Todo item for you: lay on the couch binge watching Netflix. ^_^ And lots of tea.Too tired today to do much, first day off since last Sunday aka a week of solid working.
Changed the bedding and put old in wash
Pretty much what I did, I watched more of The Crown.Todo item for you: lay on the couch binge watching Netflix. ^_^ And lots of tea.
Let's gooooooTodays list;
Sort out the clothes washing in my room (big job!! looks like a launderette)
Washing up
Post an important letter
Rubbish out
That's the spirit, mini summer vacationPretty much what I did, I watched more of The Crown.
Today it's already 11:30 and I've still not started.
I have this too, so much stacked everywhere. However I have done the majority of the laundry now and there's not enough to do another load today.Sort out the clothes washing in my room (big job!! looks like a launderette
Is it just not having free time that laundry stacks up? Because when I have enough to run it, I just run it on some 15 to 25 minute eco setting, and throw it in the dryer. Which takes 45 to 60 minutes. I try to start laundry, do dishes or something else, then stop that and throw it in the dryer, then go watch a tv episode, or sort out something else in the apartment. Then 'kinda' fold my laundry.I have this too, so much stacked everywhere. However I have done the majority of the laundry now and there's not enough to do another load today.
Also have done half the washing up so far.
I couldn't afford to run a tumble dryer even if I had space for one! So I gave stuff hanging everywhere drying, and then it's the folding and putting away that I've not had time for. Or had timevto run the washing machine really lately, worked 7 days last week so having a big catch up with all the cleaning now.Is it just not having free time that laundry stacks up? Because when I have enough to run it, I just run it on some 15 to 25 minute eco setting, and throw it in the dryer. Which takes 45 to 60 minutes. I try to start laundry, do dishes or something else, then stop that and throw it in the dryer, then go watch a tv episode, or sort out something else in the apartment. Then 'kinda' fold my laundry.
Given, I am alone, so it's probably easier for me. But I try to not let it stack up, and I know when I have like 3 loads to do, it's because I was sick, or too busy with other offline stuff, or lazy/depression simply wins.
No judgy question!! Just honestly curious.
yeah that can make it all last a lot longer. Thanks for the info! I got lucky, I had a broken dryer, and after my mom moved into the care home I got the old one. So I can tumble againI couldn't afford to run a tumble dryer even if I had space for one! So I gave stuff hanging everywhere drying, and then it's the folding and putting away that I've not had time for. Or had timevto run the washing machine really lately, worked 7 days last week so having a big catch up with all the cleaning now.
Nice! Best of luck todayDone clothes washing and hung outside
Had coffee
Thats it so far
Waiting for shopping to arrive
Then my room I guess
Pretty sure that's everyday for @Nix and me!I have a kitchen full of dishes. lol