Saturday update.
I've cleaned the kitchen more, well, tried to make surface room and rinse that off etc. So I can start cooking
Cooked rice, put it aside while organizing ingredients.
Cooked potatoes, covered them in potato herbs, moved them aside too when it was ready.
I've put cut-up onion, aubergine, garlic, mushrooms, spring onion, etc, in a frying pan and when that was ready I put that aside.
While things were cooking I cut up chicken and marinated that, let it rest until I had time and room to prep that in the frying pan.
When things were done, I had those little green peas and little carrots in a pot heating up, and used that wait time to get the six containers.
Earlier today I put like 12 to 15 containers in the dishwasher, since they were new. They came out fine, no warping nothing.
I added a portion of potatoes to three of them. And then portion rice to three of them. Any leftovers I have put in other containers to store, probably lunch with a fried egg and other veggies.
Then, I split up the onion/garlic/etc which turned out to be less than expected, so next time I will double that up.
Next, portioned the green peas and carrots in the six containers, which seemed to be sorta enough, if the next time i only make five of these, than this will be fine. But maybe next time when it's six i will either do a bit more. Or a lot less, and go with something else like broccoli (airfryer) for variation.
And finally, the chicken in chunks of three. I normally don't have that much meat with my meal, i try to cut down. And I normally have like 250 to 300g for a few days. So I thought this 600 was enough. I don't think so. For five, maybe. For six, I dunno. Maybe next time I will get more chicken. Or maybe make some beef too.
Done, lit on. I let it cool down outside the fridge. And then I put it stacked into the fridge. Tonight I will have one, and I will have five portions left for this week.
This was fun to test. And while sure, things are expensive these days, a takeout is at least 15 euro to deliver at home, and i try to spend 2 days with that. And when I go grocery shopping for a meal for that day, I try to split it up for 2 days as well, but the bill is usually around 15 as well. This was basically 19 euros, for six days.
The potatoes I could portion over four or five containers, so I now know this was the right amount. But I had a box with rice leftover that I wanted to use, and I wanted to try variations as well. The rice was way too much, I had enough left, I thought i calculated it correctly, but I guess I am already used to smaller than 1 person portions of 50g instead of what everybody says should be 75 for one person for an evening meal. I can easily do six boxes with this amount of rice.
Next is to learn how to prep for a handful of days for either breakfast or lunch, but my brain can't think right now, this took quite a bit of careful thinking, mental energy, and trusting myself that i won't screw this up. it sounds a bit over the top, but if you knew how i was offline right now, this was like a little ' good job Floris' moment haha.
At the end of the day, before eating a week of this stuff, I can say this is worth it. I can do this in the time i can deal with it with my eyes. And calculating portions is fine, i just need to do it a few times. And it feels like it is cheaper than figuring out every other day or so what evening dinner is going to be. And you eat what you decide for yourself, unlike normally where i go 'this is enough, i can split it up in a few days', and then at the end of the week you still ate too many carbs or calories.

Sorry for having a dirty old kitchen. My focus this week was mainly on preparing for the upcoming renovations, than deep-cleaning the ridges and corners of my old kitchen (which they for some reason didn't want to renovate). now that i have invested time into cooking today, I can start proper nitpicking of kitchen stuff this week, together with other parts of the apartment. Which feels weird, because in a week it will be covered in dust - everywhere - , probably.
Btw, the last pic, the fridge already looks empty now, because most of it went into the meals, and i had stuff delivered yesterday. But, I have enough milk for coffee, chocolate milk, breakfast oats, i have tuna for lunch salads (every other day or so), and bread for grilled cheese sandwiches. I have eggs with ham, and a desert. I will be fine. i just hate how EMPTY it looks. haha