The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 2)

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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
An hour later and I got 2 loads of laundry done, they're on the rack drying now. Gathered up the recycling ready to take out, put the dvd player on charge. And of course got ready for work!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Finally Friday! Although I work Saturday too, it feels like it's closer to a day off!

Washing machine is on, mostly on top of that now, the bottom of the washing basket is in sight!
The bottom of the washing up pile however is not! I'll do a load once the washing machine finishes, it shakes too much to be able to put stuff on the drainer.
I'll take out some recycling on the way too work too.

Tonight I really want to get back to my supernatural rewatch, so I'll go put the dvd player on charge next.
indeed, finally FRIDAY


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Moved cardboard boxes to the trash, and some old dirty bags. I've collected other bags and put them in their place. This created some space in the kitchen. Enough for me to do the kitchen window on the inside real quick. (visually a lot better haha)

Stuff in the kitchen got moved around, and I've cleaned my coffee grinder and put in a new batch of beans to try out.

Chairs in the living room got moved around, not happy with it, so will move more soon.

Dirty laundry collected and what i already had I put in the washing machine. Tonight after a shower ill put the rest in and run it and then when i probably wake up 4 hours later, ill put it in the dryer.

Dishes collected and whatever I could find that could be cleaned, I put in the dish washer, but it's not enough for a run yet. Maybe tonight or tomorrow morning.

My bike has arrived, all fixed, and I paid for it, bye bye. 300 euro, CRIES IN NOT BUYING APPLE PRODUCTS

I went to the store and got some missing groceries and got a nice lunch sandwich.

And had a chat with nix on facetime. heheh

The living room table; i've removed things i could throw away, next is to gather electronics on the left and remove dust from them, and collect paper and important things to the right. I will sort it another day probably.

Oh, I also have to find time to properly clean my computer desk, it is getting dusty. I kinda cleaned it last week, but not nitpicked it. And the monitor needs a scrubbing haha (omg, ill be so careful, too scared to damage it)


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

threw a few more things out, and moved a few more bags around, and i've organized a handful of things.

i made dinner, and then washed the wood around the windows on the outside at the kitchen area.

done for today :P time to relax even more!


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
And the monitor needs a scrubbing haha (omg, ill be so careful, too scared to damage it)
You mean do more than wiping it over with your sleeve? I think that's very far down on my to-do list! Like next year far down!
I've done a little washing up since I got home,but that's it so far.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
You mean do more than wiping it over with your sleeve? I think that's very far down on my to-do list! Like next year far down!
I've done a little washing up since I got home,but that's it so far.
I sit pretty close to the monitor and I am on voice chat.. My monitor gets dirty :D A sleeve won't do the trick haha


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Welp, Saturday morning.. 2 am, woke up :/ can't sleep. It's now 5 am. The last hour I've been going through the grocery stock that was at parents cupboard - a bag i got like a couple of months ago. I've checked the dates, checked which things were never opened, and what i like and dont like. A third i could throw out, the rest i could keep. Organized that. So kitchen is 'nicer' again and not so full of just random things.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

I've cleaned the toilet, the sink there, sink in bathroom, sink in the kitchen.

I've done dishes, put remaining dishes in dishwasher (emptying in 5 minutes from now)

The toilet room is cleaned, just need to vacuum floor and mop it.

Laundry is being done.

More boxes collected that i found that were empty and kinda dirty or that i know i wont be using for storage. And threw those out.

I put nixxy's gifted cushion on one of the chairs, looks great.

And i've started tidying up the livingroom table.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Lots to do today and no umpf to do it... this is what I hope to achieve;

Washing up
Table clear
Shopping away
Clothes washing
Sort Abbs for school hopefully tomorrow


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I had the motivation and energy until about 11 or 12 - now i am just sitting here going 'i ate, can i go to bed'

Laundry was done, into dryer, dryer is done, took the stuff out.

Few more things in the kitchen and living room.

Rinsed bathroom and toilet area and made sure i left it dry.

Moved things on the balcony and removed a dead plant


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Had zero motivation yesterday, so only got a little done. Still have a huge pile of washing up to do. I did at least make a small start on it yesterday, but definitely have to do more today.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Woke up and didn't even think twice, I've removed everything from the balcony side on the inside to outside. Plants, pots, whatever. And cleaned the window on the outside and the inside. I've cleaned the plants, took care of them, and put them back inside after cleaning the wood around the windows etc. I've moved the chair i want to use on 23rd into the livingroom, and moved other things into their place. Progress. This took me a few hours.

12 now, time for "breakfast". Then I will continue working on the livingroom.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Quickly cleaned the floor because after all that moving I could see all sorts of dust crap and things all over it.

Computer screen cleaned, computer table 50% dusted.

Kitchen trash collected, and kitchen dishes collected again.

Laundry collected, and in the living room I've put things in their place the best i can. this will do for now.

My eyes and back can't handle more, so playing hay day and watching world war z movie.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Came home and put the washing machine on! Okay there's nothing in the machine, but I felt it needed an empty wash to clean it out, so just on a hot wash with some soda crystals in.

Having a cuppa now, then I'll start on doing something! Not sure what yet though


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Came home and put the washing machine on! Okay there's nothing in the machine, but I felt it needed an empty wash to clean it out, so just on a hot wash with some soda crystals in.

