exception for head slot which can have none armor items, but you cant have weapon and tool type items in it. This will prevent from players holding armor items in their hands to gain extra boost bonus instead of actually wearing them.
Should be up and running for 1.19 servers, don't forget to update CMILib
Removed redundant listener relating to mcMMO fishing which was causing double payments (smuddgge)
Fixing issue where chat entries would stop being recognized after /jobs reload command
Now locale file should support player display name. Use %playerdisplayname% variable instead of %playername%
Removed few locale lines which can be taken from CMILib locale file, just to centralize and simplify translations across multiple plugins. This is only for generic messages and not for plugin specific ones.
Fix for constant flood with brewing stands losing their payments after each hopper item transfer
Added option to disable information messages about disabled payments from owned blocks entirely, in case you dont want to bother showing those messages to the players. You can always double check if block is active and paying money to you by using /jobs ownedblocks
Fix for petpay with mythicmobs plugin
Some improvements relating to scheduler to more properly indicate when scheduler failed to be loaded in
Fix for you still being able to enchant boosted items in anvils when option is disabled. You can still repair item, but you can't enchant it.
Small internal change for batch payments which now is hard capped at 1 second as minimum. You should never go so low in any case, but this will generally prevent issues for someone who decides to go lower than this for one or another reason.
Fix for double plants bypassing block place/break protection.
- The plugins related to handling permissions on the server have been updated.
Note: {
Add healthcheck for standalone app
Fix Bukkit tab complete (#3449)
Fix Forge user data sometimes missing after switching worlds (#3447)
Fabric 1.19.1 (#3437)
Update dependencies for 1.19.1 support (#3440)
Forge 1.19 (#3397)
Change standalone image name
Implement standalone/cli app
Fix compile
- /wild "/wb" set to 4k, and "/minecraft:worldborder" set to 8k to match
- old 1.19.1 backups have been purged, last one is kept, and latest-last-before-upgrade to 1.19.2 is being moved to archive now.
- We have updated #events once in a while with weekend double, triple, and quad exp events. Don't miss out!
- My shell scripts have been updated to 1.19.2 and published to my Github repos
- Our 2nd inventory backup plugin has databases, the oldest database kept for once, but latest db has been archived, and new one has been created.
- By the way, players can connect with 1.19.1 to the 1.19.2 server.
- Headsup: welcomes update internal build has been beta tested with the developer, latest build has been received and testing will continue later this saturday, data import has been successful, new '/points' shop looks very dynamic and promising.
- Various perm tests and settings have been gone through for the 5 gametypes the last few days
- All gametypes now have top 5 islands listed at their /<gametype> spawn with a hologram. Go try and find them! Are you on the top 5?
- We noticed that player-heads dropping as steve heads, instead of the head they were on the wall.
Note: bug reported by
@Nikki should now be fixed
- An announcement has been posted about summer mobs, and youtube video posted, and broadcast ingame done.
- Everybody who has reported screenshots of summer mobs in July and August have now received their trade items.
- Each world has a spawn now with a trade mob.
- Backups of 1.19.0 and 1.19.1 have been organized.
- Older backups that are just double-data have been purged now.
- Latest backup of 1.19.2 has been moved offsite as a precaution.
- limits on gametypes changed: furnace, blaster, smoker, = each 6 on next restart, and observer from 2 to 4.
- Added VivienneStardust to our team of community helpers!
- The plugins that we use the handle region protection in worlds, as well as anti grief stuff, has received various updates.
Note: {
Back to snapshot. Also update changelog
Release 7.0.8 beta 1.
Account for possible world nullability for Entity#getOrigin Location
Properly protect chest_boats as vehicles
Fix Report for Spigot based servers Bukkit.spigot
Check if InventoryHolder BlockState is placed. Closes #1903.
Tidy up, added missing effect type, removed todo for paper only
Add Sculk Growth Flag and options to disable sculk growths
Plugin Version to 1.19, cleanup from Materials, added 1.19 Materials
Bumped versions: Minecraft to 1.19 and JDK 17
Fixed Typo in CommandException
Improvement and Cleanup Domain view for /region info * Don't suggest the uuids to the command line, copy them to the clipboard instead * Tidy up the hover events and added hints to copy uuids
Skip lookups on claim. Claim hasn't allowed user-input for ages, so no need to resolve anything.
