The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 5)

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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
So the plan is to move the microwave to the other unit, and put the airfryer where the microwave was. Cleaning both areas as well, possibly the microwave as well if I have time, motivation etc!


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
My bro and fam are here tomorrow... so yeah... wish me luck!


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
So the plan is to move the microwave to the other unit, and put the airfryer where the microwave was. Cleaning both areas as well, possibly the microwave as well if I have time, motivation etc!
Things are moved, I haven't yet cleaned the microwave though. I also moved the kettle so it's nearer the tea and fridge!

Must remember to take the rubbish out on my way to work


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- did 15 minutes of dishes, just cups and mugs, my back hurts, meh. woke up groggy, motivation to bother is zero. haha


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- mobile air conditioning unit installed, took me a whole night and morning, almost ready for the summer.
- made a mess in the apartment. slowly tidying up.
- weekly deliveries have all arrived, next is some coffee stuff at a distribution point, I have a week to go pick that up, so don't have to stay awake for those
- threw the trash out, and some empty boxes
- tidied up the fridge a bit
- cleaned the floor in the toiletroom and bathroom


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- gathered up the trash in the kitchen, but wasn't enough to be thrown out yet.
- threw out some empty boxes, still have one run to go but my backpain isn't helping motivate me.
- threw out the broken door. (made of glass), I am never going to fix it, just yeet it.
- did another coffee pour-over test to try and learn the min/max of what I like, and cleaned all the coffee things I own.
- stared at the dishes for a while.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Cleaned some bowls last night
- Picked up some packages in town this morning
- Just gathered up some things and moved stuff around
- Ordered things I need and want
- Planned a (redacted, in case emily reads this)
- Did the dishes. Caught up on the cups, mugs, and glasses. Did the bowls and plates. Just pots/pans and forks/knives left.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I woke up at 5am. gulp. It will be a long day today with loads of waiting for loads of deliveries.

I will use the time to try and make a start putting things in the livingroom in their place so I have more space to clean the livingroom. And in the meantime ill let the cutlary soak in soapy water and give it a quick scrub. And do some pots and pans once in a while.

- Cleaned the toilet bowl, and glass in the bathroom.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

- Had some food.
- Got bin liner ready to be thrown out downstairs
- Opened a window for fresh air flow
- Put up the light strip against the ceiling, but couldn't get it to work, pout. will check again tomorrow.
- Started and finished laundry,
- and put it in the dryer, it's not finished yet.

I am taking a break, organized my email inbox, and now we wait for today's deliveries.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I have to gut downstairs as I have a friend coming over for dinner later and I only have till 2pm!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- tried my best to tidy and clean, but life. so, I am writing off today.
- dryer finished though.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- 50% of the deliveries have arrived, today's gonna be another one of those days.
- I just walked into the kitchen and realised how much progress I made, I didn't have that feeling yesterday.
- I've thrown out more trash and boxes, things I don't need. Old shoes, etc. The livingroom is slowly having room again to start putting stuff in their place.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I did the gross job, unclogged the drain of hair.
Cleaned bath and sink


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I did the gross job, unclogged the drain of hair.
Cleaned bath and sink
After the bathroom renovation i haven't done that at all. Each time I checked it looked clean enough. but it's now over a year, I really have to do it and take preventive action probably. I will add it to the june todo list.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
After the bathroom renovation i haven't done that at all. Each time I checked it looked clean enough. but it's now over a year, I really have to do it and take preventive action probably. I will add it to the june todo list.
Yeah but you don't have waist length hair!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Welp, I tried to find some rest, I end up lying awake in bed and then having to stay up all day. So I slept 30 minutes in the last 30 hours or so. Screw cleaning.

I have however done 10 seconds things here and there, so I did not fall behind too much.

- tiny tidying up
- tiny cleaning
- stared at things to do
- threw out the packaging
- groceries showed up, organized fridge, threw out some old food.
- gathered up trash, and I am about to walk downstairs to throw that out.
- cleaned the filter in the dryer, the new cotton towels were very fluffy
- reorganized the hue light system in my apartment.
- ordered a table lamp that's wireless, and added it to the hue system
- ordered a gradient standing lamp thing that points at a wall for ambient light, it should arrive tomorrow.
- got some fake plants (succulents) for the balcony (and will use them inside when I don't use the balcony after the summer)
- cleaned the coffee equipment stuff.
- started using the airtight coffee storage containers that I bought. Throughout the week I tried 5 imported coffee beans and put the leftover beans in the containers for another day
- since it's not ridiculously hot, the airco unit I installed is moved aside and out of the way, and I tidied the area again
- trying to find the courage to get rid of a broken chair, it will be a hassle getting it downstairs, it's too wide for most doors.
- I let the vacuum robot clean the carpet, and when there's more space, I will let it do the whole apartment.
- cleaned the toilet floor last night real quick.
- got a few different shampoos and I realized I am out of body wash, so I will have to find something interesting
- made a plan to move the mini-farm (actually huge) back into the hallway so the 9th we have room for dinner
- FINALLY got the dinner invitation for the family members sorted, and they should get it in the mail tomorrow.

