The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 3)

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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Well i didnt set up the coffee machine.... I made more washing up and I have made more rubbish so guess what's happening


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Well i didnt set up the coffee machine.... I made more washing up and I have made more rubbish so guess what's happening
set it up
set it up
set it up !!


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Coffee machine set up and coffee had....
Half washing up done
table cleared
Rubbish out


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Good job nix :) happy with the new machine?
Yeah its good, fancy, will take some getting used to the coffee. I'm used to strong instant not fresh ground beans!!

All washing up done.

Got to try and cook this next... never done before so wish me luck haha!!
Diet Coke Chicken


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Yeah its good, fancy, will take some getting used to the coffee. I'm used to strong instant not fresh ground beans!!

All washing up done.

Got to try and cook this next... never done before so wish me luck haha!!
Diet Coke Chicken
trying new cooking stuff is always fun, best of luck!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I finished manual dishes, and also emptied the dishwasher. Tidied up the kitchen a bit, and moved things into their spot in the livingroom. Trash is thrown out.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Tuesday morning, 7am, they started drilling. I am here half tired with noise cancelling muffs on. Lol, oh well.

Anyway, today I have to update my todo list for today till 18th. And they show up in my apartment on the 19th. On the 14th we exchange some keys.

I was thinking to perhaps do some laundry today so at least one load is done. And then slowly go try and figure out a way to get clothes sorted (so I know what is where)


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Ok, before i forget..
14th, key exchange, and maybe roy for washing machine end of afternoon or something
and otherwise saturday night washing machine.
So 14th morning i have to do one more laundry, just in case we can't connect it in the kitchen.
and if he comes on saturday, then maybe laundry that morning.

i disconnected as much electronics as i could and connected the dryer in the kitchen, did a run. didn't blow a fuse. phew!

The light outside is terrible for someone like me, so i am all weird in the head today. i do what i can, but progress is so slow. yay for feeling terrible all day pff


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update for wednesday,

Cleaned the sinks in bathroom, toilet room, kitchen. And had some extra rest.

Threw trash out, heated up dinner, and emptied dishwasher again.

Started laundry.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Thursday morning. I slept well. Better than I expected; which for once, is nice. I could have slept a little longer, but I don't know what time the renovation person shows up to exchange keys etc.

Put more dishes in dishwasher and turned it on, we might have to move it today so it has to be empty.

Cleaned toilet room a bit more and the hallway again.

Moved more kitchen things to the living room table, so we have space in the kitchen and I save some running around last minute time later tonight in case Roy indeed shows up.

I finished laundry from last night. The apartment is in good enough state for visitors again. haha


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Today I've done nothing so far!

Should be doing these;

Gutting my room phase 4 I think!
Starting ABbs room phase 1
Rubbish from upstairs and downstairs all out as bin day tomorrow.
Prep shopping returns

Last edited:


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Today I've done nothing so far!

Should be doing these;

Gutting my room phase 4 I think!
Starting ABbs room phase 1
Rubbish from upstairs and downstairs all out as bin day tomorrow.
Prep shopping returns

Every little thing you HAVE done, it 1% more than 0.. so there. deal with it :)

Roy helped tonight with moving things around. i was able to move the diswasher out of the way, clear the kitchen the best i could, clean in that empty spot. And disconnect things. When roy came, he helped disconnect the washing machine, we moved it, reconnected it, etc. We've made progress.

I have to tidy the apartment now, and do manual dishes and all sorts of things, it's messy, but - that's for tomorrow.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Today I have been forced to bed mainly. Before that, i've done manual dishes, moved a few things around. worked on the minecraft staff.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Manual dishes done
Laundry done
Not really needed, but staying ahead of it so it's less work the next few days.

Further emptied the toilet room and bathroom, with just a showerhead and a brush thing left.

double-checked a bunch of things I need this week.

I've also got the groceries delivered, so i have lunch for the weekend. And I have the weekend to basically slowly prep the food. To keep it simple I am doing almost the same as last week, but with slight adjustments.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
2 Clothes wash loads done and hung outside.
Finished season 1 of NCIS New Orleans .. lol
Got washing up with a faulty hot tap to do!
Sort Abbs clothes out for tomorrows visit to Brighton.
Set alarms


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've spent time spread over a few hours to further clean the bathroom with more detail. I done the floor, scrubbed it a bit, let it soak and rinsed it off, then repeat with warm water. And then i've done the walls, and then used the shower head to rinse it all off, wall and floor. It's the best i can do for today and it looks way better than how it looked yesterday. so, yay.

i've also kept up with dishes, so no dishes to do!

laundry is drying.

i had a few things to test and done that, glad that worked out.

and i've been playing hayday a lot, resting in between tasks and watching youtube. trying to stay awake during daytime so i can wake up at 5 or 6 each morning and sleep once workers are gone, etc.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Serious shopping, the beach, the pier, the hospital!! They going Tuesday now.
That's one serious party at the beach if you already plan in the hospital. haha.

Jk, best of luck with everybody and everything involved. I will be home, trying to rest and not stress and i have nothing going on, and i kinda like it.

