January 2nd, 2023:
Catching up on older todo items, and finally processing #polls - Welcome to 2023 !
- Winter Update 2022 (part 1 stuff):
- Gametypes have been updated, you can now dance on your island near your farms, and it won't just grow your trees, it grows all of this! Go check this out:
# Toggles if dancing will affect saplings. This includes:
# oak_sapling, spruce_sapling, birch_sapling, jungle_sapling, acacia_sapling,
# dark_oak_sapling, mangrove_propagule, azalea, flowering_azalea, bamboo.
grow-saplings: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect crops. This includes:
# wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroots.
grow-crops: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect pumpkins and melons.
# Dancing near sapling will force-grow pumpkin/melon near stem.
grow-pumpkin-melon: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect cactus and sugarcane.
# Dancing near cactus/sugarcane will grow it by 1 level. Max level is still 3.
grow-cactus-sugarcane: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect mushrooms.
# Dancing near brown and red mushroom will allow it to grow.
# Huge mushroom requirements still must be met.
grow-mushrooms: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect fungus.
# Dancing near warped and crimson fungus will allow it to grow.
# Large fungus requirements still must be met.
grow-fungus: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect warped and twisted wines.
grow-nether-vines: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect vines and glow lichen.
grow-vines: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect tall flowers.
# It means that tall flowers will drop their item, like using bone meal.
grow-tall-flowers: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect sea pickles.
# Sea pickles requirements still must be met.
grow-sea-pickles: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect kelp and large drip leaf.
grow-kelp-drip-leaf: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect chorus flower.
# Dancing near chorus flower will force it to grow in full chorus tree.
grow-chorus-flower: true
# Toggles if dancing will affect sweet berries and glow berries.
# Dancing near berries will produce berries.
grow-berries: true
View: https://youtu.be/zxmEE8zPoRA
- Are you in the group BUILDER or higher, do we have a surprise for you. Check out the /builders world in /letmebuild (creative mode) .. You will notice a fancy newly organized creative menu in 1.19.3
- The /wild worldborder has been expanded from 5000 to 7500, offering a 15,000 wide (on all sides) world, with loads of new untouched and ungenerated chunks to explore and build bases on.
Here's a little video to show just a couple of them -
View: https://youtu.be/Xx--OcKfn58
- **The */points* shop is taken offline**, but shall return. You can still collect points.
2023 point system:
* pointy fish when eaten still give the same amount of points and this wont change.
* joining default points is brought down from 3 to 2.
* first time of the day bonus points are brought down from 6 to 5.
* Bonus now stacks on top of what you get, so first greeting actually earns you 7 now total.
* For now, points earned by voting remain the same, this might change.
* The legacy 2022 items from the shop will return, some point values might slightly change, if so, we will inform you in the changelog
* The new 2023 items from the shop will be listed in various categories for easy finding.
* suggestions for points? open a new #・ticket-support and post your suggestion(s) this IS the time to do that.
More about this update soon.
- Given the top 3 richest Discord-coin users an extra 50,000 coins for their hard work in 2022 grinding those coins. Go spend them!
If you also want to earn Discord-coins to save up for some fun Discord/Minecraft items you can exchange them for, then check out #・discord-coins 's pinned msgs.
- Please note that in 2022 we've had a #・polls requesting if the community wanted to have /back AND /dback (death back), the response was overwhelming. It's now 2023, and all players have /dback added as a command.
If you die, your /back might bring you to your previous teleported location that might not be the death one. To go back to where you died last in the game, even if you have teleported around a few times, you can use /dback.
For now, there's no cooldown and/or warmup added, this might change in the (near) future.
- Players who haven't been on the server in over two years, will no longer show in the top for playertime, nor baltop. The playtime top shows in a hologram at /spawn somewhere. And the balance top can be viewed by typing /baltop.
We actually really want to focus on active players, so this is one of a few steps to achieve that. Last year we're started purging perm banned (without option to appeal) players from certain top lists. This year we started purging 0 level users and inactive for x years from mcMMO, next could be Jobs. But for now, we're going to set (at least visually) inactive players to not show in balance-, and player top lists.
Once they re-join and become active, their OLD values will of course still be there and continue to update. And they start showing again. We had an overwhelming yes vote on this in #・polls in 2022, and now in 2023 this is active.
The period is set to 730 days (2 years). But this might change in the future.