I now have a week to plan how to rest on the 8th and the day of the 9th, but still sort out drinks and snacks on the balcony before they show up, decorate with the VIP stuff before they show up, and how to present the food, before they show up - and keep it warm ..
So that means 27th, to 7th of June, I can enjoy the spring mornings on the balcony, and get the balcony ready for the summer (and works out great that a bunch will be ready by the time we have dinner). Get the kitchen clean and ready to be used, and the livingroom, while tidying and cleaning the apartment before they come. Maybe ill ask the cleaning lady to come for an extra hour. So she can do kitchen, dusting in livingroom, quick scrub of the bathroom sink and toilet, and the kitchen. ill have a think. So I can focus on making space, getting stuff sorted. etc.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Emptied the right cupboard in the kitchen
- put on jazz
- cleaned the cupboard a bit
- moved what I wanted to use daily to the left one, move the rest to the closet in the inheritance-storage-room #2.
- and went to play Minecraft, so I don't get stuck in the emotions of dealing with inheritance stuff.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Yay, I woke up without a headache!

- Besides knives, forks, spoons, and pots and pans, I have not done all the cups, mugs, glasses, and plates big and small, and moved things around in the cupboards and put more away in the other room that I don't use daily. Progress! Mental wall claimed, .. thanks Mom and Dad (in a good way, not being sarcastic).

- Told the robot to re-map the whole apartment, I opened every door and let it do its thing.

- Removed mopping pads off of the robot first btw, and then told it to vacuum everything 2x on high. It's grumpy, but it's doing it.

- Listening to jazz while letting the big and small cutlery soak in boiling hot soapy water (after scrubbing the sink first).

- Gathered up more trash, and got two empty plastic bags full of crap I can throw out later.

- Moved a broken chair downstairs, I was not looking forward to doing this ~ but it's done!

- Got the kitchen table (living room table.. actually) chair from the storage room again, so I have at least 2 or 3 of them now that we can use next week.

- Made more room where possible. And I've stacked some boxes more efficiently.

- Oh yeah, and I've started to make room in the little hallway/corridor area, so I can clean the floor (look for spider webs in the corners of ceilings), mop the floor, etc. The plan is to move the miniature farm here this week. RIP my back :/

- Ordered some things to replace in the kitchen, stuff like bowls that broke a while ago, and I have just one spoon to scoop food from bowls to a plate, so got a set of four (fingers crossed it's what I think it is).

The Kitchen Upgrade is going .. not really strong, but it's going. From "I have to really clean this and learn how to keep it clean" to "Now that I am doing that.. it's time to figure out what I have, what I want to use, what I need to fix, what I need to buy, what to put away, etc.". At least, this first step. While waiting for the guy I pay rent to finally reply about the renovation. Which he still hasn't done (I guess I will have to call..)

- Threw the left-over toilet cleaning stuff into the bowl, and in a little bit I will give it a scrub and a rinse. I don't really have the time (yet) to do a proper cleaning of the whole bowl, but I've done the floor, doing one side of the walls first, now this.. And then soon the other wall and then the whole bowl.
Last edited:


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, another update for today.

- Cutlery done! I just have pots and pans left, and then tomorrow I can scrub the surface areas in the kitchen and rinse / wipe and dry it.
- Cupboards organized, things are how I use them. FINALLY, Took years to get to this point. It was just 'it is there because there's space to hide it there', and now it is 'it's there because I use it, and what I don't use I moved somewhere else'.
- Had lunch, and did the dishes right away. lol.
- Tidied up the kitchen island (it's not really an island) so it looks less messy.
- Moved all trash into a bin liner, so I can throw it out easier.

I think I am done for today, I don't want to push it. And I have some days of balcony and livingroom stuff to do. So let's focus on that as well, and then slowly work on finishing the kitchen.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Deliveries that were scheduled for tuesday started showing up. My livingroom is full of boxes again. haha. Fake plants added to the balcony, and I've asked my sister and niece if they want to make it all pretty once they're here on the 9th.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Another day starts of working on the livingroom and the balcony.

- Quick dishes to clean what I've used, still got a few pots and pans to do.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
By the way, I keep wanting to share some pictures, so here are the pictures ..

Screen-Shot 2023-05-28 at 07.47.47.png
There.. little overview.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, back on track..

- Moved the rugs back to the balcony, so I can walk barefoot on the balcony again.

- Moved a 'stand thing' to the balcony, and some of the fake plants for it.

- Moved three chairs I need to throw out to the front of the apartment, will throw them away later, SO HEAVY

- Installed the extra shield I bought last year. the one I had up survived, so .. put it up. Still need do a better job, but it's up !

- Aired out the apartment.

- Watered the plants that aren't fake haha

- Removed the broken and left over stuff that's weaved through the fence on the balcony, it needed to go, it's just lying on the floor, still need to throw it out, but my eyes can't do much more right now.

- Taking a break, having breakfast on the balcony!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I went to bed, got tired and just nodded off in the chair, so crawled into bed. Woke up at midnight.

- Gathered up trash to throw away.

- Cleaned out food from the fridge that I no longer trust.

- Moved the heavy stairs downstairs, that was pushing my limits, gosh.

- Ordered things for the bathroom, as I run out of shaving, body wash and other soaps.

- Made a bit of food, and did the dishes, still got pots and pans to do, #soon
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