The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 2)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Haircut done!

Floor of livingroom cleaned, lady paid, new appointment made for november, and i took a shower. i got the bike back inside since it started raining and now I have to wait a few minutes for the next person to arrive.

Good to have this part behind me.
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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Got to remember to take a meter reading tonight, need to keep on top of that with all these energy companies going under.

Washing was done this morning and put to dry. Sofa cleared, but no washing up got done so have to get it done tonight.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Got to remember to take a meter reading tonight, need to keep on top of that with all these energy companies going under.

Washing was done this morning and put to dry. Sofa cleared, but no washing up got done so have to get it done tonight.
Great tip! I have a smart setup now but i need to not check on my own usage, but also on them not screwing me over.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Everything is done today, I ended up with a nap due to headache and woke up with a worse headache. LOL.

I had a long chat with my sister about the will, and i received the will in writing too. So we can now start wtih that.

The ppl that had to come over all showed up. It's good to have today out of the way and that i can ignore life tomorrow 100% and do something completely different.

If you need me i will be in bed with ipad until the last 1% goes away.

I am happy that I was doing okay with the apartment even with all the mental set backs, and that you all here kept me motivated to just do my best. So now ppl were here and i had no anxiety of them visiting.

There's loads to do, rooms filled with boxes from the farm, but, i made serious progress here in the kitchen and livingroom and few other rooms. Just have to do the same to the bedroom and the rooms with the boxes.

But, that's for after the weekend, for now, friday: ignore life, saturday and sunday, review will and get questions ready for legal for monday, and then take it from there, and start dealing with the apartment on tuesday but until then just upkeep everything the best i can in between doing nothings.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
All caught up with laundry, don't have enough now to do another load and all the extras are done, sofa throw, dressing gowns etc all done.
I might change the table cloth on Sunday once I've gone enough to put in with it. I'll also need to empty the vacuum on Sunday too.
Washing up, is a work in progress! I've done a little today, might try to get some more done before I go to work.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Ok, i relaxed enough i want to do something. i am in a good head space as well. So, two things, laundry (maybe that bed thing) and putting trash from kitchen in a bag and taking it downstairs..

empty the vacuum? NOoOo dont remind me!! btw, i use those little pearls you suck up that help have things smell less dusty and more nice-y


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Yesterday I ended up with a headache, which kind of ruined the end of the day. But I had a nice day where I could say that I had no stress from family related stuff. It feels like a couple of things are behind me know and I should accept it as such so I can move forward. I've made progress, I should accept that and realise where I stand and focus on the next thing. Okay, mental todo list done too. Sheesh, life's supposed to be a little easier.

I've taken the time to go through the last will of my mom and contact legal who replied, and I thought about some stuff while trying to just play games and watch tv/movies. And I played quite a few games, I've watched a handful of movies and all sorts of tv. I might have woken up around midnight last night and had a whisky that Justin gave me, a nice snack, and watch Foundation on Apple TV+ around 1am.

Going back to bed at some point and waking up at around 6 or 7, whatever it was.

Laundry was started before going to bed, I woke up to the beeping around midnight and then turned on the dryer, which was done of course when I woke up this morning. So I am up to date on that. Nothing left except a blanket now, which I might do later.

The kitchen I've updated again, so that's nice now, like it was Thursday.

The livingroom is still fine. So I have time now for something else today, maybe to clean the walls in the bathroom a bit better than I normally do, and wipe off the dryer/washing machine and double check the filters. Maybe I will do a empty run on the washing machine since @Joan reminded me.

Still going to take it slow. I have a lot to decide on and think about, I don't want to stress myself more than needed. Trying to make it a nice Saturday.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Welp, I just realised it is probably smart while the temps are still okay to turn on the heater after the summer period and see if the radiators even get warm. If there's an issue now with it I can call ppl instead of freezing my booty off.

I hear the thing go, i feel the heat in the pipes, I will give it 30 minutes and then check the radiators and i will check for leaks. Fingers crossed. It would be nice if something would go well for once and doesn't come with complications.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
At work early today for the recycling to be collected, but did manage to get a bit of washing up done before I left.

Tomorrow is the big cleaning day. Mostly as I have a day off!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
At work early today for the recycling to be collected, but did manage to get a bit of washing up done before I left.

Tomorrow is the big cleaning day. Mostly as I have a day off!
Have a day off ! Ignore cleaning, become a hoarder :D


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Well, I have quite a surprise in the mailbox today about my apartment O_O

I might have to double check to confirm this is going to happen and when I can expect it, but it's smart if I really really work on my bathroom and toilet room in October just in case I am at the start of the list.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Well I'm up with a cuppa tea, I've given the cat his flea treatment, but that's as far as I've got on my to do list.
To do:
Living Room

So yeah the entire flat!


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
9am, can't say I've done much, changed the table cloth and put the washing machine on, got that on the drying rack now. Had breakfast, put some bleach down the loo ready to clean that later.

Next up, start on the washing up


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Slept and woke up every hour, so, yeh.. feeling meh

Was up since 7, took my time to wake up while walking around moving things back in their place.

