The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 3)

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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Made a good start before work today, got one load of washing up done, wiped over the bathroom sink and cleaned the bathroom window.
April is going to be my spring clean month, get it all done and finish having that sort out


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Shopping delivery
Clean loo
Washing up
Clothes washing done
Hoover downstairs
Water plants

Tomorrow I have my bro and fam down for the day.... so excited, not seen them in ages... will be a good day so got to tidy up a bit in morning.
I already forgot that tonight Amazon should deliver via DHL. Uhm, i better not go to bed and miss it. haha. They are probably late due to the weather though.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
omg, i can cancel my brother in law to come and help, he doesn't have to drive through this weather. I DID IT MYSELF. this is like "MAN MAKE FIRE" moment for me, haha. I can't believe i figured it out.

The big heavy farm is out of the hallway now. i cant believe it, i had 3mm on each side to get it through the door and the thing weighs a ton.

i am 100% going to take a break, 90% has been done. now i have 18 days to put it in a temporary place in the livingroom, why stress over that now. time to get a drink, have lunch, finish boiling my eggs, and watch some tv, wait for amazon to arrive, and call it a day.

MY GOSH, anxiety levels are at 0, which of course means i will now get legal emails that make it go to 100% again, but that's at least not my fault. haha


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Last update for today.

Wiped the floor clean, it had loads of dust from cleaning other things.

Moved things into the dishwasher, will have more tonight and then ill start it tomorrow.

Farm moved into the final spot, it will be there until end of May.

Amazon just showed up, jsut as i fall asleep for a nap, my body is like 304950294 heart rate now lol. so going back to bed.

tonight sister still comes despite cancelling, we have other stuff to discuss, so we will have some dinner together and say hi. but at least no havy lifting of the farm etc in the dark.
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Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Did quite well today, did a little washing up before work, and changed the bedding after work.
I'm going to be out most of tomorrow as well, so I'll try to get quite a bit done before I go.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Saturday: Mac mini on the agenda.

Today is all about doing 100% nothing, and waiting for the mac mini to return. Which I will just play with and setup again to be used here.

I might do some dishes, but that's probably about it. I put enough time and energy this week in some heavy tasks, immah take a full day off of manual labour haha.

^^ i just checked this thread to find out i didn't actually post this ^^

update, saturday night.. I've done some throwing away of trash, cleaned a thing, and set up the mac mini. and that's it.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

I just woke up, and to make sure I can take it easy today as well, I just moved more dishes into the dishwasher, more laundry into the washing machine, and I cut the strips i bought for the door to size and put them on the 2 doors. I am happy i finished making room in those two rooms, and that the doors can close now. So I could order these strips and put them on them - I have to air out those rooms on the 18th or something but that's okay. My body wasn't happy with me after just waking up to get started right away, lol.

Time to hydrate, sit down for a few minutes, and then start dishes and laundry. Not sure if that will be it for today, we will find out later, haha. The plan is to just take it easy. I am on schedule. Maybe the last thing I will do today is have a lunch and update the schedule since it's been a few days.

Have a nice weekend :P

dishwasher is running, washing machine is done and i just put it all in the dryer.
did the floor in a few rooms, so that's done too.
and then went back to doing maintenance on the minecraft server
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
7:30 am the renovations upstairs woke me up, lol, i thought i was getting shot or something. gosh..

Since then I've worked on the maintenance of the mc server, as well as updating some documents on my system, and go through legal emails.

Cleaning wise, I've been moving things around in the apartment to make a bit more space and to make sure i keep up with what i am trying to keep clean.

And i've unplugged the mac mini from livingroom table and moved it to the computer table. further away from the dust. (nix has a video haha)

today amazon should show up again with some ear protection gear, hopefully it will arrive tonight as promised, and not 3 hours early, because once the renovation goes quiet, im going back to bed for a few hours.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Well I've got electricians in just after Easter, so the flat has to be sorted before then


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Well I've got electricians in just after Easter, so the flat has to be sorted before then
I've got a gas check next week...
Today we find out about George's leg and possible surgery again.

Need to gut my room today and tidy the kitchen up.
Need to set up new kettle and toaster as well.

Got Abbs off today as well so she needs to catch up on work and get better hopefully.

Need to sort out this months bills and pay rent too.

Called Dad for his birthday.
Called Sal and she has finally tested negative today.
Waiting for a call from Carole.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
So much stuff to do nix, GET GOING! :D

Thanks everybody btw for still using this thread, i know it helps me :)
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Today's list;

Sort my bedroom phase 2
Sort coffee machine
rubbish out
Shopping amends
Email school re work and dermatologist appointment
Prep returns
Bills and rent

SO far called school and doctors (for abbs) and emailed teachers for homework as Abbs off again today.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Today's list;

Sort my bedroom phase 2
Sort coffee machine
rubbish out
Shopping amends
Email school re work and dermatologist appointment
Prep returns
Bills and rent

SO far called school and doctors (for abbs) and emailed teachers for homework as Abbs off again today.
Busy morning.

Upstairs renovation started at 9 today, not 7:30, which helped. But I woke up feeling weird in my back and when i deep inhale, I met april first with ppl who had covid, so i was worried. Did a self test and was negative, so i am fine i guess. but dunno why i feel different this morning. Maybe just stress/panic over everything. Or just cold air in the bedroom having an effect on me while i slept.

Once it goes quiet, i will go back to bed and then ill be up again when DHL claims they will show up today. (new attempt i guess haha)


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
All deliveries showed up today, and I had a fantastic time in bed with a back that had muscle cramps. Gosh. Alright, back to bed, since i dont have to be up for nobody now. haha. See you all tomorrow.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
OK so today phase 2 of the bedroom happened.... tomorrow is phase 3! There are a few phases as I have lots to do and I'm only doing an hour at a time!
Got post done
Got prescriptions picked up
All rubbish out
Shopping amends done


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
OK so today phase 2 of the bedroom happened.... tomorrow is phase 3! There are a few phases as I have lots to do and I'm only doing an hour at a time!
Got post done
Got prescriptions picked up
All rubbish out
Shopping amends done
Nice job!

