The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 3)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
The last laundry has been done. It's in the dryer now. I've also organized clothes, so I know I have my undies and where haha. Stuff like that.

I've also made my 'go bag', there are some things I want to take with me when I go to the bathroom in the morning. Just in case they are out of stuff.

The dryer started, then I have to unplug it later and move things into a spot it can be for a few weeks.

Moved a few final things from the bathroom, I can have a shower and then I have to remove the shower head tonight.

After a little break, I will do a final cleaning of the toilet room and then empty it. There's not much to do thankfully.

update 2

The dryer is done, the kitchen is tidy. Clothes are sorted out. The hallways are empty, I just need to move my bike to the balcony tonight.

update 3

had a bit of breakfast, hydrated, enjoyed sun rays for 5 minutes, and put comfy clothes on. played a bit of hayday, and went through my A4 paper of todo things and was able to strike through so much. the last 5 things are on a new bit of paper. Almost done!
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update 4

I just had a chat with my sister to catch up, and prepare for tomorrow's legal battle. (cry, anybody here the best attorney in the world?)

I've further emptied the toilet room, it's just a roll of toilet paper left basically, which ill remove in the morning.

I've had my last shower, we will see how it goes moving forward, but showerhead will be removed later after some resting. And then it will be weeks before i can use the bathroom again.

I've moved things out of sight that are expensive, and that i dont need. Even hid the extra mac mini, so if they rob me blind, at least i have something left. haha.

Got some cash money in my wallet now, so i can just leave, but also pay for a cab, etc. Just in case, and to make life a little easier the coming weeks.

Time to take a nice break to relax, then boil eggs for lunch for this week and have lunch myself. Maybe.. ill go to the grocery store first for a drink, milk and bread. And have a late lunch. I will see in a bit. I need to rest my body and mind first.

Oh, I had some cleaning things that are being cleaned now, once that is done i will put it in the sun on the balcony to dry.

That's all i've done, so, time for some relaxing and hayday i guess. pff.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Last update! I am done for today, my body is giving me signs i should chill.

Back home, and finished like 90% of my todo list.. i guess i should just let it go and enjoy a chocolate milk, a snack, and the sunlight, relax, and then watch a movie, and go to bed early. Then the terror begins for few weeks. ARGH.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Making progress, I've got most of the kitchen done, there's also now somewhere for mum to sit! Need to work on the behind sofa area next and the side tables.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Woke up at 5:20 am, the last time i get to use my own toilet for the next three weeks. yikes.

I've done the last few things, double-checked the bathroom/toilet room making sure i removed what i wanna keep.

Put my bike outside.

took pictures of the apartment, and a few videos explaining a few things. but mainly to show the floor quality, and where i have put expensive things.

Joan: best of luck with ya mum, im sure your place looks great!

i might update the thread once in a while, ill read it, but .. since this is so hectic offline now the next few weeks, the tasks i do are wake up, go to the box at the outside for a morning poo, have some food and figure out what kind of task they have (only to find out the amount of noise) and then deal with that, until they are gone. Then IF something needs to get done ill do it either right awya, or i dive into bed for a snooze and do it in the evening, and then at 10 or so ill go sleep to wake up at 5 am again and repeat it all. Any cleaning is just manual dishes, maybe some laundry, clean myself without a bathroom the best i can, and wipe the floor to fight dust, air the apartment out for smells, and wipe off the dust from things that i use .. but i will hardly be doing any deep cleaning since the next day they will just make it worse again.

HOPEFULLY the next couple days is all the hard work and most noise, like drill the floor and do that other loud noise thing. and then days after it's just workers making noise renovating. but dont be as loud as those drill hammers taking out a floor. But, i will assume 3 weeks+ of pure terror noise, so i wont be in my apartment when that happens most likely.

im totally not rambling because they're here in like 10 minutes and my anxiety levels are climbing LOL. i hate the unknown.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Electricians due tomorrow, but that isn't set, basically could be anytime this week, but they expect to get to me tomorrow.

Bedroom is still to do, there's clothes everywhere and I can't do any washing as they're going to have to get to the plug behind the drying rack


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
best of luck tomorrow.

This morning went okay, i had a little moment where i was like 'uh oh' about how i felt, but it went away fast. If tomorrow goes like today, then things should be fine.

The most noise is gone now, i am back upstairs as well, and had a morning dealing with legal ppl (argh) again, which is happening later today again and tomorrow probably.