- Snowman trails should appear on the next server restart in /general and /wild in the `_global_` region (you can check with /here). The global world protection flag is also set from true to false (and will no longer disable this unless a region flag specifically controls it). This is a result from the community voting in #・polls
- The community voted in #・polls to keep certain other settings and features as they currently are, so no changes there. But i've still reviewed them. Making sure it's currently as we want. New polls coming in 2023 !!
- Cleaned up the polls channel.
- Another Winter Update 2022 change (yes, winter continues in 2023) .. SCULK GROWTH
Please note that the global setting for sculk growth prevention is changed from true to false, allowing sculk to grow and spread in all regions, except where it's specifically disabled.
- In the /general world, the `_global_` region does not allow Sculk growth.
- In the /wild world, the `_global_` region does not allow Sculk growth.
- Note that in other regions that means it can grow. If it doesn't in Your owned region(s), but you specifically want it to, please feel free to reach out to us and request the flag to be set to true.
- Update; Owners of their own region can type /here, and then click region flags, and toggle allow|deny for the Sculk-Growth flag.
- Uninstalled the old /points shop
- Installed the new /points pro shop
- Users from old shop have been imported into the new shop, except for users with 0 points.
- Default /points opening gui has been created, with a legacy category that's next to be configured so we have at least the old items.
- The alias /points has been updated to not run the gui shop, but instead it now says that the shop is temporarily closed.
- Made a start for trying to simplify / automate announcing player-group changes.
- Updated the PyroFishingPro plugin to fix the crabmas disabling.
- Inactive players will no longer show in the top for playtime. Upped from 0 to 730. (2 years)
- Inactive players will no longer show in the top for balance. Upped from 0 to 730. (2 years)
- disable-snowman-trails: false is now active, changed from true to false.
- Checked /general, made sure in `_global_` it's set to ALLOW for the flag
- Checked /wild, made sure in `_global_` it's set to ALLOW for the flag
- For now, ignoring all other worlds, assuming the global setting from true to false will inherit. Based on player-feedback we can tweak live through /here > flags > page 2.
- We can now finally roll-back sculk grief.
- The /points gui has been updated to be at least working. The items for sale are set to enabled: false, so I can test as admin, but players can't accidentally 'waste' their items if they find out they can use /welcomes shop, over /points.
- The /points menu button now work, the economy prints the placeholder ingame, the back to /menu now opens it as a console command to run "/menu", and the more info now opens the cmi ctext points txt file as a book. It has some basic info - which we need to expand on (but that's another todo item).
- The CMI repo on my mrfdev github page has been bumped to the now live version.
- Updated the Discord !event command
- Updated the Discord !ip command
- Updated the Discord !staff command
- Owners of their own region can type /here, and then click region flags, and toggle allow|deny for the Sculk-Growth flag.
- Purged all older 3.2.9.x backups from the offsite backup solution. Except of course the last one.
- Made a manual backup of the current 3.2.10 -live- server
- Purged the -test- servers I made to help upgrade from 1.19.2 to 1.19.3
- Purged the -dev- servers I made to help upgrade from 1.19.2 to 1.19.3
- Upgraded Paper to latest build to fix potential issue with skin layers.
- Reported exception errors and plugin issues from 1.19.3 to developers, they're look into solutions.
- Updated the /fish plugin, it had some more bugfixes.
- Moved all the 2022 files from /logs/ into /logs/_2022/ and purged all the logs older than 2022-06-01 (so we only have six months of server log data on the live server) Note that older backups probably have older logs (for now)
- Moved all the 2021 files from /plugins/cmi/moneylogs/ into /plugins/cmi/moneylogs/_2021, and did the same for 2022. We will review 2021 one more time and then purging the whole of 2021.
- Moved all the 2021 files from /plugins/cmi/selllogs/ into /plugins/cmi/selllogs/_2021, and did the same for 2022. We will review 2021 one more time and then purging the whole of 2021.
- Purged the content of #server-chat
- Updated the chunks in /easter/ world to 1.19.3 and found no issues, exported the world, and archived it. Unloading it from the server on start. Purged the older backups of this world that I could find. (offsite backups still have a copy)
- history thread updated (first post, appended last post summery)
Boy, it's been 13+ years, I hope I really remember this stuff correctly. Version 0.0 The Mikey Spring Era Our Universe came to be, constructed by MadMikeyB, March 7th, 2011. Before the 'stable' version of Minecraft, there was an early and public beta, and Mikey found out early on that Minecraft...
- compressed /thanksgiving/ and prepped the purge. archive only moving forward
- compressed /santa/ and prepped the purge, archive only moving forward
- the /santa command is now loading /event
- the /rtp for wild has been updated; moved away from its spawn a bit.