I worked on the kitchen today, because this weekend i will have to prepare the kitchen to make space for next week's "moving of heavy things". so we will see.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I tidied up the kitchen, and that will probably be it for today. I have too much paperwork to deal with in the morning hours.

Later today I will start moving things from the kitchen out of the way, perhaps reorganize a few cabinets to better store bigger things. Like i said yesterday, to make space and make it easier to move big things around. The dryer and washing machine at some point has to be moved to the kitchen somehow.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Rubbish out
Clothes washing on
Fridge prepped for shopping

Waiting for hermes to collect returns
Washing up
Bedroom phase 3
Shopping delivery away
Dinner & Venom!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Broken freezer moved to livingroom

moved kitchen island(?) thing to the side and cleaned the floor a bit there

made space for the other big things, so i can put dryer and washing machine in the kitchen.


dryer is in the kitchen now
fridge moved on top of the dryer
fridge cleaned
area cleaned where i now have space for the washing machine, will not be doing that today
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Saturday will be about following up on everything I've done thursday/friday but couldn't finish. (small things)
Throwing boxes out
Keeping up with the dishes and laundry.
And i want to clean the food prep boxes i bought (they say they are dishwasher safe, so we will find out)

Then slowly start prepping the chicken, veggies, etc.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Saturday update.

I've cleaned the kitchen more, well, tried to make surface room and rinse that off etc. So I can start cooking :D

Cooked rice, put it aside while organizing ingredients.
Cooked potatoes, covered them in potato herbs, moved them aside too when it was ready.
I've put cut-up onion, aubergine, garlic, mushrooms, spring onion, etc, in a frying pan and when that was ready I put that aside.
While things were cooking I cut up chicken and marinated that, let it rest until I had time and room to prep that in the frying pan.
When things were done, I had those little green peas and little carrots in a pot heating up, and used that wait time to get the six containers.

Earlier today I put like 12 to 15 containers in the dishwasher, since they were new. They came out fine, no warping nothing.

I added a portion of potatoes to three of them. And then portion rice to three of them. Any leftovers I have put in other containers to store, probably lunch with a fried egg and other veggies.

Then, I split up the onion/garlic/etc which turned out to be less than expected, so next time I will double that up.

Next, portioned the green peas and carrots in the six containers, which seemed to be sorta enough, if the next time i only make five of these, than this will be fine. But maybe next time when it's six i will either do a bit more. Or a lot less, and go with something else like broccoli (airfryer) for variation.

And finally, the chicken in chunks of three. I normally don't have that much meat with my meal, i try to cut down. And I normally have like 250 to 300g for a few days. So I thought this 600 was enough. I don't think so. For five, maybe. For six, I dunno. Maybe next time I will get more chicken. Or maybe make some beef too.

Done, lit on. I let it cool down outside the fridge. And then I put it stacked into the fridge. Tonight I will have one, and I will have five portions left for this week.

This was fun to test. And while sure, things are expensive these days, a takeout is at least 15 euro to deliver at home, and i try to spend 2 days with that. And when I go grocery shopping for a meal for that day, I try to split it up for 2 days as well, but the bill is usually around 15 as well. This was basically 19 euros, for six days.

The potatoes I could portion over four or five containers, so I now know this was the right amount. But I had a box with rice leftover that I wanted to use, and I wanted to try variations as well. The rice was way too much, I had enough left, I thought i calculated it correctly, but I guess I am already used to smaller than 1 person portions of 50g instead of what everybody says should be 75 for one person for an evening meal. I can easily do six boxes with this amount of rice.

Next is to learn how to prep for a handful of days for either breakfast or lunch, but my brain can't think right now, this took quite a bit of careful thinking, mental energy, and trusting myself that i won't screw this up. it sounds a bit over the top, but if you knew how i was offline right now, this was like a little ' good job Floris' moment haha.

At the end of the day, before eating a week of this stuff, I can say this is worth it. I can do this in the time i can deal with it with my eyes. And calculating portions is fine, i just need to do it a few times. And it feels like it is cheaper than figuring out every other day or so what evening dinner is going to be. And you eat what you decide for yourself, unlike normally where i go 'this is enough, i can split it up in a few days', and then at the end of the week you still ate too many carbs or calories.

Sorry for having a dirty old kitchen. My focus this week was mainly on preparing for the upcoming renovations, than deep-cleaning the ridges and corners of my old kitchen (which they for some reason didn't want to renovate). now that i have invested time into cooking today, I can start proper nitpicking of kitchen stuff this week, together with other parts of the apartment. Which feels weird, because in a week it will be covered in dust - everywhere - , probably.

Btw, the last pic, the fridge already looks empty now, because most of it went into the meals, and i had stuff delivered yesterday. But, I have enough milk for coffee, chocolate milk, breakfast oats, i have tuna for lunch salads (every other day or so), and bread for grilled cheese sandwiches. I have eggs with ham, and a desert. I will be fine. i just hate how EMPTY it looks. haha
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Well done @Floris

Done shopping
Done first cuppa with Sal

Washing up...all of it lol
Tidy table
rubbish out
Set up coffee machine
Cuppa with the girls at 12.45
Dinner .. toad in the hole!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I should have coffee with some gals, but no gals in my gally life
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've further tidied up the kitchen area, and some stuff laying around the apartment. moved things back in their spots, and had a hot chocolate milk, im done for today. dont care anymore. time to rest :)
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