Having a cuppa now, then I'll start on doing something! Not sure what yet though
On TikTok there's those videos where they put in a dishwasher tablet and run it, scared to do that :D

How do you wash yours, high temp, high rpm, for 1 hour? or ..

what are soda crystals, where do i get those :D


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Last update of today, i moved all the paperwork on the living room table into one pile and that already looked so much better.
I moved the electronics from the table to another new spot. And whatever is left i've moved to the back and put down on the table 'better', so now it looks nicer at least. If I have time tomorrow I will remove it all and wipe the table clean.

I've also dusted the corners on the walls, so many spider webs, and yes, one spider fall on my shoulder and i freaked out, so no more cleaning for the next five years haha


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Thank you @Joan :D Might do that today.

I woke up with a hurting face, I think it was too cold last night and I've been tossing and turning, I hope just 'waking up' and doing things helps and I feel a bit better soon.

Today starts less fun than yesterday, so motivation is low. I will try to keep up with everything from yesterday. Making sure the bathroom, toilet room, kitchen, and living room are as good as they were yesterday, before I start doing new things.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

I slept so terrible. I woke up finally sleeping okay but an alarm went off. It's okay, it's fine.. but my back is all locked up. Head is fuzzy.

It's warm enough outside, but it feels like the humidity levels in the apartment switched from summer to winter. It's cold under blankets, etc. Weird.

No motivation at all to do anything, but since they show up tomorrow, i will just slowly go through the list to make sure that i at least d osomething.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, I've pushed myself to be awake and do the best I can. I've gone downstairs with the trash so that's out of the apartment, and got the mail on the way back up.

The dishwasher is now empty and whatever dishes I had i've put in there.

The dryer is empty and whatever was in the washing machine is in the dryer and laundry has been collected for a final run. Just so tomorrow it's not lying around. Any dry clothes I've thrown on the bed, i will fold those later (haha fold)

I am having a coffee for breakfast now. I have 0% appetite. At 12 I will have protein bar maybe.

The grocery website had a $8 delivery slot today, or it would be monday. So I paid for it and just picked evening food, and some lunch and drinks. And called it a day. They will delivery after 12 today. Yay.

After my coffee I will first swiftly do the floor again so any hairs, dust, and left over spider webs from yesterday will at least not be there haha.

I've also made progress on the livingroom table, so now it's a matter of 'tidying up' - it's charging devices now.

The plans have water. And after coffee I will also clean toilet again. Which should be less work now, so I can focus on the floor more. And I will put a nice smell in there, never hurts.

I am so happy i did the windows, what a difference.

Finally for today i will before my evening dinner walk through the apartment and take quick notes of what i think should be done still. And then after dinner i will at least do one thing.

I will finish the day with getting my clothes for tomorrow ready and a quick shower. That way in the morning when i shower i can focus on my hair and only have to wash a night of sleep out of it, rather than spend 15 minutes with 3 bottles of soap and conditioners haha.

It really feels good after such depressing weeks that even if i am mentally not there yet, or that my body is complaining physically.. That I am doing "okay" because the apartment is more in my control, a lot nicer, and I dont have anxiety about a bunch of people visiting today and tomorrow.

Ugh, the apartment global list still has so much to do. Toilet water keeps running now, can't fix that. The kitchen is over 15 years old, so I can request them to review it for replacement, even if it is a standard one instead of a fancy one. I have to sort out the curtains, I have to fix rails, I have to fix the bathroom, I have all those boxes from the farm to go through and sort out. It's crazy. Enough for the fall, winter and spring seasons to come. But it is nice that it is how it is now, and then 'those things', instead of 'everything'. It feels less heavy on the mind. It takes years, but I am making progress.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

It's the evening, I had home made burgers for dinner, they were good. Food Coma now and playing hay day.

The kitchen is nice, living room table is nice, hallway is nice enough, other hallway is full with the chairs to make space. Toilet will get a final scrub after i wake up tomorrow morning but it's clean enough. I just have to shower tonight. Trash is thrown out.

I have dusted and cleaned edges and other little things, but i dunno what to do now, everything i wanna do will take forever. i guess i am done?
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I stayed up long enough yesterday to be tired enough to fall asleep (thankfully) and wake up by 6 am, around 7 am i finished tidying up the kitchen and cleaning the toilet room (one more time), and cleaned the sink in the kitchen. Had a nice shower, clean clothes. And now I am just relaxing. I have a few hours to go before the first person shows up today. Which will be a haircut haha. Curtains are open more than usual, I hope it doesn't give me a headache today, it does look like it's a meh-weather day, so that can help. Anyway, in those last few hours I will move the bike outside so it's not in the way, and I will move my shoes into a corner instead of just all over the place and I have a thing to keep the door open that gets really dusty, I will move that out of sight as well haha. Me oversharing? nah!

Best of luck everybody today with being motivated to at least do a single thing, and have a nice day regardless. I am glad when today is over and everybody is gone and I can feel like I don't have to do Anything friday in the apartment.

We will also hear about the will of my mom today, so maybe I am just a bit more anxious than I realise. Oh well.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
We're up and I've got my cuppa tea, might just have enough to do a load of washing this morning so I'll get that done. Going out for dinner tonight so in theory I'll make no new washing up today, so I need to use that as a motivation to get some done!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Going out for dinner! That sounds nice. Enjoy.
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