Emptied the dryer and dishwasher.

Live streamed some minecraft related stuff.

Got the trash together in a bag and I will bring that down soon.

Took a look at my plants, but to be honest i might wait until 28th before watering them, I think they're doing okay.

Had a shower last night which was nice to relax, cleaned laundry today and put it in the washing machine. When I switch clothes later and stuff, I will just run it, even if it is little.

Well, read the letter again I got last night, and it seems they're renovating my bathroom and toilet room, so, that's my October focus I guess. NO idea when, between nov this year and aug next year. SO YEAH. But, I am excited, finally something 'new', and I didn't have to beg them for it, they reached out to me this time.

Still no window washers this month, I dunno. I mean, the windows are fine, so .. i save money I guess.

Some flowers showed up from family members, I've taken care of those now properly as well. I hope they survive for a while.

Clean laundry I found lying around on chairs I've moved all into the bed room again, I will deal with that later.

While I was waiting for black friday deal on dish washer and toilet paper stuff, my local grocery store had a 60% coupon code for things. I ordered nearly 75 euro worth of that stuff, but didn't have to pay 60% of it. So, that should arrive tomorrow. Which helps.. I have more than I will use in a few years, which I call a small investment. No costs for 2022 and 2023 hopefully. Toilet paper was 25% more expensive than the bigger amazon purchase, but, I know what I will get, and this will make sure I have until end of Spring 2022 probably. So ONLY if amazon has the same amazing super discount deal again I won't buy any for a while. I checked, I had 6 roles left, so, would have made it until amazon deal, but now I don't have to think about it. It was still 50% cheaper almost than what I would normally spend at the local store for tp. There was also 60% off on fruit drinks, and I picked like 5 or 8 of them, which will last me some weeks. And the same for something else. All in all, 225 euro grocery bill, but i only pay 100 euro. But the next few times it will just be fresh milk, fresh bread, some cheese and some evening dinner. Everything else I should be good for for a while.

Besides that, which wasn't a lot to do, I am going to take it a little bit easy today. I don't want to risk my back, and I am tired, i rather go back to sleep for a few hours here and there. Watch some tv and movies, and pick up 'thinking' on Monday again. I have to work on the last will and inheritance of my dad, my mom, my own stuff, contact few companies, figure out the details of this apartment renovation, and schedule october a bit now that we're in the last week of September.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Well 3pm and progress has been slow, washed the cat bedding, found that he has fleas so that been washed and I've taped down the cat bed/climber thing as I can't wash that.
Done probably 2/3rds of the washing up, got the oven dish soaking now.
Popped to the shops, cat is restocked on treats!
Made a start on the floors, cat tunnel has been put away.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
i bought one of those spray bottles a while ago to fight fleas and what not. when I clean a side of a room i dust off the edges and vacuum, then i spray very little pss pss in those corners and open the doors to cause a draft, then after 30 minutes i mop the floor and put things back in their spot. I am hoping that what my eyes can't see gets preventively dealt with this way.


I've done more github stuff than anything, i've live streamed a bit as well, and calling it a day. I've ordered my food for tomorrow and tried to make food with leftovers, it was not great.. since i am out of drinks.. i've ordered a $12 meal with some drinks, frappuccino and a fried snack. we will see how that goes.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Barely anything more done, living room mostly vacuumed though.

Shopping delivery arrived and put away, was planning on going to my dads but car battery dead.

the microwave curry I got with my delivery for tonight, is part oven cook, so that'll be another day when I need to use the oven for something else too, maybe do garlic bread with it, but don't want to cook tonight, hence the microwave food plan!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Sounds like you've done more than enough for a Sunday! Nice job.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Didn't feel great emotionally last night at 3 am .. and this morning my body was like 'you are going to be friends with the toilet paper'
I took a pill and crawled into bed, just got up. Not going to do anything today besides probably going back to bed.

Groceries got delivered, I collected some trash, and I tidied up slightly. But that's about it.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Didn't get anything done yesterday, just took the rubbish out.

Today I've swept the bathroom floor ready to mop it after work.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Tuesday, I am feeling better, and I have nothing to do, so that's a great combination of me doing more of nothing.

Instead of physical tasks, I've done some Minecraft things for the servers. And now I am checking the forums.

I will try to eat something and have my vitamin pill. After that, I don't know. Maybe make sure the trash is thrown out (so I can get the mail on the way back up) and put everything in the dishwasher or something.

Not really motivated, kind of worried to stress body and suddenly feel sick again.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Well my house is a pig sty as I've not been in the mood to clean lately :(
I really need to find some energy to put into housework this week.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Well my house is a pig sty as I've not been in the mood to clean lately :(
I really need to find some energy to put into housework this week.
Just go to a table tonight and pick up 3 things you can move, then that's 3 things les tomorrow and it takes 12 seconds.
I do this 5 times per day, in between everything else. And after a while it shows.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've done a handful of tiny things, it is enough for now. just chilling and ill go to bed early tonight.
Hopefully motivated tomorrow to go full throttle again
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