The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 1)

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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
It will feel great! A bit more space, and kind of that feeling of 'bye 2020'

Yer true there is more space but I'm nervous about 2021, I survived 2020, hoping to say the same about 2021!!!

I have loads to do but my bluming foot is slowing me down.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Yer true there is more space but I'm nervous about 2021, I survived 2020, hoping to say the same about 2021!!!

I have loads to do but my bluming foot is slowing me down.
Sorry to hear about the foot.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Today I need to finish the kitchen, there's not much washing up to do, but I need to sweep and mop the floor and take the rubbish and recycling out.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Today I have to tidy and clean the bathroom,
Clear Abbs room and put up the screen for video schooling tomorrow onwards,
Clothes washing,
Washing up.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Today I need to finish the kitchen, there's not much washing up to do, but I need to sweep and mop the floor and take the rubbish and recycling out.
sssh, there's no kitchen, what's a kitchen?
*looks at kitchen* .. sigh

Yeah, enough mc for now, I better go get some stuff cleaned up and throw the trash out.

Today I have to tidy and clean the bathroom,
Clear Abbs room and put up the screen for video schooling tomorrow onwards,
Clothes washing,
Washing up.

Best of luck with it, it's more than I am doing today :/


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Well, I've done nothing today so I'll pay for that tomorrow. Got to have a good clear up in kitchen, tidy living room and such wonderful stuff like that. Plus Doc appt tomorrow.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
OK today's list is here as I need to cross off what I've probably not managed to do today..

Washing up
Clear table in kitchen
Sweep floor
Rubbish out
Food waste out

Tidy living room
Email teacher on Abbs GCSE options
Call Hennings re Brother's 40th birthday (arrange presents)
Call taxi for Docs
Docs at 5
Check in with Sal for dinner plans (hopefully Fish n' Chips delivery!)

Aim to be on Discord tonight!!
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Progress is going super slow, each time I get up from behind the computer I try to bring things to the kitchen to throw out. And it is going too slow. Each time I am in the kitchen I try to collect stuff and put them in their place, trash or dish washer. And it's going way too slow. Every night I am like: when I wake up I am going to run through the kitchen. And then I wake up with half a migraine, and I go sit behind the computer again.

I need my cleaning mojo back haha

Nix, your post motivates me to get my booty in gear and get cleaning. Thanks for keeping this thread alive!


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Gosh my place is a mess again, I really need to get it sorted and get that table and chairs in, my kitchen floor often doubles as a table!

Tomorrow I will clear the kitchen floor, take out the recycling, and maybe even do some washing up!
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Sad news, my mother has to go to a retirement home. And this hit me as a bomb. To top that, when we heard the news she got sick for a few days. We're on the recovering side of that, and she got the news too. We called yesterday and the 9th of February she has to move. This means that the farm will have things that need to get moved. Some to me as well. My apartment was a mess due to depression. It's even worse now. I am fighting to find motivation to do anything in life right now. Honestly. Fighting.

Trying my best to get up from the bed and chair behind the computer, and pick up things to bring to the kitchen. To wash stuff, to clean things, to tidy whatever. I hope I get into a cycle and come to peace with my emotions and thoughts. Even writing this post is a lot harder than I thought. Sorry for being a negative nancy.

But Hopefully I write this here and feel obligated to keep up the good work and keep fighting.

It's time to finish my coffee, clean the coffee and kitchen machines. Wipe off the cubborts and put things in their right place. Slowly build towards filling up the washing machine and do laundry, the dishwasher, and make a start. If I see it helps, maybe it helps me take the next step after and work on the living room. So at least people can come here and put things down. I can then spend years putting them in their right place I guess.

I have a room that needs to get cleaned out and cleaned, I have not touched it in ages besides 'open door, dump bag with papers or things and close door again'. And almost none of it in there can be thrown out either. I wouldn't know where to start. A problem for another day.

Than you all for keeping this thread going, it helps me, honestly.

Best of luck with your own struggles, from big to small ones. Eventually there's progress right? Messy house - messy mind .. let's try to fix that.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
So far it's more walk down to work to sort out stuff there rather than sorting here, but that's done now, washing machine is on, I've sorted out the cupboard under the sink, kitchen floor just needs a vacuum/sweep and mop and that'll be done. Of course I've yet to start the washing up, but I have put the previous lot away, and now the food processor is put away too.

