Thank you
@Nix for waking me up

It's now closing in on midnight, and I slept okay enough. My body aches from all the heavy lifting today haha. BACK TO WORK.
I've just checked out in the dark how the balcony looks and the gradient light on the inside does wonders, I can see on the balcony again at night! And with the recent changes to it, it's going to be a cozy comfy fancy summer. I love it. hehe. Feels good to make that progress.
- The shield wiring against the balcony fence thing, I've moved it around a bit and pulled it taut. It's all a bit better, looks a bit neater.
- Made room on the balcony to get the table out of the way, ready to be moved to the other side, for once the final balcony rug is here. Year 1, got one.. year 2, got another, now year 3, finally the third one. Slowest budgeting I've done so far, a couple of bucks a month to pay for it
- The old bamboo crap shield that's left over, that was broken by the storms and weathering, the other day I removed it finally, and it's just lying on the floor. I've gathered it up and thrown away a bit in the bin liner, but the bigger stuff needs to get dealt with differently. I need daylight for that.
- I've moved the living room table out of the way so I could move the farm.
- Whatever was on the table is in a crate in temporary storage.
- Cleaned the living room table.
- Vacuumed the floor in the living room, swiffered the cleaned floor,
- then told the vacuum robot to do a better job than me, on high, 2x, and mopping on high 2x,
- When it was done, I mopped the floor so there was no water left.
- I've removed the last few things from the hallway
- Moved the bike to the entrance hallway for now, will move it back to the other hallway once I am done.
- Moved the manual vacuum cleaner to the smallest storage room.
- Cried a little but moved the farm to the hallway haha.
- Sorted out space in the living room first to move things around.
- And I've moved the farm carpet that's rolled up to the bedroom where it's not in the way.
- I found all four table chairs so that I can remove the discolored on. Fuck me I hate these chairs. I have a few options now in chairs, because I know some people have back issues, so they get to pick.
- The floor in the toilet has been cleaned again. Grout work done!
- I've poured some cleaning stuff down the drains in the sink in the bathroom and the little drain thingy. And let that soak in and emptied like 3 big buckets of sorta soapy hot water down it, to really flush things through.
- And I've moved the living room table in its place again for the dinner next week, I can reposition it how I want it after they're gone.
- In the entrance hallway I've moved things into the shoe-storage closet so it's out of the way, and people have room to hang up coats and put down bags, etc. I will have to dust and clean. I've already told the robot to vacuum 2x on medium.
- Tidied up a few things here and there, so I wouldn't walk into it and so it's not in the way.
- Gathered up the dishes, it's really not a lot, so I better stay on that now that I've caught up basically.
- I've vacuumed the carpet in the living room twice over the last few days, and it looks a bit less messy now. I will tell the robot vacuum to go over it on high twice tomorrow when I have a bit more space.
- The light strip that I fixed, I've ordered a socket extender for it, and duct taped it a little bit, so should remain fixed for a while.
- Cleaned the kitchen surface area a little bit, more to do.
- Aired out of the kitchen by opening the window, there was a strong northern wind, so that helped.
- Run the air purifier for 10 minutes in the living room.
- Cleaned the stove pretty well.
- Cleaned the kitchen sink pretty well.
- Made macaroni sauce and it was soooo good. And later made macaroni and quickly caught up on the dishes I've made.
Things still to do:
- throw the trash out
- collect deliveries (gonna be a lot on Tuesday/Wednesday)
- prepare a schedule for the 7th, 8th, 9th, where 8th is mainly a rest day.
- maybe do some quick cable management of the tv stuff, it's quite messy, and I can do better
- clean the square balcony table, as I will need it inside.
- wash the tablecloth for that table, and figure out if I can wash the new one I just bought.
- wash my bedding.
- clean toilet bowl in a few days again, scrubby scrub
- Once the things for dinner have all been delivered (items, not food), do a test run to see how it looks. So I can manage expectations and deal with disappointment a bit better and not panic last minute for trying my best. haha
gosh, I probably forgot loads of things, I've been running around (but taking my time) to do a million things without losing track. I want my apartment summer ready, the balcony summer ready more than last year, and I want to enjoy a cozy June. And this family dinner is out of my comfort zone. But with comfy people, so it will be fine. But, I want it to be an experience for us all as well. So doing two things at once ^_^
Big things I don't look forward to do:
- Move the heavy deliveries upstairs without passing out. haha
- Put wood stuff together without breaking or ruining it, I should charge my drill now that I think of it..
- Charge drill..
- Pre-order the food on time, and call the company to confirm the order.
- Call them on the 9th to remind them to not fuck up that evening by not forgetting about us, and showing up on time.
- Putting up all the VIP things, haha. they're all cheap items, I worry it will be a stupid gimmick rather than what I have in mind.