Append OnlineMode server information to ServerReport
Default chest-protection.disable-off-check to true. Fixes #1890.
Handle all the amethyst growth. Fixes #1889.
- Grief rollback data older than 6+ months have been purged, well, the stuff at the end .. nearly 2 million records.
Note: Got griefed? Report it! The sooner you do, the more we can fix. We try to guarantee up to six months. So player regularly and keep an eye on your build. Got something you want to guarantee never getting griefed? Ask for region protection.
- cmi's filebackups/ folder has been purged, or rather, the content within. gave it a quick review, all validated content.
- moved some old plugin folders of plugins we no longer run into _tempUninstalledPlugins/ .. because we might return them at some point.
- purged cmi's /sell logs up until e whatever that month is aug last year.
- CMI's /money logs have been purged up until october first, and again, older backup should have older files, so techn we have it all anyway. gave it a quick review
- purged /logs/ from the 1mb server up until march 1st, gave them a quick review for certain exploit abuse, item duping related stuff, xray reports that i might have overlooked, players on fake accounts, botnet flood attempts, etc
- purged all old -dev- server setups for 1.19.x (anything that worked was moved to -test- builds)
- purged all old -test- server setups for 1.19.x (anything that was tested and worked, is already on 1MB 3.2.1's version and 1.19.1.
- cleaned up the ・changelog channel.
- deleted a bunch of closed tickets on discord
- reported private bugs from 1.19.1 to mojang that seem significant enough. hopefully they can fix them - we're reviewing manual patches atm.
- cleaned up old

・meet-and-greet images, will continue to do so, was falling behind, but hitting rate limits of discord.
- all 5 gametypes spawnpoints have a demo location for the cobble generator (design stil being finalized)
- all 5 gametypes spawnpoints now have the 6 villagers, and they're linked. (and cmi plugin has improvements to try and keep them linked)
- all 5 gametypes spawnpoints villagers stand on blocks, if the link disconnects, the block remains working as it's not an entity, players can click that too
- all 5 gametypes hspawnpoints ave at least a sign saying 'bored playing this gametype? try something else with /warps' or whatever it says
- all 5 gametypes spawnpointshave a 30lvl enchantment table somehwere and we've tested, it can be reached in all gametypes.
- thread updated:
- appended some text to our rules, basically saying that we now officially have changed our rules with some new info;
- published an announcement that the rules changed.
- updated this thread with the current situation/information:
- updated the what is next thread
- updated /motd to say the right versions
- updated the /menu command to respect empty and params provided input.
- updated to make sure the new 1.19.x 1.19.1 settings are behaving as expected
- added new route "play2" via tcpshield to the server, calling it shield in /ip
- updated existing route "play" via cosmicguard on their services, calling it cosmic in /ip
- reviewed networking route for main ip 1mb on my network devices, etc, calling it main in /ip
- added new /ip command, will update visually over time
- backup planb inventories sqlite3 database reset, starting fresh with 1.19.2
- uninstalled viaversion now that we're on 1.19.2 once signed chat works and we verify everyting with geyser and via works how i want it, we will gradually returning it.
- all gametypes have a spawn, and spawn building has been done, staff building on spawn has been done on most, and builders-group and up helping build has been done as well.
- added missing "island go" villager in /skyblock
- revamped the internals of gametype villagers
- /warp shops has woolshop in use again, vloop run out, they expired, and i've just restocked
- Updated the way "/staffmsg" looks.
- updated /wild villagers to be on the reinforced block and players can right click the block to use the villager; because their unique id keeps getting removed from the .YML file. blocks are more reliable.
- done the same for /oneblock spawn villagers
- done the same for /skyblock spawn villagers
- The plugins that we use to manage the mobs on the server have been updated.
Note: {
Fix for block placing limiter for 1.12 servers failing to determine correct highest block which was mostly relevant while placing none block type "blocks" like chests from top to bottom in single line without having any solid block above those.
Small update to add option to ignore disabled worlds in /mfm list command output incase you don't really want to see reports from your hub type worlds
- Skygrid didn't have a spawn, it has one.
- Oneblock didn't have a spawn, it has one now.
- Builders spawnpoint updated, with the help of Nikki.
- Acid and Cave also didn't have a spawn, they have one now as well.
- Bumped Hepcat from Helper to Admin, let's see if he sticks around to help to keep his title
And more than a couple of dozen little changes here and there. But I forget to write it down.