I dont know about noise later today, but one worker said things should be fine for the rest of the day, we will see i guess.

my apartment smells lol, thankfully it's nice weather so i can air things out. but one thing though, normally around this time my eyes are kinda 'done', just like they are now, and then i lay down for 30 to 40 minutes in the dark, now curtains are open, thre's some noise from machines, and i can't access bedroom, so yeh. weird.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Today went well, and to be honest, a little better than expected. I am glad i woke up in time, but that i also was able to sleep last night. And that it was nice weather, so when they started, i could just leave and enjoy a bike ride, etc. They communicated well enough that I knew what was going to happen and until how late, and they were done in time i think. I smell the apartment "bah", but i am airing it out, without freezing to death.

Some companies didn't have end-points for pipes, so they couldn't quickly close those, so i was asked to not turn the heater on (i said: turn the heater on, with these energy prices? no tnx!) haha. But it's fine. I am airing out the apartment now. , had a nice simple lunch. have minimal dishes, and since i have food prepped, it's nice to know it's a heating up and a fork and i am done for today.

The only uncomfortable stuff is that i can't "break", i can't have my midday relaxing moment or even a nap. even if i had access, with this noise i can't. Even if the noise is doable. it's just not quiet.

All in all, it has finally started, i am glad i got YOU GUYS and this thread!! because it helps me organize, do better, and do better more often en when i can. Fight through depression and make it to where this day is over and I'm not a total mess. things are fine. (well, right now haha).

The inheritance situation is ongoing, while dealing with this I had to deal with my sister, the notary office, etc. And doing the best i can, that's not over today yet, i still am waiting for some info and emails, before the next step, which will be before 5 pm probably, and otherwise tomorrow.. and then tomorrow we will hear back because we have to respond before 22nd (my brother threatened that if we don't respond in a timely manner they will go to court blah blah, WHATTA GUY).

But, renovation-wise, the day is over, and almost NOTHING to clean up, they left in a hurry but they left is just fine, wiped off the ground and got their stuff, and left. Just about 3 pm, an hour (and a half) earlier than planned, meaning i can rest now. Once i've aired out the apartment, im going to hydrate and close the doors and lay in bed for rest until phonecalls or emails roll in. Then do some health stuff, and dishes, then watch a movie until it's like 10pm and go to bed with another 5am alarm clock.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I did a third of the dishes last night, aired out the apartment. Had dinner from food prep, and watched some youtube. Caught up on msgs and alike and went to bed early. Slept ok, but woke up at 4am, stayed in bed until 5am and got up and now it is 6:17am.

Today it will be a lot of noise and dust again, so we will see how long i can entertain myself outside of my apartment.

I woke up with coughy throat, well no, i woke up with more tickly feeling in my throat. Probably from the particles in the air.

Today we have to deal with legal stuff again as well, which is fun, when you can't be in your apartment. We will see how that goes.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
What a mess today, did NOT go as planned. Including power cuts and broken hardware. Maybe tonight after some rest i will write it out, i still am in the middle of all the legal stuff too. My life really is a mess. lol
  • Sad
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
iMac is recovering, and I had good chats in the end with the company. Phew. Hope!
PFFF what a rollercoaster.

Well, day 2 is over, onwards to day 3 i guess.. my body and mind is like 'you suck'


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Thursday, I still woke up at 5 am, but i tried to stay in bed - realized the network maintenance last night.. got up, and spend an hour reconfiguring the Minecraft server(s) and all that is involved. Went to lay down from 6 am to 7 am and then sat outside in the morning sun until the contractor showed up.

The computer and network survived the night at least. Phew, I think instead of 'it is 100% broken', to 'there is maybe hope', we're now at a stage of 'it seems to all work, but better testing has to be done in order to figure out what might actually be broken', WHAT A RELIEVE.

Plummer is supposed to be here, soon. So the next step is to unplug the computer since I can't trust them to not cause another surge.

Meanwhile, I've been wiping off what I pick up, and every 6 hours or so I use the Swiffer to wipe the floor where I walk.

I made an appointment with the company that in week 19 they will come over to help with further cleaning the kitchen and living room, I dunno how well of a job that will be - but any extra help is welcomed.

The main goal for me is to make sure I am available for the legal nonsense that's at a critical point- though I suspect most of Today is waiting, and tomorrow it will be 'go time'. Besides that, I will probably stay home despite the noise, I will just be on the balcony with earmuffs. If it gets annoying I will go for a bike ride and take my time, pick up a snack for lunch or something.

It really has helped so far with food prep and keeping dishes to a minimum. I am certainly repeating this. I will have to order some things, and I saw they deliver on Sat/Sun, so today I might schedule that for some time in the weekend.

Hopefully, after this week it will quickly be Monday and we get updates on the legal stuff, and that the first worst week of renovation is behind me. It will be a few weeks for them to fix up walls, and pipes, connect things, grind it flat or whatever, and paint stuff, clean it and they're done. But they do a task a day it seems. So we will see. It will be dusty and noisy, but based on the info they give me this first week is the worst.