But it sure sounds nice to have a walk on the pier and beach.
  • Haha
Reactions: Nix


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Welp, here we go, Sunday afternoon. It's time to food prep again.

I am going to take it slow and steady, one thing at a time. And then I have something for tonight, and hopefully four or five more days.

I wish I could have things delivered monday, but there was no delivery option, because of easter it's either closed or busy. So I had to get groceries and they are good until tomorrow (well, sorta), but i rather take it easy tomorrow so im ready for tuesdays weirdness and loud noises etc. and all the lawyer chats. So i guess i have to do it tonight.

I have green peas and carrots again, i have onion, fresh garlic, spring onion, obergine, etc, so i will start by prepping that, cutting it up, and putting it aside for portioning later.
- taking a little break -
Then i have skinless potatoes that are small, ready to be put in a frying pan, i will do that on almost high heat, keeping them moving around until they're semi soft enough and i can put them aside with the lid on until i can portion them.
- taking a little break -
Then it's time for the chicken, i have to slice it up, in high frying pan with some herbs and spices, and then low heat until they're done. So they remain tender enough when microwaved later this week.
- taking a little break -
Portion time, i will portion the potatoes over the six boxes, and if it all looks like it's not enough, ill make it 5 (same for chicken).
I want to skip the rice this week.
Then portioning the onion and stuff, then carrots and stuff, then chicken.
If there's room left and time, i will make a quick gravy that's not too thick and put a bit in all the boxes.
- taking a little break - and it can cool down a bit. Then after the break i will put it all in the fridge, except the leftovers that i wanna eat.
(the box with the least amount of stuff in it will be for tonight)

After my dinner tonight and while i do the dishes, i have like 16 eggs maybe left, so i want to put 8 in a pan or maybe 6, and boil those. so i have no dishes this week from frying up eggs for breakfast or lunch.

The plan is to have some chicken left over, so i can have boiled egg, sliced with sliced chicken on a bun of bread for lunch tomorrow.
Then slice of ham and boiled egg the day after for lunch. then wednesday boiled egg with slice of cheese. No idea about thursday and friday, maybe two eggs cut up with some salad i buy fresh from the store. yeah, maybe 6 eggs for this week is enough.

Breakfast wise the plan is to have a tiny bun with stuff in it that i have 6 left of, and/or maybe (depending on appetite) oats with milk in microwave.

I just realised while typing this that i didn't connect the microwave again in the kitchen, going to do that now.

For today, i've kept up with collecting trash, threw full bag out, had a walk outside to check where some stuff is that i need to know about. and eh, kept up with dishes. i guess laundry etc is done. i just need a shower today or tomrorow for the last time for probably weeks. lol, though i do hope one of the coming weekends i might go to my sister once.

anyway, that's breakfast, lunch and dinner sorted for the next handful of days, and hopefully with apartment renovations that means less effort, less troubles, less worries, less time to waste on making food, eating, dishes, etc. and i can survive the stress/anxiety of 24/7 noise and discomfort from the renovations.

hopefully alongside the bs with my brother ends soon, he said he wanted to close the book on this chapter, we basically agreed to his offer, and of course he didn't agree to our response, so now we have to figure out his new terms all over again and yet again reply one way or another. he said in his legal letter basically if we dont agree to his settlement offer that he will take us all to court .. which makes no sense, that will just eat away the inheritance and nobody ends up with anything.

yay stress


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Monday, expect a bunch of posts, or nothing at all. Depending on how it goes with my health. But, .. last day for me to empty everything 100% that needs to be made empty, room for them to work in. My last shower in my own bathroom, haha.

I need to do laundry, run the dryer once, I have to do dishes if I have any, and I have to go through hallways (remove the bike and some other stuff), the corner of the living room (already empty), and the bathroom (just shower head and soap), and the toilet room (toilet papers and scrubber). Then I am technically done. The rest is just moving some expensive things out of the way to avoid grabby-hands from workers.

Last night I figured out where the box is with the toilets and showers. There are 2 of each, and it's clean and has enough room. I feel so much better about it. But .. from putting shoes on, waiting for the elevator, and walking over there, it is about 8 minutes. So not great for an eh .. emergency.

It is great weather today, which is a huge help. No weird sky that makes me feel weird and weak and sick all day. So I can relax and walk around and do things. My last day of peace for a month. Sigh. I hate having to do things that I don't know how it's going to go, with ppl i dont know, and no time to 'relax', because it's just 7 to 4pm daily workers making a mess constantly, with super loud noises. I have a feeling once they leave the apartment i just go lie in bed and sleep until they show up the next day again haha.

i also have a list of stuff todo from the last couple of weeks, and I will go through that one more time to make sure I got it all done. Or at least the things that NEED to get done.

Oh, I need to buy bread and something to drink.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Right, I have until 7pm tonight get all the cleaning done, mother is coming over. I've got work 10-3 today as well. So want to get some done before work but it'll be clean, clean, clean after


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
uh oh, mother inspection level of cleaning required!! best of luck.
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