Going to put the clothes on the airers once the washing machine stops, then go for a walk before it rains.

Then I might start on the washing up!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Talking about taking a walk, i have to post something - so I am going to get my butt back in gear and do that.
I've tried to make a start in the bathroom, failed..
I did dishes, didn't empty them.
I made trash happen, i threw out 2 bags, i have a few more..

but, something is done, i guess.

oh and i ordered groceries, tonight: pizza.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Talking about taking a walk, i have to post something - so I am going to get my butt back in gear and do that.
I've tried to make a start in the bathroom, failed..
I did dishes, didn't empty them.
I made trash happen, i threw out 2 bags, i have a few more..

but, something is done, i guess.

oh and i ordered groceries, tonight: pizza.

Baby steps at the moment, yes you have lots to do but you also have a lot going on so small bits each day.

Me, well I have workmen due on Thursday afternoon so I have to clear hallway, stairs, landing and bathroom. The bedroom doors can close and i can work on the rest when they are here as i'll not be able to hear myself think anyway!!


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Well the walk hasn't happened, was wrapping presents while waiting for the washing machine to finish and my dad calls to sort out my car, so I guess I did walk a little,but now my car battery is charging as it was dead.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I am back home, I did some "nice stuff" that needed to get done for social mental health haha. And I have made progress in the kitchen ever so slightly.

I went to get fresh groceries for the dinner tonight, and almost messed it up, might have lost $10 oh well. not gonna fuzz over it.

Took 100 out of savings to pay for the weekly groceries that get delivered in the morning.

I am giving up for today, my brain is full of blah and empty for meh. So, time to eat, chill, tv, shower, sleep, minecraft, and wake up. maybe not in that order.

best of luck all. tnx again


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I did go for a walk, I did finish wrapping the presents, I did put the washing on the airers, and I did do one lot of washing up yesterday. However I didn't vacuum the floor, or finish the washing up, so those are today's jobs.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
My knee hurtssss m ybaccckck Huuurt.. im falling apart.

I will just pump on the pills and after groceries are sorted, I will try to repeat what I did yesterday and then take a resting nap and see tonight what I can mean for my mom and spend the night relaxing body and sleeping or tidying up the apartment.

I did not wake up well this morning. Yay stress huh, wears us out.

A walk? Oh yeah, I was supposed to have those too.

Vacuum the floor will happen once there's space to vacuum :D


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Lunch break over, just need to do the washing up from that, and it's all done, I'll wipe over the surfaces and then vacuum. Then it'll just be taking the rubbish and recycling out and the kitchen will be finished!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Lunch break over, just need to do the washing up from that, and it's all done, I'll wipe over the surfaces and then vacuum. Then it'll just be taking the rubbish and recycling out and the kitchen will be finished!
Awesome work. Keep it up.

I made progress in the kitchen that I didn't think I'd make. But I feel I am still only halfway there. But it opened up the room to clean up some other stuff and my brain was like Oh we can do this and this and this.. I think motivation is coming back.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Kitchen got finished, I now just have the things from breakfast tis morning to do. I also cleared the sofa as well, changed the throw on that, the previous one is currently in the washing machine.

Once the washing machine stops (and I've finished my cup of tea) I'll go for a walk, while it's dry out.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
A new day, a new start..

I am struggling mentally and physically my body is showing the signs of stress. If my family only knew ..

Welp, guess I will keep it up with the cleaning, tidying up and I will report back any progress.

- emptied dishwasher
- emptied washing machine
- moved dry clothes to closet
- tried to clean the sink in bathroom
- emptied computer table from trash/dishes
- filled the dishwasher back up
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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Walk done, went by the zero waste stall too, and picked up some bread, sausages and oddly mince pies, all free!

Had a cuppa tea, now to start on the living room. Do I really need to keep every Lego box??


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Tidied bathroom
Cleaned downstairs loo
Started washing up
Rubbish out
That's all so far, I'll do more when workmen are here like the kitchen and tidy living room.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Tidied bathroom
Cleaned downstairs loo
Started washing up
Rubbish out
That's all so far, I'll do more when workmen are here like the kitchen and tidy living room.

I did some mc stuff, had a sandwich, i think i will try to get one more thing done before i mentally give up and crawl into bed.
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