The anxiety and stress, I have to stay ahead of it and constantly remind myself that it's out of my control, that I can only do what I use and not worry about the rest, and to just get through the day doing as little as possible. This unfortn. with the broken computer yesterday didn't go as planned. That kinda freaked me out.

Best of luck joan with ya mumz and let us know how it went!
And nix, thank you for the msgs and the phone call yesterday, it prevented me from murdering people. You saved lives lol
  • Haha
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Mentally stressful day. We will find out if we made progress today with the legal nonsense. Sigh.
But besides that. So far today is going ok

woke uo early. But could stay in bed

did dishes. Laundry. And tried my best to freshen up despite not having a shower.

i do not know yet if later today i have to go somewhere. But i have to stay home to find out

renovation day 4. And first person showed up. And is almost done. Electrician i think
Then person for toilet room came and he is already gone.
Now. Either someone shows up I think a carpenter. But i am not sure.
Low dust. Low noise. Things are calming down. Goving me time to stay in the apartment and soend my time wiping off surfaces. Play hay day. Let laundry dry in the sun. Etc


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update, renovations are done i think, IF i even get someone to check now.. anyway, dust everywhere, but less of an issue.
i had lunch, im catching up on minecraft and other hobbies. and msgs and apps.

Taking it easy.

Heard nothing yet about the legal crap.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Got shopping delivery soon.
Abbs room to continue
Abbs to get homework done
Washing up
Clothes washing hung out when done
Table cleared

Got lots of jobs hanging over my head and only 2 days left to do them before Gas Man check happens on Monday...


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Clothes washing so much to do, I'm actually tempted to take it all to the laundrette just to catch up.
Want to get the fridge cleaned this weekend too, I'm sure there's dead veg hiding in there


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Got shopping delivery soon.
Abbs room to continue
Abbs to get homework done
Washing up
Clothes washing hung out when done
Table cleared

Got lots of jobs hanging over my head and only 2 days left to do them before Gas Man check happens on Monday...
You can do it!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Day 4 of renovation is over, went well, legal stuff ended with positive news. Hopefully there's no further surprises. For now, 2 days of cleaning as I use things, and prepping food for mon-fri on sunday, groceries on sunday, and me sleeping until groceries show up lol


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Saturday morning. I slept six hours, imagine that.. #milestone And I mean, uninterrupted.

Did some morning routine stuff, and opened the door to the balcony to let the apartment air out a little.

Made a tiny plan for the weekend mentally, and typing this now. Next, back to bed, more youtube watching. I have nothing pressing scheduled today, and I can take my time, after a hectic week it's time to mentally and physically relax. So that's next on the todo list "extra hours of nothing and void".


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Washing machine is on and washing up is done. Got the oven tray soaking ready to clean the oven tomorrow


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hm, Maybe as a precaution to make sure i have clean stuff this week or the notary office i should do laundry this weekend. It wont be much, but it guarantees clean nice smelling clothes. This apartment smells now, and the dust is like stinking up everything as well.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Tidied apartment a little bit.

Boiling 8 eggs now for the week for breakfast and lunch.

After that I will go and throw the trash out.

I went ahead and slept a bit extra, just idling in bed and little mini naps. Felt good.

Airing out apartment again now.

Ok, eggs are almost done, gtg. back later.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I had chocolate milk with my breakfast, threw trash out, and watching some youtube on the balcony now. Trying to just enjoy life, now that I don't have to let my mind linger on certain thoughts.

I've got more laundry to do, but I decided to just run an express laundry on the towels and cloths and a shirt. Just to get it out of the way. Then tonight I can still do the other load once I put more effort into thinking about what to wear tomorrow in the apartment and to the notary office (assuming that's tomorrow).

The boiled eggs turned out great. I had one, and it was almost perfect. So that's breakfast and lunch covered for a handful of days. I tend to make some toast, add it to a salad, that sorta stuff.

One thing I've noticed about food prep, I have less dishes, and I have way less trash. Like, way less. It really is worth it. But 6 days is too much. my fridge on coolest still makes day 6 questionable. I didn't eat it. I might go for 'today' and then +4 boxes. So I can even order less next time.


Laundry is done, i've connected the dryer and it's going now.

I've done dishes manually, and watching youtube at the same time.

Dusted off the hallway for the first time, no nitpicking, just trying to get the gross of the dust off of the ledges and surfaces. Let apartment doors open so it can blow it around and some of it out of the apartment.

Pf, so much dust.

Edit 2:

The dryer is done, disconnected it again. I've continued to try and clean the kitchen a bit more.

I know i have food prep to do, so i feel like not doing anything. My apartment isn't warming up, the balcony is sorta warming up. I might sit outside with cup of tea and lunch in about 30 mins.

Edit 3:

Groceries are here, it feels like this nearly 60 euro groceries was the same amount as last week's haha
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