- my instagram posts and twitter posts now go to #hype .. if i did that right.
- twerking trees replaced with FARM DANCE, details in #changelog and video to show it off;
View: https://youtu.be/zxmEE8zPoRA
- server upgraded to 1.19.3, announcement published, changelog shared
- changelog 2022 reconfigured to use the new thread, new thread tested, it's posting to the right channel
- Discord bot logging changed from old discord logs 2022 to new discord logs 2023 channel
- Reminder: the /fish events crabmas is still active in the first week of January.
- The #giveaway channel has been archived
- Cleaned up more nameplates from Halloween, less people should show up with them now. This perk is expiring.
- The lootboxes at /warp charlie aren't there right now, known issue, it won't be long until those return.
- Plugins have been bumped to 1.19.3 since their latest upgrade to .3, some had bug fixes.
- During the last changelog and the upgrade to 1.19.3, we've kept plugins current and active, in preparation to the .3 update.
- The Veteran group isn't visible, but we're making changes and taking names. It's an active and ongoing process.
- fixed known issue with cache of player skin being a problem.
- 1MB Fun bot updated. We will try to make it run more often, but shorter.
- Banned users who have been caught xraying in 2022. We've finished reviewing the list: stop cheating.
- Unbanned some users from our ban list that can earn a second chance.
- fixed cloudflare issue causing 503 responses on update sites
- Plugins related to the voting features have all been updated so they work together a bit nicer.
- We had a great Holiday season event, this has now all ended and cleanedd up. If you however still believe you are owed something, please do feel free to poke me (best way is to make a new #ticket-support issue)
- New Discord Emoji and Stickers have been added to the server.
- We've made 1MB 3.2.9 in 2022 live, it's now completely replaced with 3.2.10 and we're cleaning up behind the scenes so we dont have legacy stuff floating around
- New Routing hardware installed (phase 1)
- Jobs has been updated, we're now using the latest feature fixes live.
- Removed my 'offline todo list' from Discord, black friday is over and December is over. My offline app is ready so i can use that instead again.
- fixed !rankup link on Discord, tnx greymagic27
- Purged 5 members with no role in November/December 2022 from Discord, they haven't been active for 30+ days, had no roles, etc. They're free to rejoin if they're active players on the server.
- Fixed some issues with custom alias commands, through updating CMI/CMILib, thanks Zrips
- Updated the kit new players get when they join the server,
* they get a money-cheque for $250 that has lore info about /balance, /warp shops, etc.
* the msg they get when they receive it is using modern commands and hex colors
* the conditions have been removed to avoid conflict
* it's no longer obtainable again and again
* delay is set to 1 hour, instead of 12 hours
* obtainable a max of a handful of times. (surely after 5 hours they no longer need it)
- Updated the "/charlie" command.
* matched the style a bit to other commands
* unified the colors a bit
- updated the "/clock" command
* no longer using deprecated placeholders
* visualize it a bit better
* added support for weather
* added ob/sb worlds
* moved away from some legacy colors
- disocrd changed enough in the last year that the ---- 1moreblock.com ---- role is obsolete for the visual fun. removed it.
- final backup of 1mb 3.2.7 made and moved to external drive
- new backup of 1mb 3.2.8 made, and moved to external drive
- halloween world uninstalled, backed up of course
- plugins and data related to halloween 2022 backed up to the forums, and drive
- halloween related features uninstalled and changed, etc.
- 1mb 3.3.x -dev- *last month
* moved everything that works and we decided upon to 3.2.latest -test-
- 1mb 3.2.latest -test-
* checked and tested everything, cleaned up code, and tested again, bumped master branch / merged, etc.
* moved everything that's okay to 3.2.8 -live-
- 1mb 3.2.8 (current) on -live-
* next restart will be 3.2.8 running live, post-halloween event
* thread bumped:
- Thank you all for contributing to the recent fall season events, all players for playing, all regulars for inviting their friends and voting, all builders and developers for helping make it happen and all staff members for helping the players find what they can do on the server.
- first community chest on 1mb is live and official;
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7o3tBfQhGU
more will be added over time
- discordsrv jar updated so it stops whining on login for me
- improving gc handling by lowering allocated ram from 10 to 8 gb, but giving 1mb itself 2 extra gigs for constant "hey figure me out" space.
Note that the 2nd half of the changelogs mentioned are dating back from October 22nd 2022 to today. I haven't had a chance to include them in the daily. They're still relevant.